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Black Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Black Valkyrie

  1. I remember those pics, its really something impressive.
  2. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/431708
  3. I've managed to work the Dreamcast emu/roms on the Genesis Mini. it works but 30% slower, due to the week Genesis Mini processor.
  4. https://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/1146290-dc-fandome-flash-panel-teases
  5. I like it so far, I have no issues with it, my wallet is gonna cry later on.
  6. https://news.toyark.com/2020/08/21/hasbro-star-wars-live-stream-8-21-20-tvc-black-series-5-poa-399294
  7. Finally I've managed to upload PSOne roms into the Genesis Mini (through an external flash memory) and it works perfectly, especially the Capcom fighting games and Thunder Force V.
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