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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Some others have mentioned using rare earth magnets within the model to help tighten it. For me, a pin-hole job is easier and steadier. I can't wait for the other VF-25s to come out! From what I figure the price of the armor pack PLUS what I paid for the original un-armored model is probably close to the full armored model. Oh, and here the link to what I've done so far. http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...25%20Macross-F/
  2. I have the Alto Valk, though construction is on hold until the armor parts I pre-ordered come out. For that kit there are a LOT of small parts, as this is a transforming model. The whole model is made up of little bits that come together to make the larger everything! But its surprisingly easy to assemble as long as you go slow and with patience. One thing I noticed is its tendency to be a little floppy, hence my decision to add anchor points between the arms and legs and along the wing roots, though I heard the Ozma (which I also have) is of a better fit. They may have adjusted their molds to answer complaints about the Alto. And what's great, is that for most of the entire build, you don't need paint or glue! Even half done, its a great and sexy model! I'd post a link to mine, but Photobucket isn't loading for me right now.
  3. 55! Wow! Just think of all the stories as yet untold from across the Galaxy! People with a mind to creating their own Macross Universe have plenty of ground to play on.
  4. There are some people doing 3D images of the Uraga and other ship, but I ... cant.. remember... who they... are...
  5. I might start something here, but... Since we have an image of Minmay in the locket at the end of Mac-Frontier, isn't that considered writing about it, even in the most oblique sense? It's a great tease, don't you think, that if not realized would make Kawamori the Devil and all of us are his Damned subjects. I do hope that we get some answer as to what truly happened to them. Falling off the edge of the universe isn't enough for me. These were the character that I fell in love with as a kid. These are Kawamori's first 'children.' They can't just be dropped and never seen again. Can they...?
  6. Okay, I foresee another reason to buy yet ANOTHER Hasegawa VF-1, if only to kitbash that baby! That thing is sweet, a cool mix of the VF-1, the VF-2SS and the VF-4. Are there any pics of its sexy bottom? I want to see what they have under there. Over on Fan Works, anime52k8, redid the VF-4 with the VF-25 legs and other touches. Pretty cool looking. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28584
  7. Yah, that is way deep in there! Thanks a lot!
  8. I like how the price has dropped on that bootleg version - from 22.00 to 18.70 US dollars. https://www.animeniacs.com/item/DVD2753.html I swear the price dropped while I was reading this thread last night!
  9. No, I mean the Hasegawa Valkyries - non transforming. Upon viewing completed models, the turbofans look far too forward. When I build mine I'm figuring on pushing them further into the nacelle so they're not in direct sight, and just wondered if anyone else thought the same.
  10. Does anyone think that the turbofans should be recessed further within the inlets? I'm thinking of doing this when I build mine and just think that it would be more realistic if they were tucked in more. Your thoughts?
  11. I think it's alright, but just a little overdone. I like the VF-1Minmay guard schemes. Not so flashy. Not to mention that I think Ozma would have a serious problem with that picture of Ranka in the bikini. She's pretty much his little sister - not material for a pin-up!!
  12. Well, there size problem is my benefit!! As for canopy fit, there looks to be more than enough head room, so - full speed ahead!
  13. No problem about time. We all know it takes some to get something good. Thanks for the tip about the nose markers, but did you paint them on the inside, like the 'eye' piece on the head? That turned out real well on mine.
  14. I bought this as pre-order when it first came out, and finally got around to it. Its a really sweet model, great on detail, both in what you see, and the planning that took it from someone's thoughts, to my modeling table! Here are some pics. Alto himself - http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...=AltosVF-25.jpg His office - http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...AltosVF-253.jpg The cool head unit - http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...AltosVF-252.jpg And pieces - http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...AltosVF-255.jpg http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...AltosVF-254.jpg Right now, this is still the mock phase, just making sure all the pieces fit before I take it apart and break out the airbrush. I know some will put it straight together, but I think it will benefit from a coat of white. I just can't get past some of the plastic 'swirl' effect on the surface. While I was watching episode 12 again, I noted how the VF-25 changes from tandem to single seat and back again. I put this up to the transforming characteristics of the technology, then thought, 'why not make it a two seater?' I have a 1/100 scale Gundam on the sidelines and its seat and pilot are just about perfect. Lucky!! The figure is just slightly smaller, and the size difference is hardly noticeable unless you compare side to side with Alto. So, here it is, tandem seat VF-25 - with Ranka!! http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...nt=DSCF9271.jpg http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...nt=DSCF9270.jpg http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...nt=DSCF9269.jpg These next pics are test fits, and i'm noticing the tendency to be somewhat floppy. That could probably tighten up with full assembly, but I'm going to be putting some tabs here and there. http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...nt=DSCF9274.jpg http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...=DSCF9273-1.jpg http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...nt=DSCF9276.jpg And yes, I know the wings are upside... Good thing they're not glued yet... Anyone else find it odd that a 1/100 scale Gundam figure is just about even with a 1/72 scale Macross figure?
  15. 'Kay, I spotted Sheryl and Ranka, where's everyone else? And even if it had nothing to do with Mac-F, it's still a funny picture. I really like how whoever their chasing has his/her upper half out of frame!
  16. I voted for LION, but having reheard the second CD, I would have to say that Battle Aimo plays a close damn second, after Medley which is number one! It has a driving, dark force to it, as we understand along with Ranka, that this is not a battle hymn. And the fact the Vajra's love song was being used in this fashion is a cool, dark twist.
  17. Does anyone knwo when the other valkyries - Michel's and Luc's will be available in the US? I certainly am not minding dropping fifty bucks a pop on them! Although armor packs would be great. I would also love to see some ship models. That may never be, or not for some time, so until then I'm thinking of kit-bashing a Gundam into a Quarter style warship.
  18. Well thank you anyway. Until someone does, I'll continue to enjoy the pictures!
  19. Are there any translations in the works for 2059: Memories? I just got it in the mail, and though I enjoy picutres, if there is a translation out there, I would like to see it. Sank yu!
  20. Add my wishes - that Misa looks great! Could you have one of her sitting, as when she and Hikaru are outside the Grand Canon in his valkyrie. I want to do a dio of that! And how much were thinking as to price? And will you be selling them in bunches, half a dozen for however much?
  21. I was thinking, Max vs Millia - either version. Then Shin in Part 1 of Zero - awesome visuals in that. Then I thought of Klan Klan - anyone she's in is great, and even though she lost, I chose her and Brera - simply for that one ultra long shot. It's like her female intuition set in and she was so happy... Who else hit Brera so easily? Now if she had pwned him that would have been it, but he had better kung-fu... But still, that's my choice.
  22. In Robotech, she died along with Gloval, Claudia, Vanessa and Kim when the SDF-1 was destroyed. In Macross, I have no idea. I assume she had a wonderful military career and like Max, got her own fleet to command! All Hail Captain Shammy!!
  23. My Star at Formo is great, Ranka's first 'coming out!' Triangular. (full version) The Carrot Song!! Ninjiin Loves you yeah!!! Aimo is a haunting melody. But my favorite would be Lion (full version) DUET!!
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