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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Awesome work on that deck gun! Just fantastic! As for me, I'm digging them panel lines!
  2. If you didn't like it, then you don't like it. I've liked it from the start, and it has been improving.
  3. Do yourself a favor, and watch it! Up to episode six and, for me, it is only getting better as they go. The humor and drama - yes, there is drama - has leveled out really nicely. Even if you only want an escape show for an hour or so, the Orville is always a fun ride!
  4. Okay, liking this so dang much! A bit of misdirection going on though, I think. I think the part at the beginning, when she's talking about something inside her being awake, is the same conversation at the end, when she's asking for someone to show her where she belongs. I'm pretty sure she is also talking to Luke, and probably after his doubts first tell him not to train her. A lot of great things going on though. Plenty of space battles. Plenty FEELS, especially with Kylo's will he or won't he kill his mother. I would guess that killing his father wasn't as cathartic as he had hoped it would. And Snoke getting Rey there, more than likely follows after the scene with Kylo holding his hand out. Dang, can't wait until Dec!
  5. As long as it started as a Matchbox kit, you're good! Though, I came across a prob when I wanted to do a Uhu in the Matchbox box, that was actually a Revell kit that was put into a Matchbox, I guess during their buy-out. But, please join, all are welcome! http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/forum/604-matchbox-gb-ii/
  6. I've added another project to my busy table. I'm in the Matchbox group build on Britmodeller, and I just started to drop the flaps on my Lancaster.
  7. Those cars look great. Especially Bruce's civilian Batmobile! That's the only way I can think of it. It just looks like a stripped down Batmobile for daylight crime-fighting. Hell, it looks like something James Bond would drool to get behind the yoke of! And to think that one is a prototype and the other is based off a video game! Awesome...
  8. Okay, time to preorder!
  9. Yeah, I'd have to say that was underwhelming. I kept waiting for it to actually get started, but it just seemed to go on idle right until the legacy TOS chords came in - and then it just ended. It better be written and acted exceptionally, or they've just dropped the ball on every front. Having said that, I will not be watching. Found out the first episode is on regular TV but the second is only on-line with their streaming service..? So, I'd have to pay and go on-line to see the resolution to the first episodes? No. When they get their heads on straight and just put it on Netflix in the US - as it is for everyone else!! - I may watch it, or get it from some other place after it's been on for a while. And even so, the crappy look of the ship is still a killer for me. Another thing they didn't get right...
  10. What, pray tell, is this from..? Those look down right sexy. I sincerely hope that's a 6th Gen contender.
  11. So, if Harmony/Gold can use the designs in merchandise, how long before they start selling 1/72 models of the Veritech..?
  12. Two on the table. my Do 335, that I've put up previous, and now a /1000 Dreadnought from SBY 2202. This is going to the the UNCF Nautilus.
  13. Thom

    Hasegawa VF-31

    Ah, sorry to hear that. But a little scratching of some new outer wings should be able to backdate the J to the A.
  14. Nice At-At and awesome Yamato! And I shouldn't be having these thoughts about an inanimate doll...
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