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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Given the fabric nature of his cape I really disagree with the use of weird split plastic and arm holes. Unless there are swappable arms to remove them.
  2. I don't like the peg holes innthe back of the arms. Why aren't they using fabric?
  3. Sounds like the physical has the dlc preloaded but if you download it digitally you need the dlc too.
  4. The oddity about this complaint is the artdink games are 3d shooters. That's asking for a different kind of game. I like shmups, but this game isn't even up to par with a 30 yesr old Super Famicom title.
  5. That's confusing given it was already on Grahams disc. Maybe the digital version doesn't include that stuff? Or Switch version doesn't on disc?
  6. Create a japanese account and log in that way. You don't even have to play the game with your Japanese account. I csn playbthe game with dlc entirely from my US one.
  7. I didn't notice any input lag. The actual dodge move is implemented poorly however.
  8. Looks like I was wrong, Horus is only $180 at BBTS,
  9. Hlj doesn't have the deluxe version.
  10. Horus will be $200+ at most US sites, then.
  11. One gripe about Dhalsim, the skin looks shiny and plasticky. Also... no Yoga Flame. Bison, especially with the soft goods cape, looks incredible.
  12. Did they already ship their Ken?
  13. They seem to be putting a lot more detail into the recent HG's.
  14. Joytoy never makes you wait too long, but they do make you question how much you can afford.
  15. Gameplay is kind of a bummer. You can't both shoot your cannons and lock missles at the same time so you basically will use your missiles exclusively if you want an S rank on every level. Especially on Very Hard difficulty. I also basically exclusively play in portable mode. Everything is too damn small to really play at that size.
  16. I watched a playthough of the game. Not terribly impressive overall from the look of it. This is probably going to be a "I own another Macross game" instead of something I'd want tonplay much. I'd wager Scramble Valkyrie is still the best Macross shmup.
  17. Is it just me or is it taking Amazon Japan an inordinantly long time to ship packages these days?
  18. I wonder if more Valks are available as hidden or later as dlc. Those are clesrly 11C's innthe hanger background. Also google translate is pretty magical now.
  19. How much DYRL merch was being produced before? You're option is to import from Japan, like always, and the options are more plentiful than they have ever been. I don't see your point at all. It's as it was... except two relatively talented compa ies are making SDFM products in the US as opposed to on reslly bad one.
  20. FYI, don't even have the game yet but went to the Japanese e-shop website and downloaded the dlc.
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