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Hory Froating Head

Hory Froating Head (15/15)



  1. Not to derail the "book" thread any further, but hopefully with Disney's involvement....Macross (w/o the original series and film) can get enough "buzz" to help Macross gain enough visibility and interest outside of Japan and gain some ground on decades of lost opportunity....personally, I don't see how the series can "start" with Macross 7 and keep anyone new to the franchise interested to continue on with the rest of the shows....but that's just me being a complete SDFM/DYRL elitist...LOL To me, it would be like introducing Star Wars to a whole new audience, but without the OT....and you start out with the ST to kick off the Star Wars franchise and hope it keeps viewers wanting more of it...
  2. If you just want the lineart....then you should be good to go with both of those books.....the Perfect Memory book is still the best all-SDFM book ever made, so if you can find one at a decent price you wouldn't be disappointed...kind how the Gold Book is the best all-DYRL book ever made...
  3. After all these years...it's still the VF-1 that symbolizes the franchise....
  4. Is it wrong to be more interested in the 84 page appendix?
  5. Overall looks good, really like Gerwalk mode....with that said, until I get the VF-1J I will hold off on any additional POs...
  6. Wonder if they forgot about the grey visor for the GBP? And the legs don't look as "thicc"...
  7. Is it shot angles or does it seem they went back to the original "skinny" leg regult and also reduced the size of the small and large missile attachments? The original teased attachments look larger to me....and the small missile pods looks different too...
  8. Just finished watching Tales of Morgan and Barriss.....meh Once again, Disney/Lucasfilm seem to think we need to have the background story for every character....this time it was for characters we arguably did not need any background story for....are these background stories supposed to make us feel sorry for both Morgan's and Barriss' "tragic" fates? Not exactly what I thought a Tales of the "Empire" would have focused on....oh well....I'm sure The Acolyte will be great!
  9. Not at all....did you add a filter to the pic? Looks like an illustration now.... Anyways....I end up playing more with these toys "digitally" than "physically" 95% of the time these days...lol
  10. Mine finally came in....think I'm good with one, unless they come out with the "Macross Anime-style" repaint.... First pics are with the KitzConcept 1/72 VF-1.... ...with a 1/60 Yamato/Arcadia VF-1.... ...with a CW 1/72 VF-1.... ...with a CW F-14..... It's a nice display to hold one of your VF's...but only either the 1/72 toys and the 1/60 VF-1's....the gimmick is pretty well done and. for the most part, it is very well-built....on my sample, one of the small square "netting" came loose straigt out of the box, so I will need to dab a tiny bit of glue...other than that, evrything else worked, including the lights and sound fx....if you can get past the price tag, this would be a nice add to your collection or just to have an alternative way of displaying one of your VFs....
  11. Bands can be swapped....the watch faces not so much...
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