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Oscars 2004 - ROTK: 11/11!


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I really really glad City of God didn't win anything. Its a crap movie and its well over 2 years old.

I've seen COG a couple of times I think is a pretty good movie. One of the best gangster stories I've ever seen. I know sometimes foreign movies with subtitles can be a little difficult to digest. It may not be your cup of tea, but is definitely no crap.

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Personally, I didn't think Peter Jackson's attire was so bad as the hairstylings of some of the group that went up for one of the other awards.. I don't remember for sure who it was, or which award it was, but I could've sworn one of the women had let her pillow do her hair for her...

The only thing that I was disappointed about really was the fact that Pirates was shut out. I didn't see any of the other best actor nominated movies, so I can't judge, but I really wanted to see Depp win one for that.

It is cool that LOTR made a clean sweep, but I think all the hype that built up from the three movies ended up drowning a few other deserving nominations.

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It is cool that LOTR made a clean sweep, but I think all the hype that built up from the three movies ended up drowning a few other deserving nominations.

Hmm... I think it deserved the win in every category... except for best original song. I think most of the music from Cold Mountain was definitely better.

I also loved City of God... most people that saw it with me were amazed by it's energy and grittiness. But to each their own.

My only gripe about what LotR didn't win was where they were completely unrecognized... in acting. I think McKellen deserves an Oscar for his Gandalf. Actually, what I really wish was that there was an ensemble acting award. In my opinion, that is where LotR would definitely deserve another win.

But the Academy doesn't do ensemble awards... a shame.

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Hmm... I think it deserved the win in every category... except for best original song. I think most of the music from Cold Mountain was definitely better.


I thought both of the nominated songs from Cold Mountain were terribly, inexcusably weak.

But that's just my opinion.

Although Into The West isn't the best song ever, it was much more moving than any of the others (including that lame one from A Mighty Wind, geez I'm getting sick of those movies).

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Hmm... I think it deserved the win in every category... except for best original song.  I think most of the music from Cold Mountain was definitely better.


I thought both of the nominated songs from Cold Mountain were terribly, inexcusably weak.

But that's just my opinion.

Although Into The West isn't the best song ever, it was much more moving than any of the others (including that lame one from A Mighty Wind, geez I'm getting sick of those movies).

As is often the case with you and me, WDC... diff'rent strokes rule the world.

Into the West I thought was overwrought and forced... I'm okay with Annie Lennox... but that song is just mushy as hell.

The Sting song from Cold Mountain isn't my fave, but Allison Krauss is fantastic. Neither I would classify as "weak."

Hell... I thought the song from Mighty Wind was better than Into the West. Even if the jokes from Christopher Guest's ad lib movies are getting a bit stale... the music in that movie was spot on.

But the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. ;)

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Best song of the night was the Jack Black and Will Ferrel duet.

But who am I kidding, I only kept my eyes open for Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron (who looked more gold than Oscar) and Scarlett Johanssen... yum yum!!!

Billy Crystal was great too. I don't watch his moves but he's a great host.

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Did anyone here actually like Cold Mountain?

I totally hated it.

I thought Rene Z was a way over the top white trash girl (who rips roosters heads off, which isn't possible by the way, I have tried)

Kidman was her skinny annoying self, and did nothing for me.

Other than that, it was just another Civil war movie where a couple gets separated and the guy dies in the end... This exact same thing has been done ten times before.

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As is often the case with you and me, WDC... diff'rent strokes rule the world.

Into the West I thought was overwrought and forced... I'm okay with Annie Lennox... but that song is just mushy as hell.

The Sting song from Cold Mountain isn't my fave, but Allison Krauss is fantastic.  Neither I would classify as "weak."

Hell... I thought the song from Mighty Wind was better than Into the West.  Even if the jokes from Christopher Guest's ad lib movies are getting a bit stale... the music in that movie was spot on.

But the world don't move to the beat of just one drum.  ;)

"Watchoo talkin' 'bout, Blaine23?!?"

I agree that Allison Krause and Sting are not weak. But the songs from Cold Mountain are.

IMHO, they were too sterile and unmoving.

But like they say: Two Silver Spoons Together. You and I.

Edited by the white drew carey
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For those berating Mr. Jackon's attire and appearance, I actually applaud the fact that Jackson refuses to betray his personal nature (granted, he wore pants and shoes, but they probably wouldn't have let him in otherwise). I would much rather see him as himself and cheerful than conform and look miserable all tied up in a suit just so he'd look 'presentable' (aka, like everyone else). The fact that he can look like a well fed homeless person and still take center stage at an event that glorifies the glamourous is just perfect.

Dude, when you have that much money and can afford personal trainers and dieticians out the yin yang, there's no wordly excuse for looking like a fat hairy slob. I mean, he makes Ron Jeremy look clean and thin by comparison, and that's saying something!

He might have the financial means to afford all that now, but he sure as hell cannot afford the time to work out and eat properly. We're talking about someone who spends nearly 20 hours a day working non-stop. This kind of lifestyle requires high calorie and high energy type of food to keep him going. If you want him to look fit, don't expect to see the extended edition of ROTK until 3 years later. :p

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I thought Rene Z was a way over the top white trash girl (who rips roosters heads off, which isn't possible by the way, I have tried)

Really? I thought you just choked your chicken!

Zing! :lol:

Yuk Yuk Yuk..

No seriously there is connective tissue and a spine in there... easy to kill them, but not easy to separate the head.

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The Oscars were ehhh.... I'm more happy for Sophia to get the writing award than the directing. The woman's in her 30's and has not hit her prime yet. She's gonna get more Oscars in the future. Bet that.

Carl Spackler Losing to Jeff Spicolli?! BOGUS!

Tim Robbins shoulda got an Oscar for Dead Man Walking. Not for River

Then again, Watanabe didn't deserve it either.

I liked the song from a Mighty Wind.

I wished Millenium Actress was nominated, as Finding Nemo was not Pixar's best film. But better that than the Triplets of Snoresville.

William Zabka not winning made me sad for a second.

Isn't it ironic. Texan Renee Zellwigger does a better British accent than a rural American southern accent.

The Acadamy were cowards for not awarding Shoreh Aghdashloo.

Sting's song was depressing.

Charlize Theron went the ugly route. And got an Oscar. I wonder who she learned that from? But she did look good.

Will and Jack needs to be in a buddy film.

Peter Jackson looked decent and presentable. I just wish he got a hair and beard trim.

And finally. LOTR Deserved many of the awards. But I haven't seen it. Nor do I have plans to see it, as I have very little desire to see the trilogy.

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I was working and didnt care who won anyhow.

Nice to see LOTR get some props though. Im anti fantasy and EXTREMELY anti elf (except for Arwen and Deedlit who get free passes) but it was a mighty fine series of movies, and far more enjoyable than the heartless Matrix series and Star Wars Prequels.

As to Peter Jackson looking as he wants? More power to him. He has an assload of money, a wife, and kids, not to mention a metric butt ton of respect and clout. He SHOULD look how he wants.

Bill Murray not winning? Well, the guy IS brilliant. But he isn't exactly the most likeable dude on the planet. In fact he is almost more well known for being hard to work with or talk to. I haven't seen the film he or the winner was nominated for (not interested), but his personality might have been what kept him from the prize.

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As to Peter Jackson looking as he wants? More power to him. He has an assload of money, a wife, and kids, not to mention a metric butt ton of respect and clout. He SHOULD look how he wants.

Really though, it's more like he's got a...

Metric ton BUTT. ;)

My personal favorite Oscar moment was the priceless Tiger Woods imitating Carl the greenskeeper commercial. Awesome!

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Bill Murray not winning? Well, the guy IS brilliant. But he isn't exactly the most likeable dude on the planet. In fact he is almost more well known for being hard to work with or talk to. I haven't seen the film he or the winner was nominated for (not interested), but his personality might have been what kept him from the prize.


So if someone finds the cure for cancer, they don't deserve the Nobel Prize for Medicine because they're an a-hole???

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Ooooooh, so ROTK is as good as Titanic was... :rolleyes:

Its wonderful that ROTK won a bunch of awards and all, but I've never really put much faith in the Oscars. I mean, how many people have rented an Oscar winning picture only to be disappointed by it? It is pretty cool that a rather nerdy movie won all those awards though, it makes me feel vindicated for the Titanic incident. I dunno though, they should give those Oscars to the marketing team for creating so much hype. :)

Its also wonderful that PJ was able to get an award, because it will make life after lotr a lot more interesting. For PJ, myself, and the fanboys. :)

Let the ride back down to Earth begin! King Kong ahoy!

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On the Oscar thing.... there was too much naked Billy Crystal for my taste. :lol:

He has soggy man breasts. :blink:

Good lord, the man is like fifty. What did you expect, chisled pecs? <_<

Vostok 7

Hey man, when I'm 50 I am going to have chisled pecs.

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On the Oscar thing.... there was too much naked Billy Crystal for my taste. :lol:

He has soggy man breasts. :blink:

Good lord, the man is like fifty. What did you expect, chisled pecs? <_<

Vostok 7

No... I expected no old man nudity. It should be a crime or something. <_<

Arnold looked awesome in T3.

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On the Oscar thing.... there was too much naked Billy Crystal for my taste. :lol:

He has soggy man breasts. :blink:

Good lord, the man is like fifty. What did you expect, chisled pecs? <_<

Vostok 7

Hey, if the Governator can have that kind of physique at that age, why shouldn't Billy Crystal?

I can't believe I'm doing A1's job for him. :lol:

Edit in:

wrote the above before I saw A1's posts. Great minds think alike. ;)

BTW the real crime are showing old saggy granny breasts * points at Calendar Girls while puking *

Edited by Jolly Rogers
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On the Oscar thing.... there was too much naked Billy Crystal for my taste. :lol:

He has soggy man breasts. :blink:

Good lord, the man is like fifty. What did you expect, chisled pecs? <_<

Vostok 7

No... I expected no old man nudity. It should be a crime or something. <_<

Arnold looked awesome in T3.

Oh!! Muscled man breasts!!.








.... excuse me while I go puke. <_<

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Hey man, when I'm 50 I am going to have chisled pecs.

Whoa whoa there Jack Lelane... I would say "this I gotta see" but I really don't care about you, or anyone elses man bresteses. :blink:

Vostok 7

I will always look beautiful naked. :) I'll spare you the pictures though, you are just going to have to settle for my avatar.

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Oh!! Muscled man breasts!!.








.... excuse me while I go puke. <_<

:lol: gotta love the vein-popping and downward pointing nipples. :blink::rolleyes:

Vostok 7

You two are strange.

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