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Yamato rumors


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got it from hobby.2ch.net's Macross discussion, post #694. I think someone is saying they talked to the Yamato rep at Wonder Festival, and was told there were no plans for a green Q-Rau, a 1/48 GBP-1S, or Max/Millia without armor. Also post #708 seems to cast doubt on a purple Q-Rau, but says a blue (Max) model is somewhat more likely. Don't know if that's just speculation or based on conversations with Yamato at WF.

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DOH! :(

... well...

... still...

I guess the 1/48 GBP might be a bit too mechanically complex for them to seriously persue without seeing how the sales of the 1/60 do first...

... and it's not like there was a 1/60 plain jane M&M release so what gave us the idea there would be a 1/48 release like that outside of the Hikaru release?

... and a green/purple/blue Q-Rau methinks is a question of the red one selling in sufficient numbers first as well...

Not so doh then I guess...

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Of course Bable fish leave some words not translated.

ワンフェス going, and you heard in the person of the mark.

Q: As for sale schedule of green (general machine) of クアドラン?

A: It is not, is.

Q: Sale of 1/48 of アーマード when?

A: There is no sale schedule, is.

Q: As for sale schedule of the normal edition of married couple Valkyrie?

A: It is not, is. Is just set. Until now, and being to write the fact that you hear in the person of the mark here in the event, it does, but as for 1/48 of アーマード being extremely "it puts out", that to have asserted, before it does, but. . . As for the color changing of クアドラン the one which is not put out is wasted and. . Simply this time it meaning that the person who always tells story is in the inner part, you heard in the person who is different. Because in a businesslike way you have replied it was the feeling the way different from the usual person, without schedule in regard to unpublished thing perhaps it is said. You put away, the home page somehow you forgot to call margin.

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hey it seems from mechafans translation that he got...seems like in the interview someone said there would be seperate max and milia without armor but the yamato rep says "no you heard that form the wrong person there will be no non armor versions" least thats what I think he meant.

BTw ewiulen was this part of a big interview? or was it just those qwuestions posted?

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I always figured the green Q-Rau was unlikely since Yamato would have to modify their molds (the DYRL and TV Q-Rau's have a few physical differences).

At this point, having plans for a 1/48 GBP would be foolish as they have no idea how well a 1/60 GBP will sell. If you want a 1/48 GBP, you better pray it's 1/60 cousin sells through the roof.

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At this point, having plans for a 1/48 GBP would be foolish as they have no idea how well a 1/60 GBP will sell.  If you want a 1/48 GBP, you better pray it's 1/60 cousin sells through the roof.

Or pray that I get my butt back into the hobby room. Gosh, what AM I doing on this computer - I have much better things to do!?!?

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I just wish the darn 1/60 GBP's would come in, already! I just want to armour my "crippled" 1/60. I'm crossing my fingers that the armour will make the thing stand!

1/48 GBP's would be nice, though. :D

It makes sense that the M&M 1/48's are to be released WITH armour only. I mean, since those two are the only ones that are color-matched.

But what the heck do I know. ;)

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At this point, having plans for a 1/48 GBP would be foolish as they have no idea how well a 1/60 GBP will sell.  If you want a 1/48 GBP, you better pray it's 1/60 cousin sells through the roof.

Or pray that I get my butt back into the hobby room. Gosh, what AM I doing on this computer - I have much better things to do!?!?

here here...off the computer and back to work slacker!!! (please...I need a fix! ) :) Hoping hopefully here....

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All I will say is that you have to take what you hear from sales reps at trade shows with a grain of salt.

However, it is true that the M&Ms won't be released without FPs.

Not going to comment on the other stuff though ;)


Yay! Now that no one has ruled out the possibility of 1/48 GBP completely... I can go to sleep easily.

Thanks G.

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I'd prefer green Q-rau to purple. I woudln't be sweating the mold details. They can leave it DYRL featured as long as it's green. There's even precedent of a sorts for this as they released the 1/60 Hikaru Super VF-1J with DYRL Fast packs and pilots uniform, so.... ;) I dunno about a blue Max one, either... <_<

Not likely to get the M&M 1/48's so that doesn't bother me. Same with the GBP in 1/48. (Though definately in 1/60).

Yeah... WTF is up with the YF-19FP... I can wait for Zero. I imagine it's inevitable but I want to complete my M+ collection!

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All I will say is that you have to take what you hear from sales reps at trade shows with a grain of salt.

However, it is true that the M&Ms won't be released without FPs.

Not going to comment on the other stuff though  ;)


Yay! Now that no one has ruled out the possibility of 1/48 GBP completely... I can go to sleep easily.

Thanks G.

yeah, that's it, sweet :p

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ewilen, as for the Japanese you pretty much got it. But like Graham says, I wouldn't put too much faith in what someone at a Toy Fair says. Besides, before they are officially announced, most toy makers (hell, most manufacturers of any kind) have a ban on giving out any details. The fact that Yamato is tightening up on this (Graham being sworn to secrecy, no pictures at the toy fair anymore, etc.) just makes me doubt him even more.

I'd say, just by looking into my Magic 8 Ball...

Green Quad... Luck is not in your favor.

GBP... Try again later.

Max and Miria without the FAST Packs... Decidedly no.

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I don't know if this pic has made it's way over here yet, or if the Valk in question is a custom, but check out the legs in the top left corner on the new "launch arm" stand:


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I don't know if this pic has made it's way over here yet, or if the Valk in question is a custom, but check out the legs in the top left corner on the new "launch arm" stand:


There's really nothing to make from that picture. If there was, Noel would have listed it down.

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its proven most toy reps dont no squat. Tons of fans called mattel for MOTu info pretoyfair and a lot of the reps on the phone said MOTU would be at toyfair. Fast forward to toyfiar where its not there. Also a hasbro tour guide didnt no anything abou teh gijoes she was giving a group a tour of. A fan in the group evben had to correct her on a pilot name in one of the new planes!

So with that in mind I think we would get more viable info here rather than a rep at a fest.

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There's really nothing to make from that picture. If there was, Noel would have listed it down.

So am I the only one that thinks they resemble 1/48 CF feet?

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694: I went to Wonderfestival and asked one of the Yamato staffers there.

Q: Do you have any plans to sell a Green Q-Rau?

A: No

Q: When are you selling the Armored VF-1 1/48

A: We have no such plans

Q: Will you be selling the M&M set without armor?

A: No, they will be sold with armor.

I've always asked them when I've gone to previous events and it seemed they always intended to release an armored 1/48, but I'm not so sure now. Would be a waste for them not to release different color versions of the Q-rau as well.

This time though, I talked to someone different. I received a real business-like reponse because everytime I asked him about things that haven't been announced, the only answer I received was, "We have no such plans."

crap, I forgot to tell them to update their damn webpage.

695: Screw Yamato


697: I've talked to some people inside Yamato. Apparently they have plans to create a larger VF-0, but they're trying to add a scaled Tomahawk to their lineup, so they decided to go with the smaller part-swapping version.

I also aired my personal grievances about them releasing decals for the 1/48 and they told me that it's something they will consider, but not anytime soon. If it wasn't possible, the least they could do was let us know on their website.

698: They're probably not going to release the YF-19FP. If they wanted to, they'd have done so by now.

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I always figured the green Q-Rau was unlikely since Yamato would have to modify their molds (the DYRL and TV Q-Rau's have a few physical differences).

At this point, having plans for a 1/48 GBP would be foolish as they have no idea how well a 1/60 GBP will sell. If you want a 1/48 GBP, you better pray it's 1/60 cousin sells through the roof.

Well here is the delima: Has everyone stopped buying the 1/60 so they can buy the 1/48? My personal opinion is this: Why should I get the 1/60 if I am collecting the 1/48? I am just gonna wait. The catch 22 is that if the 1/60 doesnt do well, we can forget 1/48. That pisses me off. :angry: I hope that Yamato realizes this.

As for the green Q-rau, I rather get that than the red. I may get the red one later so I can have my VF-1S Max vs. the red Q-rau.

And the guy didnt ask about the 1/60 Monster nor any other release of the Destroids. :angry: Nor did he ask about any 2 seater VFs.

Thanks for the info that you are allow to share with us Graham.

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The catch 22 is that if the 1/60 doesnt do well, we can forget 1/48. That pisses me off.  I hope that Yamato realizes this.

I would be very surprised if Yamato made all of their 1/48 plans based soley on the performance of similar 1/60 items in the market. Where was their 1/60 VF-1S Hikaru? My point is, if fans want a 1/48 set of GBP armor and don't buy the 1/60, Yamato will get wind of it and act accordingly if they care about their meal ticket. Certainly, nothing is 100% guaranteed, but if the profit margin is there, I'd be surprised if they didn't do it.

As tight lipped as Yamato has been about things lately curt, cold responses to fan questions don't surprise me.

Edited by Draykov
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this does kinda suck, but who knows,,,personally I want the most complete selection in the best craftsmanship, but it doesnt look like anything is going to happen with the 1/48 line except expensive remolds of the same ol $hit, guess we wait and see. I dont want any 1/60's, but may have to get a GBP if it isnt in 1/48

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704: Most likely, the 1/48 was a bigger hit than they had imagined, so they decided to postpone the release of the 19.

705: They're going to look at the 1/48 armored after the sales of the 1/60.

I forgot to ask about the 19FP.

They talk about it so much at MW, I'm sure it's still planned.

706: I was at WF, and I asked one of the Yamato guys, "You're going to release a Max Q-rau now, right?" I got some crazy reply like, "With Yamato you never know. Yamato loves their money."

I had hoped to see the 1/60 armored, but they didn't have it there.

I totally forgot to ask about the 19FP and the Monster, too.

708 Yamato loves their money = If Millia sells, there will be different color versions. They did the same with the 1/48. To tell you the truth, I always thought it was bizarre that Yamato would be releasing Q-rau's, but I'd still rather have M&M Q-rau's than M&M 1J's.

714: That's wrong. Yamato had planned from the start to release different variants of the 1/48, regardless of how they sold.

709: Clip from the newsletter:

Q: When will the 1/60 Armored Valkyrie go on sale?

A: Around May.

713: May!? What happened to February!? For once, why can't they announce a release date that they can actually hold to!?


>Q: When will the 1/60 Armored Valkyrie go on sale?

>A: Around May.

That kind of answer pisses me off. Yamato is trying to make us look like idiots.

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Well, if nothing else, it looks like among us fanboys, Yamato's got the same checkered rep in Japan that they've got here :)

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704: Most likely, the 1/48 was a bigger hit than they had imagined, so they decided to postpone the release of the 19.

705: They're going to look at the 1/48 armored after the sales of the 1/60.

I forgot to ask about the 19FP.

They talk about it so much at MW, I'm sure it's still planned.

706: I was at WF, and I asked one of the Yamato guys, "You're going to release a Max Q-rau now, right?" I got some crazy reply like, "With Yamato you never know. Yamato loves their money."

I had hoped to see the 1/60 armored, but they didn't have it there.

I totally forgot to ask about the 19FP and the Monster, too.

708 Yamato loves their money = If Millia sells, there will be different color versions. They did the same with the 1/48. To tell you the truth, I always thought it was bizarre that Yamato would be releasing Q-rau's, but I'd still rather have M&M Q-rau's than M&M 1J's.

714: That's wrong. Yamato had planned from the start to release different variants of the 1/48, regardless of how they sold.

709: Clip from the newsletter:

Q: When will the 1/60 Armored Valkyrie go on sale?

A: Around May.

713: May!? What happened to February!? For once, why can't they announce a release date that they can actually hold to!?


>Q: When will the 1/60 Armored Valkyrie go on sale?

>A: Around May.

That kind of answer pisses me off. Yamato is trying to make us look like idiots.

Sales reps are only doing what their bosses told them to do or say. I didn't know MW had a reputation. I guess I know now. Graham/Shawn was right about Mr. Sakuragawa being the hired sculptor for the 19. He sure does take his time sculpting it.

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