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What are the words you don't want to hear in a sci-fi show?


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I dunno...I'm not a big Star Trek fan (I've probably seen about five or six episodes total of the original show, when I was a kid; I've seen Star Trek II, III, and IV, one time for each; and I saw about four episodes of The Next Generation)...but I'm guessing that since Kirk's first name is "James," McCoy's probably isn't.

Am I right?

Thank you squire....


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I dunno...I'm not a big Star Trek fan (I've probably seen about five or six episodes total of the original show, when I was a kid; I've seen Star Trek II, III, and IV, one time for each; and I saw about four episodes of The Next Generation)...but I'm guessing that since Kirk's first name is "James," McCoy's probably isn't.

Am I right?

You are. If I remember correctly his name is Leonard.

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"Jump!" - with outstretched hand in precarious run-away situation . . .

Imagine sending out an open challenge to all of Hollywood's producers/directors/screenwriters. "Right guys, try to make all movies released in 2011 without using the above quoted plot device...." :)

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keypad tones on mobile phones... you mean to tell me people actually keep these on or find them cool ? <_< . YEA I WANNA HEAR TEH FEEDBACK SOUND OF TEH NUMBER 1!!!!

Yeah first thing I do after charging and puting my simcard in. I dont want to hear a peep outta you unless I get a call or a text.

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ROTFLMAO You gotta love Jerry Springer. M.J Eat your heart out :)

The other one I hate is... Can you break their security ? followed by 3 seconds of key clicking and they are in past the worlds most secure network etc, and all the files are laid out as follows:-

Really_secret.doc file size 20GB downloads in 3 seconds.

Plans_to_take_over_the_ world.pdf has pretty animations even though they file type dosent support them.

As I work in I.T this particularly pisses me off. So many people think my job is so easy. Especially the guys in Accounts who after completely killing the data base file system cant understand why it takes 2 days to put right, when on CSI or what ever takes 2 mins.

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As I work in I.T this particularly pisses me off. So many people think my job is so easy. Especially the guys in Accounts who after completely killing the data base file system cant understand why it takes 2 days to put right, when on CSI or what ever takes 2 mins.

You should ask for a BJ and a gun pointed at your face while on the job. Works in "Password: Swordfish".

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ROTFLMAO You gotta love Jerry Springer. M.J Eat your heart out :)

The other one I hate is... Can you break their security ? followed by 3 seconds of key clicking and they are in past the worlds most secure network etc, and all the files are laid out as follows:-

Really_secret.doc file size 20GB downloads in 3 seconds.

Plans_to_take_over_the_ world.pdf has pretty animations even though they file type dosent support them.

As I work in I.T this particularly pisses me off. So many people think my job is so easy. Especially the guys in Accounts who after completely killing the data base file system cant understand why it takes 2 days to put right, when on CSI or what ever takes 2 mins.

That's a Maury qoute, not Springer.

Trying to bullshit security...

"Everything's fine, we're all fine..."

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Are you kidding? That was a GREAT line.

Yeah one of the best. I remember hearing or reading that that was ad-lib and they kept it as it was better than what they were gonna put in.

Wanzer thanks for the correction :)

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Yeah one of the best. I remember hearing or reading that that was ad-lib and they kept it as it was better than what they were gonna put in.

Admittedly, Harrison Ford's delivery of the line is what makes that line great...that small beat before he says "How are you?" was brilliant timing.

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The other one I hate is... Can you break their security ? followed by 3 seconds of key clicking and they are in past the worlds most secure network etc, and all the files are laid out as follows:-

Really_secret.doc file size 20GB downloads in 3 seconds.

Plans_to_take_over_the_ world.pdf has pretty animations even though they file type dosent support them.

As I work in I.T this particularly pisses me off. So many people think my job is so easy. Especially the guys in Accounts who after completely killing the data base file system cant understand why it takes 2 days to put right, when on CSI or what ever takes 2 mins.

Intimate knowledge just kills suspension of disbelief, doesn't it? I totally enjoyed "Independence Day" until Jeff Goldblum writes a virus for an extraterrestrial computer network on his Mac. Who knew Apple stumbled upon the universal standard architecture? Or maybe they're all aliens too...

(Although, the director's cut adds a scene where it's implied that the character figures out the invader's network by examining the computers on the captured fighter. Damn, he's a genius.)

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Intimate knowledge just kills suspension of disbelief, doesn't it? I totally enjoyed "Independence Day" until Jeff Goldblum writes a virus for an extraterrestrial computer network on his Mac. Who knew Apple stumbled upon the universal standard architecture? Or maybe they're all aliens too...

(Although, the director's cut adds a scene where it's implied that the character figures out the invader's network by examining the computers on the captured fighter. Damn, he's a genius.)

Well, that's what happens when a scriptwriter hits on an allegedly "clever" thought, like "Hey, in War of the Worlds, the aliens were killed by a virus, right? But these days, all the "hackers" on the "electronic bulletin boards" are talking about COMPUTER viruses! And that gives me AN IDEA!!!!" <_<

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