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Star Wars Galaxies


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Well, I decided to give Star Wars Galaxies another go now that they've added starfighters and space combat to it.

Over the last couple days, I've taken a few screenshots I thought were either cool looking, or semi-amusing. . .

You'd think the orange flightsuit would be a dead giveaway.


You don't need to see my identification. . . and would you stop melting into the hood of my landspeeder?


Screw the dark side of the force! The devil made me do it!


Anyone else playing SWG? If so, which server?


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I'm west coast. Sunrunner.

I'm a rebel pilot.

Not too far along. So if anyone can suggest a server where a lot of us hang out, I'd be willing to switch.


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I'm west coast. Sunrunner.

I'm a rebel pilot.

Not too far along. So if anyone can suggest a server where a lot of us hang out, I'd be willing to switch.


well if you like to roleplay ..come join us on eclipse...i live in a city tirius on talus thats devoted to roleplay and player made events...no forced roleplaying to live there so even if you dont its a cool place to play because at least other players will make you feel like your in the star wars universe

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I actually plan to start again once the semester is over, last year of college. Can't play now since college networks have the ports needed to play the game closed. Can't wait to try out Jump to Lightspeed and get my own X-wing. Looking forward to see what the Wookie Homeworld expansion will bring.

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Is it true that you don't even have the option of using a flight stick with Jump to Lightspeed? Despite my dislike of Galaxies, I must admit the add on, wich looked from the screenshots to be a helluva lot like the old X-Wing games, sorely tempted me until I heard this news.

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Is it true that you don't even have the option of using a flight stick with Jump to Lightspeed? Despite my dislike of Galaxies, I must admit the add on, wich looked from the screenshots to be a helluva lot like the old X-Wing games, sorely tempted me until I heard this news.

not true at all ...i use a microsoft sidewinder for the jtl portion of the game btw

Look for me on Eclipse Shadowplay Darkstar droid engineer /pistoleer


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Yeah, that's bunk.

I think just about any joystick will work. Some people have had trouble getting rudder pedals and stuff to work. But, I've gotten my whole HOTAS (stick, throttle, rudder pedals) setup working because CH Products has software that can join all three into one giant "virtual joystick."

Here's my setup:




It works!


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Pretty nice. I'm on Radiant with my main character and Ahazi with my secondary.

I'm using my Saitek X35T with JTL. Almost to Master Pilot.

I'm still having fun... I usually only get to play on weekends, though.

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Some old pics from my original character. I started SWG late February 2004.

Here's me on Guard Duty at the Royal Palace of Theed

That's Colonel Darkstar to you, trooper!

The game has serious issues and I wonder exactly what the devs are aiming for.

I'm hoping for the best with 2 critical revamps (Combat System & Galactic Civil War). But right now, it feels like they're selling out the Original Trilogy for the sake of the Prequels.

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Guess I missed the face pic (like the Gamlin hairstyle? :lol: ):

"Say hello... to my little friend!"


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My character's currently on Corbantis but I don't have JTL yet so I'm taking a break.. :rolleyes:

But my character's uber weak and poor, I'd be willing to start fresh on a new server.. That and all my friends that used to be on the server quit and went to WoW..

But yeah, here are all my screenshots.


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No, my Xwing is just extremely modified (texture kit, souped up and modified engines, weapons, etc). I was going to do a paint kit to blue (Max style), but have just left it that dusky red (Milia style). ;)

When I first got it, it looked straight out of the movies. Kinda like:


(well that one has boosters and the third set of weapons both mounted on the wings, but close enough in engines, weapons, and paint scheme).



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It is called Galexies due to the fact its a MMORPG game, and yes it does have a cock pit view, I play on Valcyn, any others their too?

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So, does JtLS give you the option of a cockpit view, or is it all outside the ship you're flying?

Yes you get a very detailed cockpit view..using the mouse or if your flight stick has a "look around" swivel button like the one i use you can look in any direction while you are piloting.

There are also two kinds of multipilot craft. Some like the y wing has the pilot main gunner seat and secondary gunner positions that are both locked.

Other multipilot craft are actual full blown ships you can unlock from the pilot position and walk around the ship. You can have up to 20 people " as many as you can fit in a group" onboard your ship at the same time. These ships also have other gunner positions other players can walk to and lock onto. YOu can customize your craft with furniture and anything else you can customize a house with.

So while your piloting others can walk around your ship...its very cool. I made my yaht into a a space cantina/disco called the startropica...of course lots of little goings on occur on the second floor behind the stage.

In addition to cockpit view you can also do FPV w/o the cockpit and while in cockpit view you can pull back on the mousewheel and youll go into behind the ship view...further you pull back the further distance youll get. You can move the mouse around to get all different views ...great for pictures.

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Yeah you can pick cockpit view if you want.

It's called Galaxies because there are different "galaxies" based on different servers.

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