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  1. Hello, today I am starting on my VF-1A "5Grand" A special livery used to celebrate the 5000th Valkyrie to cross the production line. The livery is a 1-off and ultimately painted over before the unit was sent into combat. This 'should be' a quick mental health build in between workings of a much larger project I'm focusing on. It will also serve a a test bed for trying out a few new finish techniques in the paint department, and a few little other things along the way! Lets start with what makes run of the mill VF-1a kit special... the decals! Beautifully printed white, navy blue and gold! A very clean and striking color combo that would make even commander Golg Boddole Zer blush! It's a very modern color way than what is traditionally seen on the VF-1 Valkyrie. The larger sections of color breaking up more of the white really modernize the VF-1 and helped me appreciate it more without the fancy packs. The large color splash around the cockpit calling to a more IRL NAVY aircraft such as VF-123 Black Lions' F-14D! I adore this color combo, it's a shame the decals (mostly) won't be used! Masking hell it is, Yack! Quick look a Hidetaka Tenjin's lovely artwork for the kit. I really want to mimic the textures used in his artwork here, so a weathered... yet clean build it is! Semigloss sheen metallic weathering, a new one for me. The main reason I don't want to use the decals is the navy blue. The decals are just not the look I'm going for. In Tenjin's artwork, the blue gives off a almost candy finish with depth projecting a similar refraction as the gold does. The decals just look dead or flat, even when painted on Hasegawa's sample build. It looks okay in 1/72, but at 1/48 we can do better! That however, is still a ways away, not to get ahead of ourselves. --- Starting with the cockpit. Everything fit smoothly with minimal issues. My main focus was getting the assemblies together cleanly and glued. I really want to be able to go minimal on the filler, primers and paints as Hasegawa's nearly 10 year old kit is already not a sharply molded as I hoped. The original 1/48 VF-1a [Vermillion] was released in 2010 after all. I was a bit worried the TV version of Hikaru/Pilot wasn't going to fit well due to it's age. With a bit of trimming and finesse, I was able to get the extremities where they needed to rest in the seat and the flight-stick didn't end up too out of place. The TV version of the pilot. I think this is probably the only time I'll be building a non-DYRL pilot so I feel happy leaving him as-is. I think the only adjustments I'll be making is adding some definition to his arms/legs and fabricating a harness. I'm unsure if I'll go for the traditional pilot colors or try to spice it up to match the 5grand livery! For the front controls console, I found it easiest to build it on the runner. I've pretty much left the cockpit in 3 assemblies. The pilot/seat, the cockpit tub, and the front display. This is enough to allow me to detail it without having too many loose parts. With a closed cockpit build, it doesn't need to be 10/10 anyways. Unsure how I'll approach the cockpit going forward. I do have a set of Hase's photo etch, but do still intend to keep them for the Super/Strike build whenever I get to it. I think I may take a simpler approach and just rely on detail painting and a little bit of freehand scratch-building modification to make it a bit more interesting. I've yet to pull up references from the 1/20 kits or artwork so we'll see. Don't touch that dial!
  2. It seems like the well known figure/toy company acquired the Robotech (Macross) license via Harmony Gold/Funimation. While I don't want to give any money to HG, Threezero is established toy company making a bunch of Transformer figures and other Anime figures. Something to keep an eye out for.... Probably it's gonna be non-transform action figure type Their website
  3. Somehow I lost the ventral fin for the Vf-1s. Is there anyway to get a replacement via 3d printing or a spare someone has?
  4. I decided to go heavy with this no paint kit that I had built a couple of years ago, I was thinking it lacked character, finally it is complete.
  5. I wanted to display my 1/12 figures in a cockpit so I did my best to recreate it in scale with nanoblock building blocks
  6. Hi guys! Here's another from the stash! As with my previous model (SV-51) this one have been sitting on the stash for too many years. The build was straight forward after building many vf-1, but the decals were another story. I believe that for being so much time on the box, when I started decaling there were many that literally disintegrated on the water. Lucky me, had many leftovers of previus valks. After all frustration, I believe it came up pretty decent. Now it's time to move to the vf-11 or 25. We'll see. Martin
  7. Hi guys, I've been a member for a long time, more prone to check out the amazing stuff done here than to openly start conversations, but my mind started thinking: now that we have the Flight-of-passage attraction over at Animal Kingdom, being a flight-sim of that animal, I started to wonder: Has anyone tried to make a scale 1:1, life-size replica of the VF-1 cockpit? I know of the one they made in Japan for the Macross Museum (video): Macross Museum life-size VF-1 Cockpit, but apart from that any fan initiative? it would be great to have one with all the light-up gizmos and gadgets. what do you guys think? Cheers!
  8. This is such a neat color scheme with great tail fin decals that I had to build one. Here's the result.
  9. We have a new playa in valkyrie merchandising! Looks like a Non scale vf-1 statue is being developed by prime studios.. http://www.taghobby.com/archives/174330 Typically their statues are quite detailed, however arent cheap. Its also robotech. Whats the interest level?
  10. From the album: Macross CG Fan Art

    Using mechmaster’s Battroid model again, re-mapped to see how one of my custom Valkyrie fighter squads would look in Battroid mode. A useful exercise, as there were definite changes to be made that I will carry back to the fighters’ paint scheme. I also tried to reflect the personalities of the pilots in the poses. Textures based off of the Enigma scheme as seen in the plastic kit hobby mags.
  11. DapperMan

    Gone Batty

    From the album: Macross CG Fan Art

    A revised version of something I posted on DeviantArt. Using mechmaster's VF-1 Battroids, I remapped the model somewhat to improve my VF-1S Fokker texture, and to create a Hikaru VF-1J texture. No weathering effects on them yet...
  12. From the album: Macross CG Fan Art

    A pilot chats with her wingmen on her viewscreen during a night patrol. Cockpit render; flight suit and Valkyrie with very non-canon color schemes. Cockpit is still kind of low-poly, and a WIP.
  13. DapperMan

    Team Blaze

    From the album: Macross CG Fan Art

    Trying out custom textures, with three variations on the same theme. Texture was based off of one of the Blue Roses schemes created by Jung from the Macross World Forums for the 1/48 toy Valkyrie.
  14. From the album: Macross CG Fan Art

    For an exercise, I copied the composition of a photograph of a fighter on a carrier deck surrounded in catapult steam, and recreated it in 3D. I replaced all the elements with 3D Macross stuff and textures of my own creation (except for the gloves and the vests). It was good practice for lighting and composition skills. Valkyrie fighter and clothes modeled or extensively morphed in 3ds max and ZBrush. Inspired by a photo from Reuters/Corbis.
  15. Started a request for re-issue of VF-1 PE parts. Do you want to get these parts? ====================================== To: jasminemodel2007@yahoo.com Hi Jasmine Models, How are you? I am one of the admin from the Facebook page "Macross Australia Club". In our discussions and also discussions from Macross World, there are calls for the reissue of VF1 PE parts. What is the minimum number to start production again? When we have the numbers, we can get a petition to get the quantities to start production again. Can you help us? And any plans for the new Macross models coming out now and very soon? I mean the VF31 and SV262 from Macross Delta. Thanks a lot. Await your reply. Best regards, xxxxx
  16. Hi!! Long time since my last post. I want to share my VE-1 Elintseeker, it´s been like 2 years since I finished it, it was in my shelf an eternit - like 10 years or so- waiting to be built), It has some scratch build here and there, specially in the cockpit. Let me know what you think guys.
  17. In order to vent my excitement for Delta just around the corner I put together these Valk Replicas in KSP. Tell me what you guys think, did I even come close? Sorry for the potato like quality my computer is crap. VF-31F Siegfried old version VF-31A Kairos SV-262Hs Drakken III old version, new one TBA SV-51y old version VF-0B Phoenix VF-0D Phoenix SV-51y w/Boosters VF-0 Phoenix "Angel" QF-2200D-A Ghost VF-1J Valkyrie VF-4G Lightning III VA-3C Invader VB-6 König Monster VF-5000 Star Mirage VF-9 Cutlass VF-11C Thunderbolt VF-14 Vampire (Macross7 P*L*U*S* Version) YF-19 Alpha1 YF-21 Omega1 X-9 Ghost VF-19ACTIVE Nothung SV-52 Oryol QF-4000 Ghost VF-171 Nightmare Plus VF-25F Messiah VF-27y Lucifer AIF-9V Ghost YF-29 Durandal YF-30 Chronos old version (Heres a couple of the old albums with more pics) http://imgur.com/a/a3laY http://imgur.com/a/IL2LO http://imgur.com/a/d39cL Heres my Steam Screenshot page for a good portion of my KSP creations ranging from WWII prop planes and bombers to F-15's and the superplanes from the Ace Combat universe to of course Macross Valkyries. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074068035/screenshots/?appid=220200 Just updated with new Pics
  18. Hello everyone, I'm brand spanking new to this forum but I've been reading it for a little while now and think I have enough information to formulate a post of my own. I recently decided a want a Valkyrie kit to display but I only really want one so I'm a bit torn as what would be the single one for me. My favourite variant is the VF-1J but let's be honest the A,D and S are all real great. I'd like a Gerwalk kit because that's such an iconic feature of the Valkyries and the Hasagawa kits look awesome and have the A stance. My question about those which I haven't been able to work out from photos and forum posts is whether or not the Gerwalk Hasagawa has any articulation to allow for slightly different poses. Another question is I know Hasagawa kits don't really use color molding but fortunately I've read that the Hasagawa transfers are really comprehensive so that you don't need a heap. Do you think you'd get a good effect on a model kit with just spray coats for the white and black sections, panel lining and transfers? My local hobbystore has the Milla/Max Gerwalk Hasagawa kit and I'm wondering two thinks about it. Firslty does it come with parts to make Milla OR Max or Milla AND Max? The box didn't make this clear. As well as that, since the plastic is uncolored is there anything to stop me from buying that kit and just using white coats and then transfers to make it look Hikaru's/someone elses VF-1J? I'd love to hear what people think about the various VF-1J kits or any great VF-1 kits (either Gerwalk or fighter mode). Thanks
  19. It's hard without normal horizontal stabilizer.
  20. Part 1 of my big building project is finished! From the old PS-1 video game "Macross Digital Mission VF-X" is the first 3 of the 6 fighters in the game. They're all 1/144 scale resin kits from Yellow Submarine. Each kit also comes with a Milky Doll figure, but I suck at doing figures, so keep an eye on the "For Sale" section in the next month or so. VF-1X Plus Strike Valkyrie Vf-4 Lightning VF-11 Super Thunderbolt 3 more to come, stay tuned!
  21. Hey Macross World Community, I'm a long time fan, and first time poster. About a month ago, I purchased the Club M 1/48 Ultimate Detail Strike Valkyrie from Valk009. I had the kit sent to a master modeller,Luca Zampriolo, and here are the final results of his work after one month. If you're interested in his work and would like to have a kit commissioned, please contact Luca Zampriolo. Please check him out here. Website: http://kallamity.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kallamity/116662718397904 email: info@kallamity.com
  22. Ernst Zonda


    From the album: Max Ruiz Art

    UN Spacy VF-1J "Dark Bird" & QF-3000 in orbit over Mars. Painted in 2014, when I return to activity. Acrilic on cardboard, 45 x 32 cm aprox.

    © Max Ruiz

  23. Hi everyone. I was browsing around a old toy shop and I was able to find a really rare ihp model kit. I want to share this kit with the world and that's recasting for the members of macrossworld. After careful inspection. Its only missing one part which is easy to scratch build but I need the instructions for this kit. The kit has a website linking the old ihp site but the pictures of building the kit is down. Here is some pics. I was thinking of providing the magnets and screws once I'm done building it but I don't have a clue where to start. This is a rare find. If anyone on this board has pictures of the instructions. Please do post it here.
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