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  1. I've been working more with hand-sculpting lately, and I decided my next project would actually be macross related, which of course means I share it here. I've really only just started, but I'll be sharing WIP shots as I go. Since I love enemy mecha far more than is probably healthy, I decided hell with it and am going for the gold, starting out with the unamed Zentreadi battlesuit from the first episode of Plus. Still a lot of refining to go, and of course this is just the first part, but my plan is for it to eventually be a full scale 1/60-ish piece. Let me know what you guys think!
  2. Latest addition to my completed collection. A 1/72 scale VF-11B Thunderbolt, from Hasegawa, plus a 1/72 resin booster set from the Club M release of same. The Club M release also came with the Super Packs, so that's why I used the boosters on this one. As usual, more to be seen here.
  3. Hey guys, returning after a long hiatus. Quick question, I remember back in the day the Animeigo version of SDF Macross was THE version to get, however in my cash strapped student days that was a difficult pill to swallow. These days the Animeigo version is out of print. Is there anything comparable on the market now? I've heard the ADV version is... not as good.
  4. Hello everyone. So, I'm modeling the Isamu helmet on 3d. But I got really stucked at the back part of the helmet as you can see on these pictures. If you can help me out with some reference images, or ideas, or anything it would be great. Thanks!!
  5. Has Bryan Cranston ever mentioned or acknowledged his role as Isamu in Macros Plus, during any interviews you're aware of? I've been watching a few of them and he never seems to so much as even mention his anime voice acting days. Another question.....is there any behind the scenes footage of the English VAs doing their performance on Macross Plus? That would have been cool extra on the DVDs/BDs.
  6. From the album: happy_spike collection

    Yamato YF-19 and YF-21 form Macross Pus
  7. It seems like the length of the X-9 Ghost is unknown, but I want to ask you guys if you know something about it. Or, if somebody can ask it to Kawamori, great! I'm curious because time ago I bought a X-9 resin kit, supposedly in 1/72, but its length is 25 cms (10"), too much for my taste. In addition, the X-9 is very similar to the QF-400 (from Macross Frontier), and as you know, this one is very small in comparison (13.68 cms, or 5.38" in 1/72... The half of the resin kit!) What do you think?
  8. Finally finished! The 1/48 scale VF-19A Excalibur "SVF-569 Lightnings" kit from Hasegawa. I went with a darker shade of gray, mainly because when I went to the hobby shop to buy the paint, they were out of the correct shade. The original color was for various F-16's, and this shade is too, so no complaints. I think the darker shade looks nice, anyways. The biggest challenge was masking off the area between the black and gray, while keeping the line for the lightning bolt decal. Easy solution- make a photocopy of the decal sheet, lay down a long strip of tape, and cut out the decal with a razor while on the tape. Now you've got a masking template. As always, you can see more here.
  9. Just like the title says, did someone here build this? http://flickrhivemind.net/Tags/mecha,papercraft/Timeline
  10. I watched DYRL and just finished SDF. SDF was great! Question is what should I watch next? (and any ideas where I can watch for free would be great too)
  11. Interview with Shinichiro Watanabe on 10 November 2012 during Anime Festival Asia(“AFA”) 2012 Shinichiro Watanabe was a guest speaker during AFA 2012 and James Wong and I were given the opportunity to conduct an interview with the legendry director. Shinichiro was the co-director with Shoji Kawamori of Macross Plus and the director for Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop. The interview was held at Singapore Expo Hall on 10 November 2012 with other people representing other media from Hexishe, Anime Shrine, SG Café and Campus.com. Thus, questions below are a compilation of questions asked by the group collectively. All his answers were conveyed to the Media in English through a translator and as such some content maybe lost in translation. Question : Watanabe-San, your work has many different genres, like “Cowboy Bebop” has space with cowboys / bounty hunters and “Samurai Champloo” has hip hop mixed with Samurais. How do you combine all these different genres and unrelated elements together so seamlessly that it feels natural ? Watanabe : That’s a very difficult question! (Laughs) I always get inspired on the spot, at any given moment. I constantly think how it will be interesting, exciting or unique if we can combine and mixing genre A and genre B. I would like to mix different things in my work: the word “Champloo” in ‘Samurai Champloo’ comes from an Okinawan term ‘chanpuru’ which means “something mixed”. Cooking is essentially mixing of different ingredients and that would be a mixture, right? So in Samurai Champloo, I combined two completely different elements, a traditional samurai story and trendy hip-hop music with the hope that it would be an exciting and interesting story. Question : There was news a while back that there will be a live action Cowboy Bebop movie, could you advise us on the status of the live-action movie ? Watanabe : The Limited Edition Blu-Ray set of Cowboy Bebop TV series will be released in Japan in December 2012. Amongst the extras in the limited edition set, there is a segment where I directed a 5 minutes filming of the live-action movie. Question : In your latest new anime “Kids on the Slope”, a lot of famous and popular jazz music was used in the soundtracks. Did it costs a lot to get the license of these music to be used in the anime ? Watanabe : The music used in “Kids on the Slope” were “cover versions” and not the original versions. Japanese musicians were used to recreate all jazz music for the recording of soundtrack in the anime. Therefore the licensing was not as expensive as using the original scores of the music. The biggest challenge is the synchronizing of the music in the anime. Question : Who chooses the soundtracks to be used ? Watanabe : The anime was actually adapted from a manga of the same name and therefore the jazz pieces which was in the manga were used in the anime. Where sections where the music was not in the manga, I would select the soundtrack for the anime. Question : You have worked together with Shoji Kawamori on “Macross Plus”. How do you find working with him ? Was he a very difficult person to work with ? Watanabe : Shoji Kawamori is a very strange person (laughs !) He is a bit crazy but very fun ! Question : When you mention that Shoji Kawamori is a very funny man, how so ? Watanabe : (Laughs) He is always using the lego sets to figure how to transform the mechas. And whenever I try to consult him about the Macross Plus project, he would be busy with his lego sets. Question : You also worked with the famous musician Yoko Kano, what is your opinion of her ? Watanabe : I think Yoko Kano is a genius !, I will try to work with her as much as possible in my projects. In Samurai Champloo, hip hop music used and this type of music was not suitable for Yoko Kano therefore I did not ask her to join me in that project. However for the jazz music in “Kids on the Slope”, I knew straight away I had to get Yoko Kano onboard. I would try to get Yoko Kano in projects where the music is suitable for her talents. Question : How does it feel to be able to direct Macross Plus which is one of the great work in the Macross franchise which is well loved and known by the Macross fans? What difficulty did you experienced when you directed this film? What is the most memorable film you did and why ? Watanabe : When the first Macross TV series was aired in television, I was a teenager. I did not think at that time I will have the opportunity to direct a Macross film in the future. But when I was offered to co-direct Macross Plus, I felt honored and extremely happy for the opportunity to be in an anime project which is one of my childhood favorite. Whenever I direct a film, I always keep this in mind, never put too much explanation in the story, if I put in too much details in the story, there won’t be much room for the viewers’ imagination. And a good story must have good balance, if the story is too complicated, the viewers would have difficulty following the story. That is why I am always taking care of the balance. Question : Then how do you simplify the story ? Watanabe : As I am the director of the film, I would know the background of the story and every aspect of it. In order to strike the right balance so as to not make the story too complicated. I would create the “other me” which is ignorant of the background of the story and would see whether the story would be easy for the “other me” to follow. The “other me” would be like an audience watching the film the first time. In respect of the Macross Plus project, as Shoji Kawamori was from the original Macross TV production team and he knows everything about Macross, I always check with Shoji on any questions that crop up in the project. Question : Was there any differences in direction between the two directors ? Watanabe : That is a very good question (laughs). Sometimes such things do happen, we have different opinions and directions. But as Shoji Kawamori is the from the original production team, I respected him and would follow his opinions. Question : Which is the most memorable film that you directed and why ? Watanabe : Cowboy Bebop…it is the first film that I have a free hand to do what I wanted. Question : What kind of inspirations that you put in Cowboy Bebop that makes you feel that it would be a much better film ? Watanabe : Everything…like the character, the feelings and the atmosphere. In Cowboy Bebop, I can put in my point of view and see how the world according to myself. This is the first film that I was able to convey my point of view freely and I can see the whole picture according to my vision. Question : Last month Production I.G. used their kick starter to fund their anime. Kick Starter is a project where Studio IG has asked members of the community for funds to fund their anime. In your opinion would this be the choice of studios to fund their anime? Watanabe : If I could get a bigger funding with kick starter, I would definitely consider using it. However I must first discuss with the producers first. That concludes our interview with Shinichiro Watanabe. And with that we thanked Watanabe, wishing the director the best of luck in his future projects. Please look forward to his work in the coming year! Special Thanks goes to Lim Wee Ling, Stephanie Seah, Michelle Tong of Asia PR Werkz Pte Ltd and Shawn Chin of Anime Festival Asia for arranging and assistance for the interview.
  12. fyi. http://product.banda...em_no=BCXA-0719 msrp: 17850y preorder up in AmJ: http://www.amazon.co.jp/マクロスプラス-Complete-Blu-ray-Box-河森正治/dp/B00ANIC62E/e edit: just preordered it and AmJ is gonna charge me 13600y plus the usual 2000y for intl express-shipping fees, so 15600y all in all. hopefully AmiAmi or others have better preorder deals. release date is 6/21/13. ANN has a blurb: http://www.animenews...-on-bd-in-japan
  13. 3D-Brainx

    YF-21 WIP

    Hello all! As I promised, I hereby start my wip thread for the YF-21. There is not much done yet, but the general shape is finished (no arms and legs), I0ll start with some details by sections and I'll then focus on legs and arms. Hope this doesn't take as long to finish as my vf-1 Cheers!
  14. Here is my latest completed work. Hasegawa's 1/72 VF-11B Thunderbolt from Macross Plus. Cockpit Detail: And with this kit finished, I have finally completed my Macross Plus collection!
  15. Okay the idea behind this thread is simple, users tend to ask questions that are, for better words, either easy to find common knowledge or sound pretty funny. You don't want to look stupid and we don't want to have mod a bunch of little topics. Examples: "Whose that green haired lady?" "What happen to Rick hunter?" "Did Minmay kiss her brother?" "Is this video from this country a bootleg?" "What's with the Zentradi elf-ears?" "Is there an official answer to <insert story="" or="" production="" trivia="" here="">?" "Where can I find a copy of this <insert product="" here="">?" "When will we see <insert product="" here=""> come out?" "What are this things?"/"Where are these things?"/"Who are these things?" "What <insert show or episode> did <insert event or item> show up?" and other newbie or short questions like these post them here. Ground rules It's only for newbie-type and short question/answer type questions about Macross. When someone post a simple question here hopefully one the more experienced posters will tell the newbie the answer. It's Question & Answer-format only. Nothing more. Newbies tend to be lazy and ask questions about everything. If you can point the newbie to the source it's better than just telling them the answer straight. If you see a newbie question about Macross somewhere else direct them here and their other topic will be closed/deleted. Search is a great tool. Useful links The Macross Compendium Mr. March's Macross Mecha Manual Newbie's guide to the differences between Macross and Robotech The Newbie and Short questions thread - Toy Edition Newbie thread, episode 2 Newbie thread, episode 1
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