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Everything posted by regult

  1. see?? everybody neglected the fact that there already is a Vajra toy!
  2. I guess the long tail boom serves as a third "leg" in battroid mode so the toy does not need extra support to stand up? makes me suspect the whole new tornado pack was meant to spruce up the DX VF-25 and milk an otherwise ugly mold.
  3. yup, Graham is so right! been wondering myself if I should cross the border to Shenzhen for a bottle of Future at the nearest local Walmart, sth we don't have down here in hk! I am not even sure they really sell that as the website claims.
  4. To bring a bit of history, the "Skull Team" in SDFM and particularly Roy Fokker's valk, the valk itself is inspired by the F-14 and the livery is a mix between early "Jolly Rogers" (VF-84) and "Wolfpack" (VF-1). From the first it took the black tail with a jolly roger stencil and the orange stripe across the cockpit area from the second. (Actually, it is quite obvious the squadron designator "VF" was also "retconed" to Variable Fighter) I don't mind the thin feet problem myself. Sorry for the previous double post (something was wrong with the connection or the server).
  5. same here! Seems like nobody like those feet, fighter or battroid. Bandai: back to the drawing board!!!!
  6. Have you seen Fantasy Island? Really, I don't know, but I am in Hong Kong and people come in all kinds of sizes and shapes, just like those gummy pilot figures. No exaggeration. Not a joke, even hats come in sizes (not the "one size fits all" baseball cap). Motorbike helmets come in sizes too.
  7. I think the original message implied (gummy) pilot (figures), which vary ENORMOUSLY from model to model. I even have 1/72 hasegawa, dragon, hobby master, etc. pilots that look silly sitting together. It's like Gandalf in Hobbyton man! I was one of those who said the cockpit had to be some kind of a "constant" on valks of different sizes and shapes. Only trying to imply if the VF-25 and 27 cockpits were to look more reasonable (not so narrow), they'd need to enlarge the entire valk. BUT, the DX toys are actually quite to scale with the cannon measurements...so Kawamori or whoever assigned those stats may consider giving the newest valks one or two meters more. Instead of 18.8, say 20 or 21 meters would suffice. Hell, my 1/72 VF-25 (the model is considered VERY accurate in size and shape) looks funny next to my extensive collection of real aircraft models. It's not the flashy livery (70's US Navy anyone?), it's the ridiculously small cockpit (and pilot, must admit).
  8. wait till you get your tornado pack bundle for the final word
  9. is this really the first time anyone says this? could not agree more.
  10. after dozens of pages with the better DX VF-27, the ugly DX VF-25 is back again...makes me wish for a Version 2 even more!
  11. I'd like to see a V2.0 1/60 VF-25 from any manufacturer, best if with Bandai's sturdy construction and Yamato's paintjob. So far Bandai proved they can come up with a decent VF with the Lucifer release, using the same basic idea (and maybe some parts) they could make an outstanding Messiah. I wonder if they really design these things in Japan or they send CAD files to China so they do the engineering and production
  12. how do you make the cockpit of the VF-25 (or 27 for that matter) look less narrow and small? enlarge the whole model and you get a long, sleek cockpit. but unfortunately, the size is "to scale" according to offical stats.
  13. I remember somehow there were drawings like this of the VF-27 cockpit, would you by chance have them too? EDIT: found the schematics in Macross Frontier Official Fan Book, and the VF-27 front seat also seems to have the EX-gear system.
  14. no, that's been said repeatedly on this same page, the VF-25 and VF-27 ARE TO SCALE, measured in Fighter mode, they meet their "listed size" of 18 meters, so does the VF-0 by Yamato, and the SV-51 for that matter (pilot figures vary in size). Pilot figures can serve as a reference, but don't forget that if they had to put the same Brera gummy inside the VF-25 DX, they should still save some room for the EX-gear (never knew if the VF-27 pilots have one)...so getting rid of all the stuff in the cockpit for a bigger gummy pilot is cheating. On screen, the cockpits may look roomy (VF-27 or SV-51 for instance) and in the correctly scaled toy, it's just too tight (I am comparing the VF-0's huge dome with that of the SV...). So it's probably the animators or SK himself screwing with our minds. We never really get a good look at the actual VF-27 interior because most of the time Brera is floating in cyberspace. I remember there were some design sketches of the interior but cannot find them, in any case, they looked like at least as big as the 25's in size. Again, it's not that Bandai gave us an undersized or out of scale toy, I am trying to say that in the anime, the VF-25 and 27 look like they could be bigger than the official (?) stats, which were followed by the toy manufacturer.
  15. I decided to jump in this conversation. I always thought the cannon sizes for the VF-25 and -27 are a bit too small. In the 1/72 model, the pilot is so small it looks exactly like a 1/100 Gundam pilot figure, and it already fills up the tiny cockpit perfectly, any bigger and the EX-gear would burst at the seams of the fuselage. Unless every single 1/72 pilot provided is Mr. Angeloni, I don't see how Mr. Lee would fit in being the big man he is. When I compare the DX VF-27 with the Yammie VF-0, both supposed to be very accurate and to-scale, the size of the 0's cockpit is freakin' huge, like the dome of the Capitol. Poor Brera and Ranka are cramped inside that extremely thin and elongated (narrow) aircraft toilet instead. C'mon, the new cockpits are even smaller than the VF-1's!!! My logic goes like this: pilots are humans so cockpits should accommodate them, no matter how big or small the rest of the craft, therefore cockpits/pilots should remain pretty much constant. Visually, the designs of the 25 and 27 look like they could use a few more feet, even meters. I say they'd look more balanced (and pilots less like either sardines or undersized) if the valks were assigned a length of 22 meters...but that's non-cannon so pretend I didn't say that.
  16. Optimus Prime has paint scratches all over him...no good for our fellow collectors! next alien robot!
  17. since you jumped in, it'd be great if you could post the promised final pictures, with weathering and such! nice to see so many people tackling this quite obscure subject.
  18. All the information seems to indicate it is the exact same old valk toy with a new add-on pack that may or may not fall off by being looked at.
  19. hasn't somebody else done this a while back? I think the thread was titled "a Fokker Fokker" or sth like that. There were screencaps and the customized Fokker prop model.
  20. not sure if I should post this here, but I've been looking for the cover art of Frontier DVD volume 5. I have all the rest of them in the format of volume 4 as attached, but only missing the 5th, also attached in a lower res and with the actual text printed, so it's a scan. I searched 4chan but there is no indexing so it's probably futile. Does anybody else have it here?? thanks! I'd love to have the entire set.
  21. I think I asked for the same thing and got the pictures a few pages back in this discussion, I remember it was a -25G with the exact same tabs by default on the -27 model and DX. Status report, after a probably not-so-careful transformation of my (only) completed VF-25F, I snapped off one of the arms clean from the hinge, my camera is out of batteries so cannot share the mishap with illustrations. It's the super tight hinge that allows the six-dotted shoulder to swing 180 degrees allowing the arms to be stowed under the fuselage in fighter mode. I can see some kind of a twist stress marks where the plastic broke off. I transformed it to check the parts that needed retouch, redecoration (lots of decals were damaged and some hinges loose), and keep it permanently in either battroid or fighter mode...now I guess it will have to be fighter...but meanwhile it's a pile of sad plastic.
  22. over 25 years later, all we get are transforming planes less than one feet in size, with scratching paint or exploding shoulders...so much for overtechnology! Guess we really need alien engineering to improve our collectibles!
  23. Hmm...sense of adventure! Keep us posted please! (although I think there really is a high chance it's just another preview, (just remembered) doesn't "PV" stand for that?
  24. I am not quite sure what this torrent is...download at your own risk. I had to share this. "File: [PhuzySubs]_Macross_Frontier_Movie_-_Itsuwari_no_Utahime_PV.avi"
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