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Everything posted by Hiriyu

  1. There should be Strike cannons included with the FP sets... The earlier pictures all showed Strike cannons.
  2. Update for me: DYRL 1/48 VF-1A (CF): 001 1/48 VF-1S (Hikaru): 001 1/48 VF-1S (Roy): 001 TV 1/48 VF-1A (Angelbirds): 001 Accessories 1/48 VF-1 FP: 001 Others 1/60: VF-1A Hikaru: 002 VF-1A Max: 001 VF-1A CF: 002 VF-1A CF TRU: 003 VF-1S Roy: 002 VF-1J Hikaru: 001 VF-1J Max: 001 VF-1J Millia: 001 VF-1S Roy Strike: 001 VF-1D Trainer: 001 VT-1 Super Ostrich: 002 VE-1 Elint Seeker: 002 GBP-1S Standalone: 001 VF-0S Roy: 001 VF-0A CF: 001 YF-19 Isamu: 001
  3. There's also lots of TopGear up on Youtube. Loved the episode where they set up an old rusty Mini with skis and rocket motors, and sent it down an Olympic ski jump.
  4. Your wish is granted. However, we need some Gerwalk pics too. Also, the first pic of the VF-4 is mislabeled, iirc the caption should read 'VFX-3'.
  5. Thanks for the piccys, Fort Max! These do look somewhat small and cheap for the price, but I'll be picking them up nonetheless. The Orgroid looks to have some pretty nice features for what seems to be such a small toy though (check out the doors in the arms that receive the hands - even the 1/40 Taka doesn't have those). I would also love to see an SOC or Spec Orgroid or Nikick, either would be bomb. It would be neat to see some of the lesser-known support equipment too, but I won't exactly hold my breath waiting for them
  6. The Ostrich backpack is a little tricky. What I do is to first partially collapse the aft joint, then fold up the forward joint till it clicks. When the forward joint is locked, I wiggle/nudge the backpack down snug into the stop for the aft joint. Hope that's not too confusing.
  7. Hiriyu

    Please Read

    Man, sorry fellas I think that just a few judiciously placed washers (and maybe reinforced thread bosses or captive inserts) could have helped prevent a great deal of the issues and breakages people have reported. It's never a good idea to economize a high-end design to reduce margin on hardware that is cheap in the first place, but it's a much-too-common practice these days. I still like my zeros, though they could have been even better
  8. These toys go for way too much on Ebay. As absolutely craptacular as they are, I still have some nostalgic lust for them, as these were the accessible Mospeadas of my youth. Like Ghadrack, I think I gave all mine away when I was 13 or 14... Stupid mistake. IIRC, the Henshin Robo and Robotech versions were available concurrently - I seem to remember seeing the Henshin Robos for sale far more frequently though.
  9. Agreed. I think the same treatment might work with the VF-0 too. I had actually been waiting to see your comment on this new SV-51, seeing as how you are probably more intimately familiar with its design than most anyone else. Anything else you notice offhand?
  10. Yep, Jenius. Consider it confirmed. The guns are much tighter now - everything on these things are tighter.
  11. Great custom, very nice work. One question though, why blue on the canopy hem?
  12. I assumed that those are landing gear doors, ala Toynami.
  13. I've seen loose ones recently on ebay for as little as $25.00, but a nice complete boxed one can run $120.00-$150.00. The rarer "standard issue" alt versions usually seem to go for close to $300.00.
  14. Is there room in your schedule for a 0D?
  15. There are some older threads here which show pics of the specific areas to be careful with (This one for instance). Haven't had a problem with mine, knock on wood.
  16. I, for one, am disappointed with your response, mister-e. Not nearly enough huff or vitriol expressed for a post on this forum I think I'll hang on to mine as well.
  17. Not bad at all . I'd very much like an integrated trackball and spinner. Who'd you order through? And what sort of dosh are we talking? IIRC, I bought my Hotrod back in '99 or '00 for $100.00... Through a special advertised on JoseQ's EmuViews
  18. JB0, nice games list. Anything Atari + Vector = coolness. EL is also the shiznit. You are my long lost brother after all. I use this for my emulator control needs:
  19. Ouch Oh man, that's rough. Any chance to exchange it?
  20. I'd have to agree about the bike and rider proportions. I'd imagine that the shocks must fold up into the underside of the front fairing, which would be a plus. I didn't catch the sight hatch, hafta take another look... The paint and details also look pretty poor in these pics, though it may because it's hand painted.
  21. Congrats Knight, and Mrs. Knight! 11lb 11oz is huge! Hope the missus is doing well!
  22. Briareos just posted this link in the beta/tread thread: http://photos2.figures.com/gallery2/showgallery.php?cat=617 It shows several pics of the ride armor in better lighting... My first impression is "ughh". Looks pretty wonky
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