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Everything posted by Hiriyu

  1. As HLJ seems sold out, I just bought some through this ebay seller: http://stores.ebay.com/THE-NET-BOEKI Set of 7pc, looks to include the 'Secret' Zent-Coat figure for $35.00 + shipping from Japan. Will update when received and let you guys know if legit.
  2. I have a rotating display... Since I currently don't have enough shelf space for all of my stuff (not just 1/48s), and new stuff constantly arriving, the vast majority is boxed up. I don't 'play' with them too often, so mine is more a museum display. I would love to be able to get everything out and put on display at some point, but will need to invest in some appropriate cabinetry.
  3. Nor is it wise to generalize and say ALL diecast is problematic either. Notice any double-standard in your argument there? Other manufacturers do seem quite capable of using diecast without widespread cosmetic chipping problems, as has been previously pointed out with BoB's SOC references. The SOC Gunbuster really is a sterling example of how to create/engineer an insanely complex transforming mechanism, using painted diecast/diecast or diecast/plastic joints, which is not prone to chipping. If in doubt, check out the transforming feet that come with the Gunbuster
  4. Thanks for posting those up. I think that you'd be much better off following Rodavan's advice than mine, as I wouldn't know a 3D mesh if it came up and bit me in the arse. I can completely understand his mentioning that the humps make a big difference in the perception of the overall shape. Your other renders show your Regult's proportions much better, and perhaps the width down at the bottom isn't too far off just as you have it. I do still think that the upper curvature/radius of the pod could be a little shallower, in that, from a side view, the 'forehead' (for lack of a better word. 'Carapace'?) could slope back a bit more gently... But again, these are just my unedumacated ramblings, so please take with a grain of salt. Again, looking forward to more WIP shots!
  5. I'd go for the anodized aluminum too. Titanium would just be too expensive. hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;hbar;
  6. Chrono, great initiative as always. It will be a beautiful model. As far as constructive criticism: When comparing to your line art image, does the pod need a little more upkick and/or broadness at the bottom, where the lower set of beam cannons are located? Maybe a little deeper radius between the 'eye' and the aft-facing laser cannons? How about a more pronounced flare at the hem above the legs? Just my random thoughts. I know that you'll do it justice.
  7. You know, I had the same reaction when I picked up my first 1/48 (a first-issue Hikaru 1A). My expectations had been raised quite high by all I was told. I traded it off to a member here within 6 hours of ownership. I really didn't like it that much. The 'feel' just wasn't there for me. It was quite a change for a diecast fan like myself. Later on I began to think that maybe I hadn't given it a fair enough shake, and picked up the CF when it was produced (the CF is one of my favorite valks). Knowing what I was getting to into a little better, I warmed to it, and now I have several of them. They really are very nice overall in terms of sculpt, and they display very nicely. I just refrain from handling them too often
  8. But... Why would we have heard anything from Nami Toi? They are concerned with the 'outside of Japan' rights, correct? Why give a licensee in a foreign market any publicity? Otherwise, I agree completely - it will be interesting to see what develops. I expect it will be somewhat less er, dramatic than we would all like, but interesting anyway
  9. Very good point. I know from personal business experience that a lot of the Chinese contractor fabs play pretty fast and loose with their tools, so the scenario you mention is highly plausible. I still tend toward the notion that their must be some sort of agreement in place, however.
  10. Ditto that. I watched the first episode, and gave up in disgust. Stupid premise, cardboard characters ("Hey Homes, I'm your brother Homes, I just got out of jail Homes, I drive a lowrider with hydros Homes") , and completely lame representation of "racing". If you are going to do a series about a cross-country road race, it would behoove you to hire somebody who actually knows something about cars and driving to help lend some credibility. It looks like all the driving scenes were written and directed by a committee who might have seen a couple minutes from 'The Fast and the Furious' a few years ago. Lame.
  11. Cool, thanks for the info guys. As this is obviously a cooperative agreement between Aoshima and Nami Toy, I don't think that either party will be upset with the results... Nami Toi gets to make money which they otherwise wouldn't by licensing the design (and/or molds, or even possibly actual toys), and Aoshima gets to make money with a "new" enhanced product which sets theirs apart. With this deal, there may even be better reason to pursue Tread production. Competition in the form of the CMs pairing may not even be an issue. For my money, I'm thinking Aoshima has an option on the molds themselves (or derivatives thereof). It sounds kind of silly to suggest that they would want to modify already existent N.O.S. parts.
  12. Slightly OT, but as long as a given body weighs less than the water it displaces, it will float like a duck (or a witch). Remember that the Valkyrie is a flyweight construct using advanced materials, and that it was designed to be 'airtight' for usage in space. It is not at all surprising that it would float.
  13. Perhaps the 'limited' production status only relates to Toynami's home-market MPC line, and not that of other overseas distributions/derivatives? At any rate, it will surely be more costly to import one of the apparent overseas releases after currency conversion and shipping costs than the o.g. MPC did in the first place. I paid the high price for all four of mine, but strangely, I feel no outrage welling from within
  14. Without any doubt, those ARE MPCs. <Nelson> HaHaa </Nelson>
  15. LMFAO. I had forgotten about many of those shows. Thanks for reminding me I was really surprised to see that Dana Carvey was one of the Blue Thunder TV stars. I remember watching the show all the time, but didn't remember him as part of the cast... Trippy.
  16. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=22156 Wrong subforum
  17. I wouldn't exactly consider myself a 'fan' of theirs, but at the same time there seem to be many here who exhibit far higher levels of Toynami butt-hurtedness than I. I think that's about the best to be hoped for in these parts
  18. Yup, ditto. Still nice to see more companies picking up the license and releasing merchandise, I think.
  19. The toy that originally started it for me 'way back when' was one of the knock-off 1/100 Taka variables, the same type that EXO mentions. By 1987 or so, I had "outgrown" Macross toys and had given away nearly everything I had until that point (Stupid, Stupid, Stupid ) Around about '02 or '03, I became aware of new Macross merchandise popping up on Ebay, and this rekindled my interest, and indirectly led me here. My first modern Macross toy was a Yamato 1/60 CF. I now have about 30 Yamatos, and another 30 or so Vintage Takas, Gakkens and Bandais.
  20. Thanks, that works for me. I'll be seeding in a moment.
  21. Nope, no workie for me. I get the download link, but it just points back to the nag screen. I'll try back later.
  22. Could you give me the exact filename you're using? I cannot get past the nag screen for BT download you link to.
  23. I'm DL'ing now from Area88s server. I'll help seed as soon as I have the complete file.
  24. Bump for the thread TMP now has these for preorder : http://www.tmpanime.com/index.php?cPath=246
  25. Perfect Memory remains my overall favorite Macross book in general. I did score a nice gold book with poster for $80.00 on ebay some time back though.
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