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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Any tips for using stickers? Or something to look out for. I think I may use them as well.
  2. I would love to hear more about this in an appropriate thread to discuss.
  3. I think I've finally ran out of room. My office is jammed pack and I can only display like 15-30% of my collection at once. I don't really want to quit collecting. I've tried slimming down the collection by selling some older stuff and I have a little. But when I think about how hard it was to get some stuff and how I got lucky getting other stuff, I have a real hard time letting it go. Not sure what I'm going to do.
  4. You shouldn't let other people's opinions (OPP - LOL) stop you from watching 7 or Delta. Even if both have problems they are still Macross series and still worth a watch. There will be stuff in there that you like guaranteed. Personally, i love 7. The only thing that really bugs me about it now is that 90s flat colored animation style. It hasn't aged well. The early episodes of Macross 2 looks better IMO. With a first heard news reports on what zero was going to be about i was super excited. Especially that Roy was going to be in it. I always wanted to see more stories about him. Unfortunately, they dropped the ball with him. He really wasn't that interesting in it. Between that and his changed character design he seemed like a different character. They also supremely dropped the ball by not including Global. It would've made a lot of sense to use him. He's another character we didn't see enough of.
  5. Sandman

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Not if we have to go through a stupid lottery again.
  6. All this talk of Zero makes me want to watch it again.
  7. The more I hear about it, the more I want to see this Air Cavalry Chronicles revived. Sound like an interesting idea.
  8. Ah. Thanks for the info. Hopefully they'll do a full script analysis in a future podcast. I don't really like reading scripts though I will give this one a shot.
  9. Yeah I agree with some of what you are saying and concerns. Delta was the first series since the original that I watched in real time (each episode as they came out). I would get excited to watch every week. Then after episode 13 it was followed by disappointment. Every week I continued to be excited with hope that this would be a good episode. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Hopefully they have learned from their mistakes and will improve for this new series.
  10. I don't get how Basara seems like a woman to you. I actually think of him as being very masculine. He has very not talk much or share his feelings attitude that men in early Hollywood movies had.
  11. Thanks so much! Didn't Save (Adrian) post this as well? I know they talked about it on the speaker podcast at some point.
  12. It isn't just Seto. That guy has been blasting this whole forum as a whole for some time now. He calls us all delta bashers. Severely disappointing since I use to enjoy listening to him on the DAP podcast years ago. Its a real unobjective and uncompromising view point. I don't understand these fans that can't objectively take any criticism of Delta. From what was stated in the podcast review of the movie, Kawamori seemed to take some of that constructive criticism to heart and worked on correcting some of those issue. It doesn't mean we don't love Delta. There's many aspects of Delta that I love but there's no way I can admit the overall writing was great for this series. And before any one chimes in about that vocal minority that bitches about Delta any chance they get. Yeah there is some of that but it's like that everywhere on the internet. There are always going to be those guys around. Everyone has an opinion and are entitled to it. I don't think it's particular mature to call someone a cretin because you don't agree with it. Theres an ironic hypocrisy to it.
  13. I just noticed this id for models. Will this work for metal builds? It looks identical to the one that comes with the metal Gear 00 Rizer.
  14. I got all excited about this because my metal gear 00 Riser stand broke off into my figure. Then i realized it's the clear adapter piece that broke off in the figure and it looks like that piece doesn't come with it.
  15. I'm all for more spoilers (as long as they are tagged with spoiler tags) since i won't get to see this for a least 6 months and probably longer for a sub.
  16. So how much of the movie was the same as the series (scenes and footage) and how much was completely new scenes and footage?
  17. Seeing such a discount on that Milia makes me want to buy it sooooo bad even though i have one already and am broke ATM.
  18. Is this what the omega particle or god particle project was or is that something else? I so I didn't realize it was going to be a Netflix thing. Seems like kind of a downgrade to me. Though none of the cloverfield movies were great IMO.
  19. Sandman

    Bandai DX VF-31

    https://hlj.com/product/GNZDS001 This is the one i use. I currently have my 31J sitting on it in fighter mode. EDIT: I just remembered i have 31J on the stand which is sitting on the turntable. I'll have to check if it fits with the landing gears when i get home.
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