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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Yeah I'm not sure how practical it would be for them to produce the ships at a consistent scale. The ships have widely different sizes. But yeah having the same scale would be nice. That Ent-J in Mommar's pic looks hilariously small compared to the other two ships. LOve the pics guys. Keep them coming.
  2. I notice the prices really vary for these. Is it just a scarcity thing. Do they ever get re-released ever or once you miss one you're stuck paying aftermarket prices?
  3. Yeah that's what I was afraid of. Looks like it's just a crapshoot. I'll have to try and get another Refit Enterprise and hope I get a decent one. I won't be getting all of them either. I'll probably get a lot of the Federation ships and some standouts of the alien ships like the klingon d7 and Romulan bird of prey. That phase 2 Enterprise looks cool too.
  4. Yeah it's disappointing that the movie refit enterprise seems to be one of the worse ones they have released. I'm interested in checking out the mega sized versions as well.
  5. Anyone collecting these? I've just started. Hoping there are fans here so I have people to discuss collecting these with. I've picked up the Enterpise-D and Enterprise movie refit. The D was flawless. Unfortunately, the movie refit had misaligned nacelles that are not parallel. One nacelle also sits higher than the other. It really bugs my OCD. I don't know if they are all like that or I just got a bad one? Is there bootlegs of these? I did get mine from China missing the book.
  6. Sandman

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Yay tampoed intake warnings. Aren't the super parts colored wrong though?
  7. Ended up Ordering the Moshow 00Quant. Disappointed I missed out on the Freedom MB KO before it went up in price. Also disappointed in missing out the blue Seven sword. Looks like you can't get it anymore at Taobao.
  8. Already have my money tied up with TaobaoFOCUS.
  9. Did Something happen with the third party MB stuff on Taobao? My KO VF-1S PF Hikaru got canceled again for the 5th time so I decided to get a KO Metal Build instead. The selection has dwindled on Taobao. Can't find a blue metal club Seven sword anymore. The Freedom has gone up in price. The macross stuff has seemed to dwindled too. Looks like it's become vaporware.
  10. Sandman

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    So this preorder will be Thursday night for North Americans? Is it at 11pm or midnight for us in PST. DST always messes me up.
  11. Why can’t they give us a decent anniversary valk? I’d prefer a canon scheme that wasn’t popular enough for a regular release.
  12. Sandman

    Hi-Metal R

    I can back this up. Large part of my collection came from mandarake and I’ve never had an issue. Well actually once. I bought a 1j Hikaru hi-metal that had the fighter stand adapter swapped for a claw piece. It was super cheap so I didn’t even contact them about it.
  13. Sandman

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I wish there was a way to contact Bandai and voice my opinion on how they do business. I know they don't care about international buyers ut i'd still like to send them that message.
  14. Not digging the op music. Its funny though the part where the song speeds up reminds me of starships - nothing is going to stop us now
  15. I would like some reissues. I'd kill for another vf-25G renewal yf-30 Chronos vf-19 advance maybe a yf-29 Osama
  16. I'd actually buy 2-3 maybe 4 of these stands. The price is right. Any more then they would be a no.
  17. What's the thought behind that super long crotch piece?
  18. Sandman

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I feel the same way. Bandai seems to not want my business. Between not getting the 31JKai and the 31A, it's kind of ruined my collection of Delta valks that makes me wonder, what's the point? Since i can't complete the collection why bother with the rest. This is the first time in macross collecting I won't be able to complete a line. Which is weird considering most of the 31s except the two exceptions have been way easier to get than the Frontier valks . The 31A should've been a normal release with a higher production run like the 25A. Everyone knew this was the one everyone wanted to get. The tomytec 31A was the first to sell out entirely too before the main character valks. I'm tired of subsidizing Bandai with the lower selling valks while they screw us with the ones we really want.
  19. Sandman

    Hi-Metal R

    Never understood the difference with this. Might as well et charged right away. The only way i'd want to wait is if my card was maxed but then the authorization won't go through anyway.
  20. Sandman

    Hi-Metal R

    wow no discount at HLJ? CDJapan shows them up at a way cheaper price. What's going on with HLJ lately?
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