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Everything posted by wmkjr

  1. Thanks for the heads up on the NY email. In other news, someone grab that Ozma bundle on drake before I get tempted!
  2. Preorder up again at NY albeit at $179ish still around the same price I paid for Isamu.
  3. Quote name="YF-29 DurandaI post="1100221" timestamp="1391438852"] I won't exactly call Bandai's valks cheap and I just got a bit angry when everyone cheerily wants to pay $300+ for the new Arcadia VF-0D. Don't need to get angry, It's their own money so let them spend it on whatever they want. I don't wanna cheerily spend $$$ for valks either and wish they were cheaper but I got some reasons why I'll buy them anyways. 1. I love the way they look and have been a fan since I was a kid. 2. I'm at a point in my life where I can afford the prices. 3. I don't collect anything else to divert money to. 4. I just look at the price from a different perspective. I break it down into monthly installments then see if I can cut out some splurging elsewhere in the monthly budget (for example, I'll skip out one night out with the boys). Anyways, just have fun and enjoy as I'll be looking forward to getting at least two of these VF-0D.
  4. Durandal Baru killy (Ozma)! I like the yellow accents. I gotta get 2 of these minimum.
  5. Thanks Nerd-linger for the pics. I don't have the master files books so didn't know the other paint schemes. Now it's harder to choose. I'd go with 5,10,25,26, and 29
  6. Scream Man, on 09 Jan 2014 - 1:7:46, said Back in September I said if i got the 19P I'd do a Skull 2 scheme. Well, I got it, so:
  7. I don't have any non hero paints to suggest but here's what I would like ( in no order of preference): 1. Desert camo 2. Sundowners -ish paint scheme with gull grey (or similar) 3. Navy blue grey with gull grey bottom ( Like early WW2 navy type or VF-0D) 4. VE-1 in stealth black 5. VT-1 in a different high visibility paint scheme (Maybe a yellow type, since blue and red is already covered ) They should make one that looks like the JSDF aircraft camo paint scheme.
  8. Multiple shipments, the box with the Macross quarter( didn't realize it was that big) had 3 other valks so it was big. I was just lazy to put separate pics. Save some posting space for other peeps.
  9. Nice grab! Just gotta tell myself to stop already! I like the Cavalier deep blue color.
  10. Yahoo Japan got some good deals, when they come around. Just gotta be patient. Most of my recent haul was from there.
  11. For the price of the YF-19, it should come with the PWS-0X armor set! Now, if were talking about the VF-19(all variants NOT including YF-19 variants), according to the Hobby Link Japan's website before discounts it was 22000yen. The VF-0's had a list price of 16800yen. With booster set it was 19800yen. Factoring inflation to the prices, the VF-0 with ghost booster set would come out around the same price as the VF-19 in 2013. Of course this is just using $USD with the list prices and not factoring discounts. This is just one way to compare it as I'm sure there are other sites you can use. Anyways, I went here http://www.usinflationcalculator.com/ and plugged in the year of release with the list prices at HLJ. Using the site above as reference, I can see it being in a similar price point to a VF-19 if they sold the VF-0's as a ghost bundle or valk only+display stand.
  12. R.I.P. I really liked his dioramas. Thoughts and prayers to his family.
  13. Iron man + scout trooper + ASIMO + Halo enforcer armor= Valkyrie Taken from the link (with a little editting ): "One of the goals of the DARPA contest is to create robots that can take over from humans in certain situations without needing any special accommodations, which is why the robot is humanoid."
  14. Pretty good. I thought it was this: http://eyeforthings.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/ep25_macross_cake.png
  15. Do they put up the no box goods on their website? Spotted a SV-51 and VF-1d for 8400yen in the display.
  16. I wish they could make a cheyenne II, III+work destroid variations with ground crew and loaders.
  17. Iron man mark 1 ver 2.0. Man the level of detail on their figures are amazing!
  18. You can still find YF-29's on the secondary market if you really want them. Got a YF-29 30th for $180 a few months ago. Might pick up 2 of these though.
  19. Found some stuff I had forgotten about and I got Isamu some company come April:
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