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Everything posted by drifand

  1. The 1/60 Tomahawk has also been offered for pre-order in Singapore... 100SGD for early birds.
  2. Katakana sez the first one is SRW Alpha2's 'Alterion' or 'ALTELION' as it is stated plainly in the lower portion of the text. It's a plastic kit.
  3. Who knows? Maybe Beagle will do another $200 surprise down the road...
  4. For those who enjoyed Starship Troopers and Forever War, you've got to give 'Old Man's War' by John Scalzi a try. An excellent new take on 'colonial volunteers' with plenty of hard SF thinking and strong characterisation.
  5. REALITY CHECK: All 1/12 Votoms by Yamato are based on the original Scopedog design with changes only in head/legs/weapons. No Fatty, Turtles or Beetles since 2004. And as much as we'd like to see a Hargun or E=X G, the 1/15 Garlands are basically paint variants except for the improved tooling on the Proto G. So... can we expect more from Yamato's 1/24 Patlabors besides the OVA/TV/Movie1&2/CLAT variants? "Macross is Yamato's Gundam." :-)
  6. Took the plunge on HLJ's sale... I'll be finding out soon if the Military Garland is able-bodied or not.
  7. I'll take just one 1/24 P2-flak vested Ingram No. 3 with articulated Nagumo figure, thank you.
  8. I'm with BOB. I'm sticking to my personal NO 1ST RUNS BY YAMATO rule, purely for my own peace of mind. That said, bring on the positive reports if you've got 'em! :-)
  9. Yup. Kotobukiya 1/72 'Real Mechanical Action Collection'... 'same product series as the Hellhound' <and I might be wrong here> clear parts and light-up gimmick for the gatling gun.
  10. Waiting for a proper VF-1 line-up that wasn't 'orphaned' from every other Macross mecha because of scale was definitely worth it
  11. I don't want to gloat but that's just further proof that Yamato only 'gets it right' after the 2nd release or so. And the Scopedog doesn't even transform. I wonder how the Bubblegum 'Crisis' will turn out now.
  12. Congrats! That's as good as it gets when it comes to a self-recovery. :-) That's stand operating procedure for Yamato Toys, ya know? Just about every complex and multi-version line-up they've released has 'enjoyed' some form of revision and improvement. So if you don't like to gamble (like me), you've got to tough out the first releases. That's my only 'foolproof' strategy for Yamato toys now.
  13. Ahhhhhhh we need a Bandai SPEC IRON MAN!!! Fully articulated base figure with snap on diecast armor! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
  14. The only iffy cut, I felt, was at the Firemen's Benefit Charity Ball, where after the blondie reporter showed Stark some photos of his weapons at work in Gulmira and then suddenly we're outside with Stark remonstrating with Stane about under-table arms deals. Seems at that point, there were some 'upset-looking' people in the crowd... I think it was a segue from a longer scene inside where Stark probably created a fuss before they 'took it outside'. Otherwise, all the hardware testing and suiting-up was pure mecha-goodness. And the cabin attendants on Stark's private jet! Yes, I would like some 'hot sake'!! :-)
  15. Ideally, the 'fuel tank' would separate from the front cowling and slip under the rider's crotch to re-form on his back. But what it is exactly that holds the pieces in place during such a sequence would definitely be Anime Magic.
  16. Yo Twoducks, is that a swimsuit shoot or what? Mighty 'seductive' posing there ;-)
  17. I'm real sorry to hear about your bad luck. I guess this is another case of Yamato being their own worst enemy. Hope you manage to resolve this satisfactorily somehow. :-/
  18. Just for fun... here's what the first shot looked like with the stands in place:
  19. Now that's the kinda RED I wanted to see on the original SOC EVA-02! Has anyone encountered any more fragile hip-joint problems on the newer SPEC EVAs? Ah! I didn't read the top of the page... good to know the hips are fixed now.
  20. OK, here's a quickie with my Gakken 1/35s. I've got no flexistands, so I had to make do with the Bandai MS Base, using 2 arms for each jet and Photoshoping them out later: I guess the biggest difference with the new CM's has to be the larger chest intakes on the Gakkens. My trio of 1/35s are OLD and have gotten very brittle. On the green and blue jets, I've had to repair the shoulder joints. In fact, the green one is just hanging on by a thread. I'll probably have to scratch build a new joint soon, but them's the breaks for vintage toys. All 3 modes: I gotta say, I like the Gakken's Armo Diver (Gerwalk) the least. It's darn difficult to find the right number of 'clicks' on the hips and knees to give it a good balance, much less a fun pose. For the Armo Soldier, the real problem is in the way the arms are designed. Since the fists cannot be rotated, good action poses with the rifle are not so easy to achieve. I find that the toy tends to do better with 'macho two-fisted' postures. Proportions just didn't work out for a genuine kneeling pose, the right knee is actually off the ground. Like the TT 1/55, this 'chunky monkey' is still plenty of fun to transform and play, but it's good to see the design updated by CM's. In my heart, though, I still wished Aoshima hadn't screwed up so badly... that would've been my preferred 'modern Legioss'. Ah well... :-)
  21. Excellent job, Ignacio! You made really good use of the Gakken's hip joints! :-)
  22. Mmm, gotta give my old Gakkens a roll call and see what those old foggies can do! :-)
  23. Shrug. If you won't pay, you won't. Ethics is a personal choice.
  24. Somehow iTunes worked out pretty ok for Apple and their media partners (although the latter have been getting greedier with demands for higher prices). At the 'right' price, fair-minded fans WILL pay to support their favorite shows. Those won't pony-up a measly, let's say $2~5 per quality ep won't bother paying $30+ per BR-disc anyway. Pricing it low for web-distributed episodes means they actually get some revenue from those who want their fix now, and who may actually pay a premium for the BR+special features later.
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