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Everything posted by drifand

  1. PRO: Hair doesn't move like a mop like in the first movie. CONS: Cliches. ZOMBIES. Rent/Borrow/Rip it first.
  2. The Raiden was fun to build and fun to 'play' with... for a model kit. The Ishtar Metal Fake however was a PITA to balance in any cool pose. Never did get around to building my Shinden though. And yeah, BIGGER would be so cool especially since BANDAI released those awesome 1/20 VOTOMS kits!
  3. The Proto G colors really grow on you, plus the fact that it doesn't have 'issues' means you can TF it back and forth without worries as long as you understand the swing-bars are STILL considered delicate parts. Glane21, it's interesting that you've noted the small but significant differences between the Proto and the 'normal' Garland. As I don't own the original version, I was surprised that the 'Hargan shield' couldn't fit the Proto's forearm 'clips'. Luckily I didn't force it! However, I do wonder if the chest is really that different aside from the sliding front-locks and flip-out mirrors. I can totally imagine a future 'improved' reissue of the Garland that incorporates those features.
  4. I was supposed to be in on an early shipment of the MH for Singapore, but couldn't make it to the store due to work. A friend who DID go was turned off by the absurd 'street' prices: 100 SGD EACH. That's over 72 USD apiece. Just for a reality check, the CM's actually had a HIGHER Japan-MSRP than the MH and 'only' cost 75 SGD / ~55 USD. I like to support my local stores, and being able to inspect the toy before buying is always a plus, but I smell something rotten here and am perfectly willing to skip out on the MH for now.
  5. Nah... make it a 1/200 Zentradi Starship pìnata anchored to the pond bottom... just waiting for some Daedalus Attack!!!
  6. I love these toys but MAN, I get really tired of the 'hide the soap' games CM's plays with Patlabor fans! No way I'm going thru that 'buy 4 sets to get parts for the 3 you really wanted' rigmarole again.
  7. Has Yamato ever released any toy/model with lots of painted details? I get the impression that most of the time it's just molded plastic... only a couple of Limited Editions get the love, like some 1/48 VFs, or the 'metallic red' Garland+DVD box-set. We'll probably get what we see in those not-yet-retouched promo pix.
  8. Going aside from the toys for a moment, has anyone else ever wondered exactly WHAT happens to the rider when the legs extend? For the longest time I though MAYBE the rider's feet only ended inside the armor's calves, so the 'boots' are actually mechanical extensions to give stability to a very top-heavy getup. And of course, that means the riders don't need amazing telescoping feet. With the CM's and MH, this theory could still be valid, but the Beagle's slimmed down legs - while superb for riding posture - just doesn't have the space anymore. I guess CAD can't always overcome Anime Magic.
  9. The largest scale Orguss I know of IS a transforming one... and I flubbed the number in my earlier post. It's 1/40 scale, not 1/60... so it's a 'perfect match' for the DX toy. In theory. I'm also not one to keep toys in MIB condition for the illusion of 'investment' value, so yeah, I hope you do a good job of it! Maybe you can consider painting it like the 2-tone gray + yellow scheme of the 'enemy' Gerwalk Nikick? Think of it as a Terram-captured spoil of war. Or skip the yellow and it'll become the next must-have 'Low Vis' variant out there. Cheers!
  10. The WHAM really doesn't look that happening, does it? Its outer calves go straight-up with hardly a curve! As for the CM's P2 version, they have arrived in Singapore but I think I will be giving these a miss even though I loved the movie. Rubber/PVC parts just doesn't grab me after the velvety goodness of real cloth... Perhaps a definitive Yamato 1/24 P2 edition will come out. Eventually. Or maybe an enterprising HK outfit will bootleg real-cloth replacements tailored for the toy, you know, ala the MP Convoy trailer and Meg's supa-silencer? Not likely, I know, but it's a thought. Add-on: HLJ has flubbed my order by shipping the CM's Hercules sofubi before the AV-0 Peacemaker is released later this month. What are THEY so impatient for?
  11. I don't think there's too many folks who would risk a custom paint job on a vintage toy worth $150 or more. But if I were to do it, I'd try to first get hold of the 1/60 1/40 scale IMAII full-transformation kit of the brownie Orguss-II... the equivalent of the VF-1A cannon-fodder. Then I'd try to custom fit the head, shield etc onto the orguss and paint it all brown.
  12. Well, I've finished weathering my CM's Stick. I'd planned to keep the detailing simple and then spray a dull-coat over it, but with the tight-fitting pieces like the shoulder armor, etc, it just wasn't doable. A coating would only impede the transformation and get scratched off when parts rub against each other. Instead, I went for more grungy dirt/oil dry-brushing, especially on the bike's undersides and tire-facing plates. Also found some teal-colored acrylic paint and daubed it over the screws. Oh, and I scratch-built a hard point on the right gauntlet to attach the rifle in bike mode. With great proportions come great possibilities! :-) Taking pix now...
  13. OK this is what worries me about the Mecha Action AV-0: - The official site photos mention the different markings for Unit 1 and Unit 2... http://www.cmscorp.jp/products/ma_pat_peacemaker.html What I don't know is if the differences are marked on the box, or will it be down to the non-obvious 'red sticker' and 'blue sticker' as seen on the recent CM's ride armors? My guess: the latter. i.e. my HLJ order will be a 'blind box' draw... no way of knowing I'll be getting Unit 1 or 2 until it's in my hands. :-/
  14. Don't you just *love* how the inner-lower leg missile bays can open but show only ONE missile because of the cutouts for the landing gears? After THAT, the unstowable fins really seem like no big deal. OTOH, the more I play with the CM's ride armor, the more I appreciate it's holistic mechanical design over the MH's frankenstein-approach. While applying weathering to my CM's Stick, I only just noticed that the front and rear tire treads are molded differently, just as on real bikes. Now that's attention to detail! I can't help but wonder if the same CM's team worked on both Mospeada projects... the CM's Legioss/Tlead seems just seems so far from what the Ride Armor achieved, fiddlyness notwithstanding.
  15. Yeah, that's kinda what I'm planning for my CM's... maybe not quite so banged-up, though. And I'd definitely paint over the screws. Hope to take some pix this weekend.
  16. Just noticed this: The MH's forearms can't rotate due to the 'simplified' elbow joint? i.e. the gauntlets always face back unless you rotate the biceps. No biggie, I guess, but still... Hmm. Sidetracking: I wonder how much cooler the CM's could appear if I added panel lines, painted over the screws and added a matte overcoat?
  17. Strictly speaking, only the CM's gauntlets have to be removed for TF. The hip armor is attached via ball-joints. If you're patient, it's possible to TF the armor w/o removing them, but for convenience it's just simpler to pop them off and on again.
  18. Gundam 00 season 1 ends in what, 4 more weeks? That's just perfect for Macross F to start its April run, ending just in time for 00 season 2 to pick up in October. That's how smooth the planning is. I just hope the toys turn out just as well.
  19. Hmm, if they're already in Singapore, I should be picking up mine from China Square soon. I think the low down for me is that the MH only looks good in combined mode. Seeing them side-by-side really shows how much more balanced the CM's design is, despite the fiddly transformation. I do believe I'll keep collecting the CM's and give up the rest of the MHs. The puny wheels on the MH are bugging the heck out of me... just like the too-thin arms on the 1/48 VF-1 series.
  20. Patlabor meets Robosapien! :-)
  21. Psst! http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=565150
  22. Well, the poster wasn't happy about the non-moving wheels, too-small bike, and figure proportions among other things. Took him 1/2 an hour to TF the toy. He gave a score of 60/100. I guess your mileage may vary depending on your expectations. I'm still looking forward to when these show up in Singapore, delayed or otherwise. Meanwhile I'm still digging the CM's... Managed to fit the armor onto my Shogo figure from the Yamato Garland and it's a blast to pose them around my desk :-)
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