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Everything posted by drifand

  1. Check out this previous review of the super pricey Atelia Sai figures by the incomparable 'PONY-san': http://pony-hp3.web.infoseek.co.jp/SAI-MEGA23.htm http://pony-hp3.web.infoseek.co.jp/SAI-MEGA23_2.htm Man, I would love to have that bada$$ cannon the Proto G is wielding! Maybe it will appear as a 'special part' with another variant release...
  2. I'm also considering the military Garland, just because I love the more business-like looking pilot. But now that Proto sports flip-out mirrors and slide-lock front catches, what are the chances they will use the chest mold for future Garland variants (green?) or even 'improved' reissues? Hmm... As for the hover-version, not having the tricky wheel-transformation would take away a lot of the fun, I think. :-) BTW, how do you Garland owners stow the weapons in bike mode? Officially, the smallish gun on the original was (magically) stored in the forearms? For Proto G, I stuck with the slim barrel rifle (w/o the extra cannister), and just shoved it between the saddle and the right leg. Wish there was a proper way to mount it on the sides.
  3. My first reaction was: Oh no, what BIG eyes you have! WAVE has gone 'moe' on Patlabor. But seriously, it looks like a combination of too-light a tint on a too-big visor, and possibly trying to squeeze in a movable lens gimmick ala 'MG Zakus'. Still... it's not the final product, so there's hope yet for a spiffy display model. But with my 'investment' in the CM's 1/4x scale series, I'd probably wait and get one of those HEUG Yamato Ingrams instead.
  4. I guess if we're lucky, YAMATO will make the Hargan. They did include the gun and shield with the Proto G, afterall... Should be less tricky since it was designed to be transformed with detachable arms? Anyone know how many color variations there are? Otherwise, an E=X Garland would be the topper, though I seriously doubt it... it's really a one-of-a-kind with hardly any common parts with the first Garlands.
  5. From the molded-look of the creases, the shrouds are most likely to be rubber/PVC. And BTW, 33cm tall 1/24 Ingram coming from YAMATO: http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-54795-1-2.html Link courtesy of Runaphen on TBDX.
  6. Very nice, Mpichi! The TC is definitely on my want list, but the shipping cost is what's really bugging me. If only the local dealers in Singapore brought it in in quantity... Ever since the previous main distributer ended their relationship with TakaraTomy, nobody seems to bother importing interesting stuff from them except for TFs. If I went shopping in HK and spotted this, I'd probably snap it up and pack it into my suitcase.
  7. I wonder if MH's Stick and Ley get 'Big Wheel' envy from looking at Yellow's ride?
  8. With its background in highly detailed garage kits, the WHAM Ingram should be an excellent display model... diametrically opposite to the CM's 90s-style DX toy-design. My only experience with WHAM so far is the essentially gimmickless 1/24 Tachi-Yellow. It's nice to look at but it sure does feel HOLLOW for the price. The 9800yen Ingram may have some diecast but probably no more proportionately to that found in the WHAM SDF-1. IIRC, the follow-up WHAM Helldiver will not have any diecast.
  9. I don't think PADDED fabric would work well at that scale... I would have like fabric-covered arms and legs too... rubber just means cracks in the future. I just might skip the P2 series and wait for more mecha-action labors.
  10. Man... if I splurge on the DMZ Turbo Custom (it's not cheap even with 30% off), I'll probably have to rebox my DMZ-1 in order to make space on my shelves... Decisions, decisions.
  11. Yeah, slimmer boots would really help with rider mode, but you know we can't always have OMEGA PANTSâ„¢ for every magic-proportion toy. :-)
  12. Oh yeah, the seat-notch on the CM's is useless. Skip it and the ride sits so much more naturally. :-) After a couple of turns I've kind of settled on displaying Ley in armor mode and Stick in rider mode... simply because Ley's beam gun doesn't hold-on well in bike and looks cooler in his hand. As for the rumors, that's just what they are. I'm as eager to hear different as soon as the goods turn up. 1/1 LowViz made a good suggestion though... maybe a separate set of larger wheels for the Megahouse bike would do the trick! Afterall, the toy isn't 'perfect transform'... we're used to option fists that cannot realistically retract into their arm-housings, so why not magically expanding wheels?
  13. Newest pics I saw in the current issue of FIGURE-OH show that the Legioss' legs are indeed spread-out in combined mode, and that the fins definitely cannot fold down completely into the arms. I've given up hope that they were mis-transformed.
  14. Word here in Singapore is that the MH has been 'delayed'. Reasons are not clear but there are rumors of unfavorable feedback from sellers regarding the undersized bikes compared to the CM's proportions. Result: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. Stocks of the CM's have been selling out everywhere in Singapore. If you can find one, chances are the prices will be marked up due to 'rarity'.
  15. I think this is part and parcel of the modern toy collecting hobby. It's hardly any different from Yamato's playbook... Make something desirable, repaint it, exclusive it, reissue a non-exclusive version, improve it, abandon the line-up for an even BETTER design... etc :-) We as the customers simply have to decide how much our wallets can take. Personally, I would absolutely LOVE to own every iteration of the CM's Ingram, but that's just financially insane. Having already splurged on their 'musical chairs scam' to equip 3 TV-series Ingrams, the most I can see myself going is to (eventually) own the P2 movie line-up as well.
  16. Congratulations! The originals are true classics of the Real Robot revolution and these 3 are right there at the top of the heap. :-)
  17. Thank you for the thorough review... helped me make up my mind to wait out ALL of the current Legioss offerings. It helps that I already had the pleasure of owning the Gakkens, so I'll just wait it out for something better.
  18. I would add that for the budget conscious AND breakage-wary fan, start with the Stick-Type. The symmetric missile cowls do not pull the bike's front apart like the case with Ley-Type. I would love to see how Megahouse deals with Ley's wheel-mounted beam gun! :-)
  19. I believe the fragility of the CM's ride armor is unavoidable because they were trying to produce a 'perfect transforming' toy at a very small scale. That means pieces like the waist armor plates and foot struts are thin/small + held together with the tiniest of metal pins for pivot joints. As for the 'fiddly' nature of the toy, heck, even the big Gakken felt like a twitchy handful because of the need to flip, twist and turn the parts... all in sequence to avoid obstructing the wheel arms. So imagine doing all that in a figure just 10cm tall. The alternative is the Megahouse approach: 'non perfect' transformation but more securely re-attached. Like I said, I like both versions for different reasons. It's just cool to own the CM's because it is an 'authentic' representation of the mechanical design, with more accurate details than the big Gakken (i.e. the extending wheel hover nozzles). The MH is like an 'SIC' version to me... more beautifully finished but executed with some artistic license with reference to the original design.
  20. Base Ball Bear is excellent new blood. Shiori the female bassist and 2 of their tracks were featured in the film LINDA LINDA LINDA. Fan site: http://www.freewebs.com/novemberwind/baseballbear/index.htm
  21. Do the Legioss first. I think quite a few folks are seriously considering taking the plunge with these because of the crazy prices for the CM's A/B set (and also the less than stellar proportions). The more we know about these well-intentioned but possibly FUBAR'd toys, the better we can estimate the risks. :-)
  22. For those who can't decipher the moonspeak, the box with the RED stripe is STICK TYPE... BLUE stripe for LEY TYPE. Text for both are also printed in corresponding colors.
  23. Yes, folks... the CM's is VERY FIDDLY. Got my pair for 53USD each on Sunday here in Singapore. I love the detailed faces and the effort to make it perfect transformable, but in truth, you will probably have to remove the hip armor for easier access, etc. I managed to break the tinted windshield on both bikes. The first was broken in box, the second I simply snapped off because the peg is just too delicate anyway. I glued both back and they're more secure now. (I believe from TIN's first pic that his windshield is also re-glued in place.) I'm keeping these but already hoping for a more fun experience with the slightly larger MH version.
  24. RAMBO (4)-EVAH!!! What a blast! The action was out of this world. I haven't enjoyed screen violence like this since... KILL BILL, I think. :-) The DVD will be mine, oh yes.
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