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Everything posted by BlueMax

  1. Still looking more chunky than I like, since I am more of a fighter mode guy, but I will get this plus the inevitable F/S/P versions too
  2. Looks REALLY chunky, but it could just be the camera. Would love to see more photos
  3. keeps wondering when HG will die

  4. White Ink!! Anasazi/ Devin!! Time to get back to work regarding the decals!!! Anyway, for all people who have missed the boat, prior to late 2006, there were loads of decals / stickers in production: Here are the thread that gives information about decal production http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=20605
  5. they really should have done this the 1st time...
  6. The battroid mode is looking pretty cool so far. However, until a colored prototype comes out, we can't really be sure how it will really look. I sure hope the final colors used will be darker shades of red and yellow (something like the high end iron man 1/6 figures), rather than bright red and yellow, which probably will make it look real cheap (IMO). Like I said, I sure hope they don't ditch the fighter mode too much... though Anime52k8 said, probably the fighter is probably gonna look wonky.
  7. Just to be very clear: The canopy doesn't crack. so-called rainbow color coating might be prone to flaking/ peeling. More cosmetic an issue. The shoulders, on the other hand, is a real problem with especially the earlier releases.
  8. No news on any Macross toy announcements by either Yamato or Bandai??
  9. Those in Bold are the items that personally I hope to see as well. I've always thought that the best way to generate interest in Macross is to sponsor their own Macross weekly 1/2 hr advertisement series. I mean, they can't forever be relying on nostalgia and us fans who have grown up with the earlier series... or even Macross 7. They need a new generation of fans and consumers. The current bunch (i.e us) are all hitting the 30s or beyond, and alot of us will have to give financial priority to our families/ children, if not already. Of course I hope that Yamato will continue to be committed to making more quality Macross stuff for us, but who knows how long they will have to wait, if they are just waiting to rely on ambush marketing like what they did with Frontier, or even Macross Fever Pachinko game. Anyway, I digress. I just hope to see theose items in bold above... and I would really really love to see the VF-17(1)s. Makes for almost an apple to apple comparision.
  10. Ditto! I seriously hope they don't ditch the Fighter mode proportions too much. If the Fire Valk is something like what is shown in the CG pictures of the 19, I think that would really be nice. I have always thought the M7 lineart is WAYYYYYYYYYYY too chunky, so much so that the 1/65 Chunky Monkeys seem almost anorexic in comparision.
  11. Actually I have experiences of the Valks yellowing in different degrees, but the truth is that all plastic yellows, even clear ones, just how obvious, and how much. In the best case scenario, I had the initial release of the 1/48 Hikaru VF-1A, that after some 8 years, has yellowed significantly, though evenly. In my worst case, the initial release of the 1/60 V1 Hikaru 1A (Again?!) has its yellowing very unevenly. the landing gear doors has a way yellow-er hue than most parts, for example. Probably the composition of the different batches of ABS plastics. White has to be the most unforgiving of all colors as obvious yellowing goes. It is just too obvious. I don't need a comparision to a newer specimen to see that it has yellowed. It is detectable just like that. Are you sure the SNES cartridges have not yellowed? You can't really be sure until you have compared it a very recently produced cartridge. Only that way you can be sure if it has yellowed. I have a Low-vis 1/48, and while I don't detect any yellowing right now, I'm sure if I were to compare to one that has has been stored in the correct conditions Mint in the box, i 'm sure there will some some difference that I can make out. Of course you might say that the newer/ differnt batches of plastic might have a different hue, but when certain parts of the same toy/ object/ whatever starts to exhibit slightly different hues of color (like my 1/60 VF-1A), you know that is happening. In anycase, this serves to substantiate that darker colors renders the effects of yellowing less obvious.
  12. Sorry to be pour cold water on you guys, but I'd rather all the white plastic on the TV valks came were slightly tinted grey, just like the DYRL valks. For 1 simple reason: Yellowing. Yellowing is way more obvious on white plastic than grey. In fact, some of you might have seen postings regarding some TV valks already showing signs of yellowing. Heck, even the GBP giftset that had the re-cycled 1Js, the color difference between the head, which had been replaced with one with grey visors, and the rest of the valk was already obvious to some. The difference in production dates was probably less than 1/2 year. For those who want to maintain the white, maybe some anti-UV clearcoat is necessary to protect your investments
  13. Looks very nice indeed! Only thing: at $50 bucks, it is a little expensive.
  14. Ah Mr Jerry Tsai! Welcome back! Think we lost you right after the forums upgrade 7 years ago where we all had to re-register? Anyway, this is the link to Graham's review of the initial release of the VF-1S strike. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/VF-1-160-Review/VF-1S_review.html Also, you can check out the list of released valks by Yamato and Bandai overt he last 10 years in the pinned thread in this Toy section maintained by Grand Cannon. Not just VF-1s, but other VFs as well. For more reviews on the various releases, you can also go to Jenius's site @ www.anymoon.com. loads of good stuff there. Despite some imperfections of the initial releases (Osteoporisis shoulders and difficult hip/crotch mechanism), I think they are pretty much what I always wanted from a VF-1 Toy. Of course, please check out Macross Frontier if you haven't already!
  15. What?! It has been almost 2 years since the Frontier series ended? Damn... time flies.... and we are all literally getting old from waiting for more Macross goodness.... and HG to die...
  16. Only the head visor is different: Black instead of white. Edit: I meant grey instead of black.
  17. Edited: Inappropriate question.
  18. The litmus test: try transforming it a couple of times with no inhibitions and see the results.
  19. Hey.... think the few posts above are kinda misleading and confusing Flight Suit: Gray, as it should be. VF-1fuselage color: Light gray or white?
  20. Ah.... nice! I might get one, depending on the price.
  21. Graham's inbox is disabled by choice because of the Yamato shoulders. He will re-open his PM box once he is ready to tackle the shoulder issues again.
  22. When Yamato says end of whichever month, they usually mean the very last working day of the month, unless otherwise stated, so I guess it will only Wednesday, 30th, or earliest Tuesday before we hear news.
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