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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. I think we are meant to assume that Baltar and Caprica Six were in Baltar's home at the time of the attack. Baltar flinches in pain at the flash of a bomb going off in the distance, and Six shields him from the shockwave that apparently kills her (she is between his crouching body and the glass windows). The next time we see Baltar is on the field of refugees, and already at that moment he starts having visions of Six (he sees her in the crowd) Although I'm certain that is the intent, I find is ludicrous for someone to survive that much flying debris by hiding behind a skinny woman. However, this is fiction, after all.
  2. If done seriously it could be interesting, even good. But who am I kidding? This thing, if it becomes reality, is most likely going to suck so much its going to make Stealth (ducks mods' rath ) seem like an unqualified master piece of movie making worthy of critical acclaim.
  3. The horror indeed, specially when you take into account the amount of money these things command when they show up on eBay. I must confess that I do have the Narcissus, and it is actually pretty nifty.
  4. I'd like to see Bandai do follow-ups of their SOP Yamato. SOP, 1/625 versions of the Andromeda, Borodino class Main Battleship, EDF Carrier, and EDF Cruiser would be uber sweet; as well as Gamiras and Comet Empire capital ships.
  5. Looks like I'm going to be saving $300+ this year. I don't much care for either of those schemes; the "stealth" looks patchy and the LV2 looks clownish... meh!
  6. Where is Spaceball One in the list? This is a bogus survey.
  7. Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 81% Serenity (Firefly) 69% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 69% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 63% Moya (Farscape) 63% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 56% SG-1 (Stargate) 56% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 44% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 38% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 38% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 31% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 25% I guess I'm a lovable rogue at heart... Nah!
  8. Granted, but if the mutation wave was meant to affect humans, why was Super Man monkeyfied? Non humans should not have been mutated, at least not in the same way as Earthlings.
  9. What he said. Also, thinners for anything other than acrylics, and even some acrylic thinners, contain organic compounds that eat plastics for lunch. Thinners may contain alcohol (especially for acrylics), but rubbing alcohol does not contain thinning agents like acetone and mineral spirits. And ychanus, sorry if I came off a little curt on my last reply... it wasn't my intention.
  10. Agree with everyone who've expressed dislike of the camo scheme. That shade of beige/light sand looks dead on for a VF-1D trainer, but not for a low vis camouflage... too garish, and the greens look too Zaku-like as well. I'm not too crazy over the "stealth" either, but that is a much better scheme than the clown valk. Edit: I think that the stealth would look better if done in "shades" of black, for lack of a better term; think of the Omega Starfury from B5, that was all backs of different specularities... the same subtle effect could be achieved with the use of black and near black grays (nothing lighter than Euro one).
  11. IIRC, Pegasus was suppose to be overhauled at the time of the Cylon attack. She's not state-of-the-art, but she's definitely newer than Galactica. 372459[/snapback] At the time of the Cylon attack, Battlestar Pegasus was having it's computer systems overhauled and had all electronic systems and networks deactivated; hence why they survived the initial virus "bomb" that crippled everyone else at the 12 Colonies. From everything I've seen thus far I'm led to conclude that Pegasus was a contemporary ship-of-the-line... just having a tune-up at a most propitious moment.
  12. Wiping with alcohol should not damage anything since it evaporates so fast. Besides, I don't think the plastic would react with things like isopropyl alcohol, ammonia based cleaners (Windex), diluted white vinegar, or mild soap solutions (dishwater detergent + water). Just don't ever soak the toy in whatever you're using to clean it as that will certainly affect any stickers you may have applied (destroy the adhesive) and may flake or otherwise damage paint, and may cause soft vinyl or PVC to dry out and disintegrate (not likely, but better safe than sorry).
  13. Thanks for all the kudos guys, you support is always welcome, especially when I´ve just shown my day´s progress to my girlfriend and she tells me she can´t see any difference and I should finish that crap and get me some "real" work .... she´s a teacher and her week has been horrible so far.... 370778[/snapback] Damn that's cold man, next time she goes on a big diet and buys a new dress and asks "so how do I look?" just say "I can't tell any difference". 370871[/snapback] Now you just want to get the guy in trouble... Stunning work as always honneamise; I wish I had the cash to spare.
  14. Just got mine from Kevin at VEX (pre-ordered before he decided to close shop... my first, and last purchase from him I'm sad to say; his service will be sorely missed). After opening the extremely well packed box I'm faced with the 1/48 sized box (major overkill, but what the heck) I see all these wonderful bits; this thing is hella impressive, absolutely gorgeous in all it's attention to detail. In keeping with the warnings posted here about the fragility of the chest missile rack lever I decided to take the thing apart to brace the pallets from behind as to avoid any mishaps; that's, by far, the safest way to insert the chest missiles. The ability to easily disassemble the chest ameliorates, somewhat, the poor choice of material and fragile design of the lever bar, but this part should have been die cast, or at least been designed to be more robust and with large (1.5mm +) fillets where the arms join the body of the piece to reduce stress fatigue and failure. However, this should be an easy part to repair, and as previously mentioned the addition of a metal pin will make this part supper strong. I'm so glad I got this thing that if the rumors of a Low Vis. version proves correct I'll definitely be picking that up too.
  15. Okay, it's not Engrish, or Chinglish, or even Spanglish; as a matter of fact it's a real American road side sign, but I just had to share as it's hilarious.
  16. I think they are bio-engineered and nearly 100% flesh and blood with a very complex, small, and mostly undetectable cybernetic component which allows them to interface with technological systems. From what we've seen on screen so far, the human type Cylons are just that: human; they bleed red blood, they can be killed through physical trauma, they can reproduce biologically, but they are stronger than the average human of the same body type and mass, are vulnerable to some forms of radiation that do not affect humans and invulnerable to others that would kill a person in short order, and can directly link to electronic systems. So far, you can say that the human form Cylon is a conundrum.
  17. You're right! MW censors the F word in the hyperlink. So, everyone, just do as Zentrandude suggests and replace the last three letters of the address after you click on the link.
  18. Mod-Talk: Interesting Topic. May I remind the topic starter and any else reading that. The topic that was here is pretty much off topic. Besides that it is topic about nonsense (see regs). Really we don't need look at some stupid unrelated crap I found on the net. Then off course its features a vulgar word that another Mod edited out for fun. really if some said the word here I think we might let it slide depending how it was used. Really it would fall under interpretation by the moderators. I think the poster was very careless. Considering Agent got a ban for much worst. The post will get one too. Let this be a lesson. If you post some off topic related crap at least make sure its general presentation of content is something we would at allow. It is careless posters like this who make us crack down on all the fun. Instead of deleting all semi-off topics to get people on track gonna instead make some examples of the most serious offenders.
  19. You, sir, have piqued my interest. Consider me in the interested column for one standing figure.
  20. I've tried oven cleaner (Easy Off brand) on a model car body (polystyrene) to completely remove all traces of a previously cured coat of paint. I placed the part on a sheet of plastic wrap and sprayed the cleaner all over the kit making sure to cover it completely in a thick foamy coat (make sure you have plenty of ventilation as even the "no fumes" variety of Easy Off sticks to high heaven), then used the plastic to wrap the part to prevent the cleaner from drying off and let it sit for about an hour or so; the next thing was to use a old soft-bristle tooth brush to scrub the kit under warm running water. The results were amazing: not only was 99.9% of the paint removed, but there was no sign whatsoever that the oven cleaner attacked the styrene... had I used paint thinner the car body would have crumbled in my hands. A bit of a disclaimer, however; I have no clue how the stuff interacts with ABS, but on styrene/polystyrene oven cleaner is a no-brainer. It has no detrimental effect on the integrity of the plastic, does not destroy small details, and will not alter the pre-existing surface finish.
  21. I'd be interested only if the standing figure were made available on its own for a reasonable price... I don't have the Regult so a seated figure would be a waste.
  22. Put me down as interested as well, specially if you can recast these in LV grey too.
  23. Life imitates South Park. Seriously. Here's a movie that hardly anyone outside San Francisco, LA, NYC, or France will spend good money to see, and the usual suspects are already engaged in a self adulatory cluster f**k heaping praise on this thing...and "Hollyweird" wonders why movie ticket sales are weak, with only a few notable gems once in a while, when they try to peddle such drek (Siriana, Munich, etc.) on the public.
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