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Everything posted by Murphy

  1. I wonder if Yamato is going to release a space whale jizz covered VF-19P in all red and a optional faceplate as a web exclusive? Why not? they can milk the mold that way. I'd buy it not cuz I'm a freak, but a macross fan
  2. I love it! On the box it shows a tv green/blue pilot but it comes with a tv yellow one. Also the leg UN logo looks kinda funny not being centered.
  3. Yea , it's not on the Japan psn store yet for regular joes, but if you have the DYRL LE Blu-ray voucher code you can DL it now.
  4. Just got mine from AMIAMI, no option parts included but it did have the 30th anniversary sticker on it.
  5. If that's the case then I'm taking the pilot figure and stuffing it in the VF-25s Renewal Anyways the Vf-4 looks awesome and I can't wait to get it, I hope Nano has a group buy
  6. I received my this afternoon and I love it overall, and am happy with all the goodies inside but I do wish there weren't any edits. There are some parts that look fantastic then there are parts that are grainy and kinda blurry (not the edited gore parts)but I'm not complaining you still get the overall feeling of the film. I haven't watched the FB2012 blu-ray yet so I can't comment on that. The MBFIAP 2012 game is cool only played 2 levels so far, but is it me or do the valks kinda transform slower than on the psp games. (also I noticed this too on the MF movie games aswell) My film cell is minmay singing during the final battle. Also there are two codes to download one is the PS1 DYRL and I don't know what the other one is I think it's for the social game. I haven't played the PS1 game in like 7 years after playing a couple of levels my fingers hurt, double tapping then hold to get rapid fire, and holding down the missile button while pressing R1 and R2 to change modes while navigating through enemy gunfire all at the sametime,I had to take a break.
  7. Is it me or does the replacement shoulder parts don't have the yellow/black trim on it. I cant remember seeing what color they are on the show anyway. Its doesn't matter to me I can't wait till I get them. if it bugs me that bad I hope I an use the shoulder parts from the super packs and just replace the missile pods with the armored pods. Also I wonder how the chest missile doors work to have them open on different sides it looks like you remove the missile cluster from the chest and put in a separate missle cluster that the door hinges on the other side.
  8. Cool! mine should be comming next week, I'm not up to par with jet lingo but what does SFV-26 mean?
  9. I always give my mailman a tip (is it legal to give tips to US postal workers?) every year usually during the holidays, so he always come to my front door, and even a couple of times he's already delivered the mail yet forgot the package, he drives back the same day. Btw my VF-171 just got here from HLJ 2 days earlier than scheduled, This ones staying in fighter mode, or if they release a CF or Luca ver. i will sell it but thats far down the line.
  10. That may be true, but if you do decide to return your 171 do it now because I was able to get a yf-29 2nd release at amiami after the release date. It's all luck I guess. I hope you get your issue resolved. Btw hlj just sent my shipping notice, now to wait 3-4 days.
  11. BEEFY!! Can somebody tell me if i transformed the chest/head right. its a bad picture but it seem that there is a huge gap in the neck area in person for some odd reason. Im so glad the head lasers are soft plastic it they weren't they would of snapped off during transformation.
  12. wow transforming this thing for the 1st time is a pain,the hip joints are so tight i thought i was going to rip off the legs. Also the right hand was jammed in so tight that i had to use a allen key to pry it out since the paper clip kept on bending.The transformation steps from 8-9 confused me a little trying to get the cockpit to sit right with the chest piece over it. But overall i like it, and no missing or broken parts.
  13. Nope mine seems to be sitting in their warehouse. Now I remember why I switched to amiami.
  14. Thanks for reminding me about my BBTS preorder, I just canceled mine so if someone wants to pick it up they should go there now.
  15. Mine from amiami is arriving today, but the one from HLJ is fully paid including FedEx shipping hasn't even shipped yet.
  16. Murphy

    DX VF-25G

    No, but since bandai tamashii made the FP for the renewals, and yf-29, and 171 they probably will make them for the G.
  17. I wonder if amiami is going to have any extra to sell like they did with the second run of the yf-29.
  18. What does the Japanese writing in the pic say about the hands? Mabey they are just showing that it will come with extra hands just like the v.2 vf-25.
  19. I am not a modeler, but im on the edge about buying the kit, yet I want a 2nd sdf-1 to display in cruiser mode. I don't want to spend 350-400 shipping a complete one again. So since HLJ has a sale for it I might as well pick one up. At least I have till the 30th to think about it.
  20. I like the VF-25 better.I don't dislike the YF-29 i just think it has too many engines for my taste if it didn't have the wing engines I would like it better , so i decided to separate the 29 to make room for the 171, so i took a old fish tank I haven't used since college and got a polycarbonate lexan sheet to replace the top and you get this:
  21. cant wait for the 171, got 2 coming and just cleared a place to put then!
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