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Everything posted by Murphy

  1. Murphy

    DX VF-25G

    Wow that sounds like a great price including shipping. I live in the us and picked EMS which cost around $40 USD so my total is $243 and some change, how much did you other guys fom US pay for shipping fom NY?
  2. I wish Yamato could get the rights to make Macross the Ride valks, then maybe they could poop out a YF-25 prophecy, it would also be cool if they continue with the VF-X nd VF-X2 line I would love to have a Ravens squadron.
  3. Sweet picture, my second 19f is on its way, I hope Yamato milks the mold and makes the prototype VF-19S, I wouldnt mind getting that one to display in fighter mode.
  4. Is anyone having problems ordering at HLJ? I order it yet it doesn't show up in my account. Edit: nevermind it finally showed up
  5. Stupid question: what numbers are on the 19s and both 19F in emerald force? ie. dockers vf-19s had 101 right?
  6. I was feeling nostalgic so i busted out my first valk i ever owned the 1/72 Ver. 2 YF-19(i don't count jetfire because my mom gave it to goodwill when i was in 3rd grade), I cant believe back in 2000 I thought this was the coolest thing I ever had. I remember since the takatoku/banda valks at the time were still around the $1000 mark this was my holy grail. My, how times have changed.
  7. Murphy

    DX VF-25G

    Do you think Nipon-Yasan will fulfill the VF-25G orders?Ii see that they still have the pre-order open and seeing how other places dont I'm wondering if they even know how many they are getting. I have a pre-order with them but kinda don't want to keep the order because I was able to per-order one at HLJ. If NY end up selling me one I'll sell it at the same price I bought it and ship to anyone in the US.
  8. Murphy

    Macross figures

    Thank you for the update
  9. Yea apparently I just paid for my vf-19f , I'm so f'n sloshed I dont even know how much I just paid fr it. Edit: 266 USD cheaper than what I paid for the vf-19 kai
  10. Well I thought I was only going o buy 1 vf-19f now I see those pics I have to buy 2 now
  11. Cool! I'll try to make it this year. To bad it's not at UCLA anymore, I miss all the hot woman that are there....I mean 1/60 Valkyries
  12. Murphy

    DX VF-25G

    nice I was hoping it would! Now if I could only see the posted pic.
  13. So I'm thinking of having a contact in Japan ordering one of these for me. On the Yamato website do you pay now or is it just a order placement and pay later when it's ready to ship?
  14. I hope if Yamato wants payment now, NY has the common courtesy to alert its customers.
  15. Ok I did the same, except I have payment under JPY instead of USD, oh well
  16. Did you pay the full price already or did u do the pay 2 weeks before release? I'm wondering if I should pay now since the are made to order?
  17. Nippon yassan has them up I just ordered one
  18. Yea I was thinking about buying 2, but at the current price of this thing plus shipping I decided to buy 1 and am going to display it in fighter mode.
  19. Im confused, so as long as I dont display the armored vf-25 in gerwalk mode the scratches will not happen? The intake armors don't scratch it but the leg knee armors do?
  20. Hmmmm, are they going to be reissues or a totally new version 2...?!!!! Either way I'm buying them. And hooray If they make the armored vf-0s
  21. Cool, I usually don't collect anything that's not macross, but for some odd reason this caught my eye.
  22. Sweet pictures, yes the v.1 had landing gear inside the leg armors but they were pretty much worthless, all plastic and I never used them because they seemed like they would just fail with all the wight on them. How are the landing gears on the v. 2 armor? Are they metal or plastic?
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