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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. Hope you don't get tired of compliments bro, but its just amazing so far and that your building it from scratch!!! The tires and how you made it like a true Semi-Truck, super sweet!!! Keep it up!!
  2. VF-2SS and the Metal Siren, you have good taste Uxi but since Bandai has the license to Macross II and its not blasphemy, I like the series and mecha, I'm not sure Yamato would do these. However, just slightly off topic, with the new 1/100 scale toys releasing and the VF-2SS on the list, and if its a really good seller, who knows a 1/60 scale could be possible.
  3. Hey MacrossMan, Awesome display there!!! 1/48's lead the way, All the way!!! If I ever win the lottery, your my inspiration of how to display a collection!!!
  4. A 1/60 scale Monster... that destroid would truly earn its name in that scale size!! But agreed Yamato is capable of doing it, just depends how bloody expensive it would be!! people are trippin balls on the SDF-1's supposed price tag. I like Phalanx, but want to see a Spartan 1/60. thats my favorite!!
  5. Well your not to far out of the loop, So far as of a week later we know its a yamato 1/2000 scale SDF-1 DYRL version. Release date, sometime next year and price, speculation is around $500.00, but could change by next year!! If it looks good to you now, just think how it will look with the proper colors applied!!
  6. Looks good to me and affordable. Its a parts former, but doesn't bother me at all. Still looks better than the DX version in Battroid mode!!
  7. Well its a good thing for spray paints and Airbrush!! If it is strictly from the old RT toy line, then yeah, Yamato won't touch it.
  8. Its gonna be pretty intense in the final 3 episodes. I mean things are really bad when the grand prize for finding a new planet to live on is the last tube of toothpaste!!
  9. Its cool!! the voices were really good on the sample you posted the other day. If it sounds that good. I'll definitely wait for 1 & 2 back to back.
  10. Well put. I guess when times get tough we start to get angry and let our emotions get the better of us, instead of looking to the future and any bright sides that on the horizon. I guess in a nut shell for all my venting, sorry if I sounded like some raging nut. Just kinda gets ya down when all these great Macross items are coming out, much of it I always wanted since I was kid. And well, rent, bills (to many bills) and food come 1st. But as i said before, I have lots of great Macross toys & models as is, So I am going to enjoy them as much as I can, and live vicariously through others collections in the mean time!! And the only real values out there and when we respect each other!! TV is just that, TV.
  11. Theres going to be a battle to end all battles before this series finishes!!!
  12. There giving again right now on Scifi channel, think I'll watch it again, Super deep episode!!! The opening is very Anime like, love it!!
  13. Seriously I've been watching the series since it started, I either never noticed or some how forgot, weird!!! Either way though our baby is dying..... I haven't seen seasons 1 & 2 since they came out and missed the 3rd season, here and there on DVD. But so far in the 4th, 1st time I really remember seeing it.
  14. One of the best emotional episodes yet!! Wow Boomer never ceases to amaze you, stealing children now. And the chief that really sucked man, I'm suprised he just hasn't pulled the trigger yet. Now the big part with Kara, the song she was playing with her father (I so I'm pretty sure it was) and the fact the Cylons on board freaked out that she knew it, what the hell does that make Starbuck? Is she like the supreme being???? Only 3 more Episodes left!!!
  15. Its all about greed my friend, pure, straight, unadulterated greed by people. The really sad thing are those NOT effected by this recession who act as if, "why are people complaining and whining, I'm doing just great!!" Its attitudes like that over to many years, that lead to these troubles. Eventually you forget your roots and move on, while those just trying to get by, get left behind....... The best part is, way to many people will tell me I am wrong!! And yes the Cosby show and Brady bunch are American values at their most Hollywood levels!!!
  16. One of many reasons I moved here to Kansas, I was born an raised in the San Fernando Valley for 30 years. I did live in Temecula, CA for about year and a 1/2, but the bubble there already burst and they were letting teachers & teacher assistants go, not to mention closing down some schools. I can still be an assistant here in KS & my home business. Almost No crime at all here, everyone here loves to drink, 20+ bars just on Mass. St alone (St. Patty's day rules here!!) with no stabbings and as long as your cool the KU Jayhawks, your as welcomed as anyone. And thankfully our unemployment rate is quite low, the University here employ's a boat load of people. Not to say its perfect here, but were small enough to not be overwhelmed!! And your reference to a Robocop version of Detroit. One more reason I chose not to stick around. But I do miss the beaches..... I give it a few more months before things start to pick up again, Since No here has said it, I will. If your a MW member & you don't live in the US you may be in dark, but our U.S. economy and yours , All are due to G.W. & DICK Chenney. 2 of the biggest A**Holes on the planet. Our new president will help us make new jobs and save the ones we got and make this a better world!! And more macross toys for me to collect in the future. To those who think my last few lines were out of line, too bad, they ruined us all badly!! And you still think I'm wrong then vote Jindle & Palin in a few years!! See where that take us.... 505th Airborne.
  17. Can't wait for the revised Episode one. I've got the popcorn all ready to go!!
  18. I think he said disassemble, not destroy it!!
  19. Hey Pete, Sorry to hear that, we have all been there one way or the other. And yes thank heavens for sexy, hot and adorable Cosplay girls!! It makes a $)*)^$*#^$ day a great one!!!
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