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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. We should rename this thread which Gundam would you pilot!!
  2. It was frakking, but just barely. Seems like he corrected himself at the last second there, and that F--king is easier to slip out of ones mouth!!
  3. Looks pretty dam good to me!! I've never bought a Toynami 1/100, are they worth the money?? About a year ago or so I had 3 in my hands and ready to buy, then I remembered it was Toynami and their lovely rep.
  4. The reactive Armour 0S & the VF-22S Moon Shooters, nice choice in kits!! Take your time on those, lots and lots of detail you can add. Keep us posted as your finishing them!!
  5. Sounds good Hikuro, keep us posted, looking forward to episodes 1 & 2. The same guy who did Roy in your test sample, hes still doing Roy right?
  6. Thanks for the picture Javabean, I've yet to buy any of the V.2 1/60 Valks. But I'll make the exception for all 3 of Max's Valkyries, especially his VF-1S. And yes the Phalanx is gonna be sweet!!
  7. I'm getting the impression that no one is really thrilled with these 1/100 VF-25's so far, usually people can't wait to show off there toys. Maybe later releases will be more impressive.
  8. I had that same feeling in first 10 minutes of the episode, like where are we going with this? Got much better in the 2nd half. But yeah if this does have an Evangelion like ending..... I'm gonna be pissed! It was fine for EVA, but BSG needs an original ending!! "Lets get to work."
  9. Sadly big companies look at their profit margins and not the detail that should be applied. (Just look at Hollywood when they "Historical films") Luckily Macross fans and people with inside connections like Graham are able to save the day!! This VF-11 is gonna be great especially with the Fast packs, personally, I like the design. the gunpod with bayonet is even better!!
  10. Holy Frak boys & girls!!! Tonight was the build and then next week, 2 hour series finale!!! Keep the tissue handy, I think we'll need it!!
  11. If I ever want something to be custom made, I'm hiring you for the job!!!
  12. Its now down to the last two episodes!!!!!! I guess we'll see soon enough who's theories were right and those way off!!! (goes for my theory too)
  13. Here a gimmick, No broken parts at all. For the proposed $500+ price tag, better not be anything breaking!!
  14. You have experience on this matter!! Did you take her to the Motel Persian Love?
  15. A better choice of Music is needed for the guys Video, But is simply amazing. A block of wood, lots of patience and skill. A work of art!!!
  16. Hey Kicker, that is a Revell 1/5000 scale kit. I used alot of spare joints from some old toys to make it more poseable. Still has a ways to go, but it will look amazing when done!!
  17. I can see why you haven't taken any group photos like that then, Well either way its must a hell of a sight of what you do have!!! I remember Godzilla's pictures, way crazy!! And certainly we don't want you stepping on your valk's, that would suck!! Keep the pics coming that you do have, there always impressive to look at!! Take care Bro!!
  18. Its a human Lego piece in the Avatar!!!
  19. If I had to choose a GUNDAM to get the job done and my GUNBUSTER was in the shop. Then its the S-Gundam for me. This is truly one of my most favorite of the Mobile suit designs or just mecha period!! Pure power written all over it!
  20. When time allows I'll get this SDF-1 Finished one day, So far its at this stage. Eventually it will be aged/weathered and panel lined. For now on the mantel she sits.
  21. Excellent example of how to make a good actor/actress look bad.
  22. You know one these days Kicker you'll have to stop teasing us and show your whole collection!! Think of it as a weekend project!!
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