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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. Truly one of the best series ever made and the ending was fantastic, Pretty much all the loose ends tied up. Usually in a finale there are still tons of questions to be ask. The Chief's reaction to Tory was what I had hoped for!! The "Daedalus" Attack was awesome too!!! As for the last 40 minutes or so, A very bitter sweet and Happy ending. I just felt bad for Lee Adama She was truly an Angel who helped save Humanity and not destroying it.
  2. Dam Kenny, That is awesome, Like i said in the beginning I wasn't to sure where you were going with your camo Scheme but that is awesome!! between the decals and the weathering you did to it, WOW!! Work of Art!! Any close ups of the cockpit & Pilot?
  3. Welcome aboard Dreadnought!! Like the others said of the SV-51, Ivanov 1st edition is a bit loose, Most of the Nora's are tight, but some are loose too, (See the Collection DX video). But if you want one, get the Mass production SV-51 version, not everyone's cup of tea for a paint scheme, buts shes tight as a rock and perfect for customizing!! Mine is still boxed up, But I'll be doing a SU-35 Flanker Camo pattern with that one some day soon, Give Dobber a run for his money!!
  4. How can you not love it, When its shown in full color and the Storm Attacker pics comes out, Its money saving time!!
  5. I am really happy to know that the earlier rumors of it being a pocket sized toy were BS. The size sounds good to me and it looks amazing, Can't wait to see it in full color!!! Thanks for posting the new pics guys!!
  6. Same here, would you be able just to post a few pics of the VF-2SS??
  7. My eyes bugged open about a New YAMATO movie, then I read your post Keith about who's in charge.... Bummer.
  8. Anything Gobots!! You can just feel your I.Q. dropping faster & faster as you continue to look at them!!
  9. If Yamato is wise enough as far as joints go, they'll take the retro approach and use solid metal parts for the joints & arms. No plastic. For $500.00 it should feel like a solid & heavy toy.
  10. If it means waiting a bit longer to get Max's 1S because Yamato is making sure the shoulders don't snap or break, I'm all in favor of waiting. Been hoping since 1984 for a Max VF-1S, I'll survive a little longer.
  11. Excellent review Jenius. You really see the obvious and subtle differences in the VF-1D's. I kinda like the orange used on the V.1 better, but otherwise the V.2 is a far better design.
  12. When you see the Destroids underneath the SDF-1, you really do get the sense of shes a Big A$$ Ship!!! I'll find room one way or the other to display this one!!
  13. Those pictures look so awesome, I always thought Rook had the cooler looking Cyclone/ride Armor. Her Rocket launcher mounted on the bike, makes it look pretty dam deadly!! With this mold already made, you know a Sue Graham/Shinobu will follow since they basically have the same model Ride-Armors.
  14. Bummer about Allison dropping out, But I"ll bet you can find another VA pretty quick and as talented. Too bad I'm a guy or I'd volunteer for the part!! As always thank you for all the work you put into making these fandubs!!
  15. The more realistic you can make it sound the better!!
  16. For $20.00 a piece or so, I think I can see picking up a few. I always thought they were pretty good looking toys and if they articulate, sounds good to me!! So far between Toynami's BETA, Cyclone and the Voltron toys, their quality has vastly improved, who knows, maybe one day there stuff will be considered some of the best and not caution, parts may break from just looking at them.
  17. Wish i could go there, thats gotta be 2 tons of fun!!!!
  18. Just like the sensors on a Valkyrie, GF's & Wives have a keen eye for those new toys that weren't there the day before!!!! As for staying on topic with the 1/48's. I am keeping all of mine, not to mention getting a few more in time. the new 1/60 is cool, but the 1/48 is the way to go!!!
  19. Go with a weathered/aged look, Looks really go so far!!
  20. very impressive work denversaur!!! Wish I could say I like one model better than the other, but that is a really hard choice!! The F-14 is awesome, love the Minmey Guard and VF-22 is superb!! Even the stands are impressive.
  21. Sounds good Tancist, I'm really curious to see how your SDF-1 is coming along!!
  22. Good choice with Veoh, I like that site. And great start with Frontier so far, The fact it will in English means I can actually watch it this time instead of the subtitles and battle scenes, Yaaa!!! Excellent job to you and the VA crew for this one!!!
  23. Wish I had the right equipment to do VA, I'd lend you a hand with some of the scenes or touch ups!!! Well as good as Allison is, It would sound better if Sarah had a consistent sounding VA, instead the voice changing from episode to episode, but hopefully she'll come through. An as for the guy who does Roy, he better come through, he is like the quintessential English version of the original Japanese VA. Keep up the great work bro, 505th!!
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