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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. Cool video, I like the way the weapons deploy, neat concept!!
  2. Though my thought is speculation at its finest you wonder if this new version will be any where near as violent as the original? I still can't watch the ED209 demonstration scene (without cringing) where the business guy is shot apart at the beginning.
  3. Correction... Lucky you get to work on one. The Captain needs to re-release his conversion kit or you need to make a new VF-1D kit someday! By the Lords of Kobol, 3 Peggies... The Cylons in your collection don't stand a chance!
  4. One of the best looking VF-1D's out there!! Superb custom!
  5. Lucky!! One of these days I'll have a VF-1D in 1/48, its the missing Holy Grail in my collection.
  6. Thom, nice looking Battlestar, I'll be keeping an eye on this one. Also it's now early November for the Pegasus kit to come out... oh the waiting game! EXO: Is that a 1/48 or 1/60 VF-1D? Either way looking good!
  7. You should stop by this thread more often! @Radd, your character style & coloring technique are really nice, love the way those screens cast such a bright light.
  8. Hey Drew, just simple 8.5X11 illustration board for the colored drawings. The B&W one is just regular paper, I simply outlined that one and before I knew I got a bit carried away! @Knight, I've never seen a Barbie with a figure like that before!!
  9. Happy Birthday SDF Macross!! "Raises a glass to the best ship in the Fleet"!!
  10. Your VF-27 looks wickedly awesome, the matte black was a good choice, post some Fighter & Gerwalk pics when you can!
  11. For you its "everything's bigger in Texas", I'm stuck with "Welcome to Kansas, please set your clocks back a 150 years" Seriously though that MOSPEADA Ikazuchi carrier is small, but after your Falcon kit this little guy should look bad ass!
  12. Interesting where Max's hand is considering its a family photo.
  13. Lucky, I just get Blackhawks, Chinooks & KC-135's over my house!
  14. Nice to see some Ishtar love, really nice work here and your attention to color is great!
  15. Looks like Luke & Wedge weren't flying with this squadron. Still minus no sound that was beyond awesome, amazing for once to see Tie Fighters & pilots so detailed from the flight controls down to the launch sequence.
  16. That was really cool, I like the style of the characters and the backgrounds.
  17. We're all entitled to our opinions and I quote you " ... I'm gonna get hit, aren't I?" My comment was my way of saying yes. To find this show more entertaining that BSG blows my mind for a second, but hell watch what you like and enjoy it. For me I'll chill with my bottle of Pacifico and break out a fresh canvas to paint something inspiring.
  18. Thanks for posting Lobizon! This trailer gave me the same goosebumps like when I saw for the 1st time the preview for Saving Private Ryan years ago, like then i knew it was gonna be an amazing film.
  19. @CoryHolmes, More like a heavy dose of Taekwondo for giving this show more props than BSG, even for its minor flaws that show was a epic journey. @EXO, the previews pretty much told me what this show was going to be like and your comments simply sum it up.
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