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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. thanks for that link wmkjr, i will check out my local hobby store if they have the materials required.
  2. *facepalm* you're right Exo. my bad.
  3. OT: Why did that 1J have a white goggle??
  4. What bugs me (and probably other collectors who grew up watching SDFM/Robotech) is that pre-Yamato V2 VF-1 all the representations I've seen of the 1J have the grey goggle. My first Macross toy (got it in the late 80s) was a 1/100 Hikaru 1J Takatoku clone and that had a grey goggle. Same for the 1/55 chunky monkey. So for me, the grey goggle is canon. Now can somebody suggest a gundam marker to color the goggle grey (the gundam marker weathering set is out of production already) on the Arcadia 1J?
  5. +1 to that. much easier to get junk 1J combos for the supers and order replacements off shapeways.
  6. Try the newegg house brand rosewill RK9000V2 - a no-frills mechanical keyboard without much bling. http://techreport.com/review/28087/rosewill-rk-9000v2-mechanical-keyboard-reviewed
  7. Thanks david. I owned the 1st release GBP before and a Hikaru 1J with option parts, was thinking of switching the heads and use the newer 1J with the GBP armor & grey goggle. Sold both away though last year... just to preorder the Arcadia version again.
  8. Does the grey goggle 1J have the original v2 crotch mechanism like the 1J Super combo & 1J GBP?
  9. Thanks for all the help guys!
  10. Is there any major difference in the renewal RVF-25 super packs and the renewal VF-25 super packs besides the inclusion of the ghosts? In other words, would it be possible to attach the super parts from the CF 25A to the RVF-25?
  11. I have a soft spot for the Hikaru TV-1J with Supers, even over the Skull 1S Strike.
  12. mine arrived in the office around lunchtime today, too bad I pulled an all-nighter at work last night. will get it tomorrow.
  13. The 3 hour fan edit of all the Hobbit films is a lot more watchable and reflects the book better, although a bit disjointed at some points.
  14. Thats US$170 for super/strike parts only I think.
  15. Find a set of TV super parts so you have an armored 1J and a super 1J, hehe.
  16. Based on this pic from Save the VF-0 ankles appear to share the design of the YF-19/VF-19 ankles: I don't recall if it was already discussed in the 0D thread though.
  17. based on antibiotictab's pictures the parts were sold out...
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