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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    spartan looks pretty nice! are these relatively in scale with the robot spirits frontier toys?
  2. pre-orders closed already? http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10290892 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-007557&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dgx-31v%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  3. same here, just got the preparation e-mail from N-Y.
  4. Make sure you're getting the white box renewal versions if you buy Bandai. These are way better toys than the initial DX Chogokin Macross Frontier Valkyries.
  5. decal question - is there any difference between the DYRL super/strike parts decal sheet and the TV super parts decal sheet?
  6. I wonder if they'll screw up the armor part colors instead... then you'd have to get the old Yamato armor parts as well
  7. probably just reusing VF-0D parts as mentioned in previous posts.
  8. Haven't we learned anything from this? I'm not saying don't buy the risky releases (thank $deity for Veef's replacement shoulders on shapeways), just don't expect that their shoulders will be fine even if the toy is MIB.
  9. N-Y's price + EMS shipping still cheaper than Amiami's price + EMS (based off VF-0D shipping cost). Preordered at N-Y. Looks like Aug-Sep will be busy, what with this and the green VF-27 and the Bandai 1/100 Armored 1J.
  10. The Hikaru 1J was my gateway valk, shame it always comes out after Roy's 1S.
  11. what was the difference between the clear box fanracer kit and the white box one? I sold my clear box fanracer kit last year, but never owned the white box one.
  12. N-Y used to have the 25G Super Parts for around 5k new as well... Jungle also gets Macross stuff not on Mandarake/YJA, though you have to add 5% processing fee on top of the list price.
  13. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    Got closed at hobby search while updating my shipping address
  14. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    pre-order page up at hobby search http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10324464
  15. Have/Had duplicates of the following: VF-1S TV VF-1S Roy VF-1S Hikaru VF-1J Hikaru (had the TV Super set, the GBP-1S set, and the option parts 1J before I started my FS post) VF-1A TV Mass Production VF-1A Max DYRL Angelbirds Arcadia YF-19 VF-25F VF-25S VF-25G Trying to trim down to a 1 per mold type collection though.
  16. Avengers was the better movie IMHO but Age of Ultron still had the Joss Whedon comic touches and pretty awesome action. Saw it in Imax 3D here in Singapore this morning.
  17. Imagine 3x superostrich or Elintseeker on display... Heck imagine 3 each of Max & Miria Super 1Js.
  18. Yes, unfortunately that marker is part of a set which is out of production already.
  19. They're not practically identical... check jenius' review over at anymoon.
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