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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    scored one from amiami
  2. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    just paid for 3 regults from amiami, can't wait! armored vf-1j vs 3 regults!
  3. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    got my request from amiami, they're giving until march 4 to pay.
  4. got my VF-4 in as well, no pics though. still in the N-Y shipping box here at work.
  5. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    It's from Battletech - Stone Rhino/Behemoth
  6. reissue PO up at N-Y https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/15372-macross-plus-yf-19-with-fast-packs-reissue.html sorry if it's been posted earlier, I only looked back until page 172.
  7. welp gotta set aside moneys for this pretty soon...
  8. same weapon set at amiami http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-SCL2-51852 tractor set http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-SCL2-51851 ...holy crap there are a lot of diorama accessories available for this.
  9. This would be well received, I think. Plus they should reissue the VE-1 as well. Heck, just reissue all the 2-seater VF-1 variants while they're at it.
  10. You have to pay domestic Japan shipping plus international shipping for starters. Rest of fees depends on your yahoo japan auction proxy.
  11. awesome MOC, how tall is it? would it scale with lego blocks?
  12. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for the Regult heads up, added 2 more to my amiami order.
  13. aw man, noel, your 0A pictures make me want to grab a ghost booster.
  14. This is a brilliant fix. anybody willing to put up the plastic nubs on shapeways ?
  15. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    yeah Roy DYRL 1S is coming followed by Regult and Glaug.
  16. no pics but just picked up a MIB SV-51 Nora last week. Gotta have someone to fight the 0D/0A/0S.
  17. caved in and pre-ordered 1 from amiami. looks good enough to me for the price.
  18. LOL I like rock music so I found the whole Macross 7 concept entertainingly cool, if not repetitive.
  19. I'd be willing to meetup in town for a couple of hours on a weekend.
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