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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. THANK YOU! Good news indeed. omg omg omg omg!! me 2! Now this is something for me to look forward too. Better customized the 2nd hands than the new batch. What's another one for MSRP, right? Me too. But just in case those high-priced 25S in Mandarake goes down, I'll score another one for my planned red and black scheme. Dream come true, Saburo.
  2. Post deleted. Didn't see the post above when I refreshed the page.
  3. Too bad, they didn't include some 'Yuria' shells found in Ouroboros. The area where you saw the 10/18, I believe that's part of the profile info on the modeller. I'm guessing since the word 'Ramen' is also included on the same box.
  4. I'm just guessing here since I'm not 100% sure now on my nihongo and kanji reading skills. But from what I've read and understand, it says they used the recent release YF-25 Prophecy as a base body to do the 'Paladin Prophecy' featured in Macross The Ride. First part, I'm not sure if it says next issue or something, or something related to DX customization feature on the next issue. As I said, I'm not 100% sure if I read it correctly so for members who can read it please do correct my mistakes. Thanks. One thing for sure, that looks awesome! Hope it comes in Red and Black?
  5. You? If so, congratulations! That's a great purchase. If not, that someone is so lucky.
  6. Thanks Saburo! Didn't know that one is applicable also to VF-25's. Because the loose part I think I have is the one covered the white armor (where it says SMS/007). Will check it tonight if I can do the same. Thanks a bunch!
  7. Hahaha! Need to control. Been fighting off the feeling since I still need to worry first of all my recent impulse purchases. Hahaha!
  8. Looks like everyone is excited on the reissues. Hahaha! Is there someone who could point me in the right direction on where to look regarding how to fix the loose shoulder joint on their VF-25's? Really appreciate it. Thanks!
  9. When I first saw that image when they aired Frontier, I'm thinking of a Bull or an Ox. Or a cross-over of both. Great poses!
  10. I remembered using their site and paste the Auction ID since I don't have a copy on my 'sent' folder.
  11. Man, I'm really starting to like this Valk. I might stay away from this thread for awhile. Hehehe.
  12. Looks like Amiami is still loaded with good stocks. Y11770 is a great price. Grab one while it's still pipin' hot. Still not sure if I'm going to click the Add to Cart button. Hahaha! So many priorities.
  13. no3Ljm

    YF-21 WIP

    Cool YF-21. I'm looking the highres files and they're all look gorgeous.
  14. Nope. I don't think they do. From my last transaction with them, it took 3-4 days for them to reply when I asked them the status of the item. I'm sure they get tons of emails everyday.
  15. Try to wipe it off first with dampcloth and a touch of dishwashing soap just to see if it's just dirt.
  16. Hahaha! There's that bracket once again.
  17. Oh my! Having second thoughts on the BOUNS parts. Thanks Gakken85. This is the first time I saw this prototype. Cool.
  18. Cool! BTTF! Looking forward to see Marty's face. Love to have that DeLorean as well, but not enough space to put that beauty and I assumed price for that one will be around $500-700. It's more detailed than the Tumbler or Keaton's Batmobile. Would look great too if it comes with option parts to switch it to 'Flying DeLorean' as Biff would say. It's good thing though that they're announcing some 'new' cool stuff. Kinda fed up seeing those various IM figures announcement.
  19. I just use a damp cloth and a little dishwashing soap. I also have a question on the VF-25's shoulder part. Sorry, if this is already been asked, but I was wondering on how to remove the white (I have 25F) shoulder armor part from the diecast? I want to tighten one of the shoulder since it's kinda loose. And it's the right arm so basically everytime I pose him with his gunpad, the shoulder/arm just stay down. I did try removing it, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it the proper way. Don't want to force the plastic nor stress it. Can't seem to find a screw hole on that plastic part so I'm not sure how to remove it. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  20. I'm ALL for the GBP! Just wish they will also release a version just the armor with the effects parts once again ala Yamato exclusive.
  21. Other grey colored I can think of is the VF-X? But I'm interested to see if the announcement will be for a new mold or reissue.
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