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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I wouldn't mind the non-Macross releases so much if we were still getting Macross HMR releases. As it is, though, I haven't been keen on the non-Macross stuff since Dougram. Added to which, the L-Gaim and Votoms stuff are in the same HMR limbo as Macross... Oh well, what's the over/under on whether we will see a totally different classic anime mecha teased for HMR this year?
  2. Something's not right about Optimus there. He's missing a lot of detail and articulation that NA was showing off in their older unpainted prototype. The rest of the photos look terrific. How is Jazz in hand, @Convectuoso? Anything to watch out for? I'm still waiting for the toy version, myself.
  3. This season had some really unique art throughout. Kinda weird is a good way to describe it. The stories felt mostly derivative to me, but the stand-out gems were Ice, Snow in the Desert, The Tall Grass, and Life Hutch. The Drowned Giant did not stick its landing, IMO. I thought Life Hutch would have been a better bookend. Really, the last episode was a mess....spoilers ahead...
  4. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    That's a real smart display. It looks like some of those effects parts are repurposed from Transformers sets.
  5. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, something like that. It would bring a new storm of destruction to our wallets, no doubt. But I'm guessing the scope would be limited somehow. I like the idea of building something up as an incentive. It could be pieces to a diorama, more effects parts, whatever interesting add-ons fit to keep fans interested. I mean, I liked it when Bandai released the VF-1A Mass Pro HMR with the swappable DYRL and TV head pieces. I also liked the two missile add-on packs (Valkyrie and Regult). It would be nice to see more sets like this. Then again, who knows? It's also fun speculating on the possibilities while we all wait for more news.
  6. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I wouldn't expect it to be 100% complete. Maybe key displays like the SDF-1 bridge, a small portion of the Prometheus, something like that.
  7. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes. Having collectable SDF-1 pieces would be a fun way to draw fans in. With any luck, Bandai does have another Macross HMR phase planned and is just waiting for a good time to present it.
  8. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I want Bandai to come back to their senses too. For Macross SDF:TV/DYRL, they could start getting creative with HMR like they are with Gundam in their Robot Spirits line-up. Start adding more diorama and effects pieces, for one. Release those teased ship pieces, like the Zentran battle cruiser display for the Battle Pods. They could do something similar for the Destroids and create a fun entrenched display for them, either on the Macross or the attached carriers. They could also highlight more character moments. I mean, how is it that we have M&M VF-1Js but we don't have Max's TV 1A or Milia's TV Q-Rau at HMR scale? They could introduce a new HMR YF-19 and YF-21 too. I would love to see something that recreates the rough and tumble Valkyrie action from the Macross Plus OVA/movie, complete with effects parts and fun gimmicks. This doesn't even touch on Zero, Frontier, Delta, or any official mecha not tied to anime. No doubt Bandai is being incredibly conservative and cautious with HMR Macross releases. I reckon there is a reason for it, but it makes waiting for the next bit of news a major pain.
  9. I started out doing the "catch 'em all" thing with the mainline, but I cannot do it anymore. With the Siege seeker mould, I started out buying the repaints but kept Hotlink and let go of the rest. For Earthrise, I kept the three main seekers but let go of the coneheads (except for one selects release). This is the same question that I'm asking myself. I don't really want to duplicate my entire collection, so I try to focus my habit on one core scale (MP, for instance). If there are good designs in other scales, then I don't mind getting duplicates of favorite characters in those scales or maybe one or two small teams. The Dinobots aren't really a small team, though. They're big bulky bots at any scale, so it gets tricky since I already have complete FansToys and Planet-X sets. Good thing I let go of my Gigasaurs...
  10. I think I'm in for all three too. For me, Gnaw's new studio series design is a welcome change. The previous generations releases were all long in the tooth. I like how Gnaw has both of his weapons again too (like the old G1 toy). It does make me wish that they had been able to make similar design changes with Blur, Mirage, and Ultra Magnus. Oh well, it is what it is.
  11. The movie masterpieces usually don't fly on my radar at all; however, this nyan-cat prime is the most tempting and unique one of the bunch. If the reviews are favorable, I may add it to my tiny movie collection. At the moment, I'm content with the studio series release.
  12. I've been lucky with my copy of Hound. I should say, I'm not looking for cracks on it like I was with my older problematic Yamato Valkyries. The Valkyries had replacement parts, though, so there's that. I agree with you about Bee 2.0. I'm not anti-Sunbow but that release had paint problems and the panels were way over the top. I would have given Takara a break on it if the mini VW alt fit together well. The fact that things were finicky in both modes turned me off.
  13. I'm intrigued by it. I mean Takara is known for their naff prototypes, so I'm looking forward to see how they clean things up as MP Skyfire gets closer to retail. That said, I completely understand why those who already have FansToys' release are reticent to welcome this announcement with open arms. Myself, I'm having flashbacks to MP Megatron 2.0 where I bought into the third-party releases first. It was hard making the switch and I held onto Maketoys and DX9 Megs hemming and hawing before selling them to cover the cost of MP-36 back in the day. Really, the only companies I trust for MP scale now are Takara and MMC. For the rest, I take a wait and see approach. Anyway, for me to be all in, Skyfire's painted prototype will need to show some improvement in the face sculpt and other areas. I would also like to see decent articulation. With the big bots, my fear is that we will get limited/basic MP Magnus articulation again. A bonus would be a nice price.
  14. This looks like it could be a real treat on screen, and I do hope the modern translation holds up. The story of Gawain is one of my favorite of the Arthurian Legends.
  15. That sums up my critique, as well. I was waiting for them to explain why the stowaway was onboard and how he survived given his peculiar predicament. Alas, that explanation was never given to the audience. The fact that his character only serves as a plot MacGuffin is incredibly annoying, especially since he is established as a ground engineer once the crew does identify him. I kept thinking that the writers would use that detail to make him more useful and give him actual depth... For me, the other irritating thing is how the movie kept introducing new 'no-win' scenarios in each of the main acts. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but by the final act--look another 'no-win' scenario--I found myself disconnected from the characters and their motives.
  16. Thank you, @Tking22. I was afraid of that. I'll wait on cuing up Jupiter's Legacy for now. My own writing work is going full tilt, and I have a backlog of other shows that are vying for my down time.
  17. So Mark Millar has an extensive back catalog, including Superman: Red Son for DC and Old Man Logan for Marvel. There’s also his own stuff, of course, like Kick-Ass and this series. I would say sqidd’s review is…unique…but it doesn’t tell me anything aside from his political views. Ok. Whatever. Most of the other reviews I’ve read aren’t politically charged but are about how Netflix mucked with Millar’s source material, which is a shame. Anyway, I would love to see impressions from someone here who has also read the comic series and can go into detail about what Netflix has changed. This is the kind of informed commentary that I do find useful. Anyway, just throwing out my two pence.
  18. Well now...this early review has revealed some fun surprises that I wasn't expecting to see. The ratchets are nice. The bottom half of Slag's dino head has a clever transformation. The rear dino feet make sense now that I'm seeing how it all works together--they also don't look as out of proportion as they did in the leaked photos (maybe I'm just getting used to it). I'm liking all that line detail too...I guess I can live with the blocky look? But I'm still not a fan of how the gun completes the Triceratops tail. I mean, it works and all; I'm just not a fan of it. The top half of Slag's dino head looks incomplete with the gold paint covering just the top side. It would have been cool if Hasbro had painted both sides or molded that piece in the same color. I'm also not a fan of another wasted add-on figure, even though I understand what Hasbro is doing with them. I still would have traded Wheelie and Daniel away for extra weapons or a couple more paint apps on Grimlock and Slag easily. Perhaps an alternative and swappable bot-mode head? That would have been fun and unexpected for the mainline. Anyway, I guess these are nitpicks now. With any luck, Dinobot Slag will get a nice choice of third-party upgrade sets like Grimlock did.
  19. Not yet, although I am looking forward to seeing how it all works. Just trying to be patient until Starscream's release.
  20. You know, I forgot about the IDEAs vote. I was also hoping that something like Classic Castle or Space would win that vote. When Bionicle won, my interest faded and I haven't been following it at all. I guess we might get lucky if TLG designs some new pieces for their humanoid figures that can then be repurposed in mech sets but I'm not holding my breath for something that substantial. It does seem that Lego is using Creator to revisit Classic designs, and the 3-in-1 branding is a fun call back to those side builds that appeared on older Lego sets. We've had some sci-fi themed sets mixed in with the real-world Creator 3-in-1 space sets with 31115 and 31111. It wouldn't take much of a nudge to get something close to a more Classic space design. That's what I'm hoping to see.
  21. The photos look great and are tempting me to get two copies to build the castle with the tower. One thing I hope that this 3-in-1 design avoids is the larger wall pieces from more modern castle sets. It will be cool if this uses smaller brick elements in the walls and turrets like the Classic Lego sets. Edit to add my vote for more Classic Space too. It may be a fool's hope, but I keep thinking that TLG may be holding some nifty surprises in reserve for their anniversary celebration.
  22. Less than an hour, even. There are some interesting potential add ons in the poll that was sent out. I’m hoping they are able to get the logistics working on more than one of them.
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