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Noriko Takaya

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Everything posted by Noriko Takaya

  1. I'd swear that if I didn't know any better, that mechanical arm belongs to a certain T-800...
  2. I'm probably one of the few people around here who liked Macross II. While it didn't have the greatest of stories, I liked the animation, especially the battle sequences in the last two episodes. I do not know if you are refering to the Manga Entertainment release of Macross II when you say it's wretched. It's a direct copy of the US Renditions video tape release. And Manga did give us a Japanese language version where US Renditions did not. I find that kind of odd, because at the time, USR was promising that anime would be shown in its original language with accurate subtitles. You want abysmal, try watching USR's English version of Orguss. Not to mention their subtitling jobs with Gunbuster, Dangaioh (Which Manga really f**ked up later on), and Black Magic M-66. If you are refering to Viz's comic adaptation, then I would have to agree with you. As for the English language version of DYRL, avoid it like the plague. Especially that hacked up Clash of the Bionoids version. Stick with the Japanese version.
  3. Just a bit OT for the moment: First off, do not ever use the term "grunt" unless you are refreing to an infantryman. We grunts, Marine and Army alike, hold that name to be sacred above anything else. Otherwise, I may just have to pay you a visit. As for the commercials and public service ads they are now showing in movies, it was only a matter of time. It pisses me off to no end also, seeing as how I have to sit through these things before a movie I have paid for begins. And quite a few of these things I have definitely seen on television. I agree with Agent One. Stop playing the commercials before my movie starts. If I want to watch those things, I'll just stay home. What's next, Levi's or Burger King commercials on the DVD menus that play before you can even watch the movie? Takaya
  4. Cool! I like this dude! I have pointy ears and can surf down the trunk of a whatchamacallit while shooting arrows with my bow!
  5. As the resident old dude here on MW, I have to brag that I actually saw this movie at a theater when I was 15 years old. I thought it was so cool watching that Japanese Zero get zapped by that Tomcat. I am really happy this movie is coming out now. Another flick I will enjoy watching over and over again.
  6. Vader is ok, the other two suck. The light side dark side set that is.
  7. You are Sailormercury, the brains of the sailor scouts. Oh come on, man! I cannot be Ami. Oh well...
  8. You can also get them at Border's. I don't think they cost that much. Around $10 to $15 I'd imagine.
  9. Anyone remember what happened to Rimmer when he ended up playing "Better Than Life" with Lister, Cat, and Holly? And Angel's Fury, it means that it will lead to more realistic porn fantasies for those people refusing to go out and get a real life. After all, porn is a 10 billion dollar a year industry...
  10. Dude! I want 'em! I've always wanted to lay on top of Asuka and Rei! We won't go into the gory details... I am being sarcastic, of course.
  11. You think that's bad? Jung Freud and Kazumi Amano of Gunbuster are going to be born this year. Jung on 12 September and Kazumi on 15 November. Then my name sake Noriko is going to be born two years later on 12 September.
  12. I have the original, unaltered trilogy on laserdisc, and I am very happy with them. I doubt I will even buy the DVD's; that is, unless of course, my player takes a dump on me. But then again, I also have them on VHS...
  13. Any of you out there who know me already know which anime series I want released on domestic DVD, but wishing for that to happen is like asking Hollywood to stop making movies based off of video games. It won't happen. Please God! Let Gainax take the license for Gunbuster away from Manga and give it to Bandai or ADV Films or someone! I want my Gunbuster DVD already! *Starts to cry now*
  14. I agree with A7 on Yumiko Shaku. This chick is very cute, but Akane will always be my number one girl... As for the movie, I liked it a lot. I'm not a fan of live action Japanese films, but this one is good.
  15. Dude! I want one! Gotta get it! I've got some tax money to blow. It's a shame I'll never get it though, seeing as how I've already bought the damned Quadrilogy set already.
  16. That hapless AD Police officer in episode three of Bubblegum Crisis getting ripped to shreds by that combat Boomer's machinegun fire is probably my favorite scene. Some others include: Everytime Yakumo dies in 3 X 3 Eyes Linda Yamamoto's death in Gunbuster (Not graphic, but she is the only casualty shown dying in the whole series.) That dude in Perfect Blue getting ice picked to death. There are others already mentioned here, so I will not write those down.
  17. Speak for yourself buddy... I usually visit one of the other anime sites I frequent, but lately I've been updating my site again. I'm trying to change the language to Japanese and it's proving harder that I thought it would be. Other than that, I just look at the wall and wonder what I am going to do with my life.
  18. I'm looking for some new anime to watch and came across ADV Film's domestic release of Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi. Being a big fan of Gainax's work (Especially that wonderfully gigantic robot Gunbuster), I was wondering if this anime would be my cup of tea. It kind of looks like a comedy from the back of the DVD case, and if it is, that's ok. I like comedies, even though science-fiction anime seems to be my forte. So those of you out there who have seen this let me know what you think of it. Just don't post any spoilers. Let me know if this thing is worth my $23 for the 1st volume with collectors' case.
  19. Here it is! Right here! Since I am the mighty Takaya Noriko, I'll say it: "I love Gunbuster!" So, in order of my favorite anime, with number one being my favorite: How's that?
  20. One seems to remember a 14 year-old Dominique Swain in the remake of the movie Lolita. The film was American made, and is sold on DVD and VHS here in the States. And there are always body doubles like they did use for Ms. Swain during the partial nude scenes. So it can be done. However, I would be happy if they did stick to a 16 to 19 year-old range also. It just seems that if they are going to try and remain faithful to the series, they ought to keep their ages. And if they are changing the names, I wonder what Gainax will think of that?
  21. Spoiler Alert! I got the DVD yesterday and the biggest difference I saw when watching the first part of episodes 2 was Asuka trying to have sex with Kaji while he told her that she was just a kid and the scene in the bathroom where Asuka starts freaking out saying she hates everything. As for the interview on the Evangelion movie, here are a few screencaptures of the characters someone mentioned. If they do change the names of the main characters around, they are going to piss a lot of Eva fans off. I for one, will not see this movie of they do that. By the way, KingNor's avatar is Misa Hayase, or her look-a-like, which graced the monitor screen of a Chiram fighter in the original Orguss. It flashes by pretty fast, like the Budweiser can in DYRL.
  22. Hey, if any of you want the wallpaper I have of this FFXII babe, you can download it here: http://toponeraegunbuster.com/ffxii-ashe-wallpaper.zip
  23. Personally, Rikku is my favorite, but Yuna is hot too. And how about the chick Ashe from the upcoming FFXII game? Look at her little butt covering...
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