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Noriko Takaya

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Everything posted by Noriko Takaya

  1. I first saw The Exorcist when it made its initial run on HBO in 1980. I was 15 then, and I laughed through the whole movie. My mom, who is still to this day a devout Catholic asked me, "What is wrong with you?" That movie terrified her something awful.
  2. I've found out a little more information about the new sequel's crew. It's rather minor, but interesting altogether. Well, It's great that they are getting Kohei Tanaka back to do the new soundtrack. I loved his background music for the original Gunbuster. However, I'm kind of surprised that Hideaki Anno would give his blessing to this travesty after seeing what these new designs are like. Maybe it'll turn out okay after all. We'll see...
  3. Yeah, yeah, I know I already posted this, but since I won this card, I figured I'd show you the front and back of it. Engrish on both sides. You can call it an update to my last post.
  4. Sounds like we will have to get a massive lawsuit against them if all of these DVD's go bad and they don't want to do anything about it.
  5. Okay, before any of you out there think I condone sex with minors, I have to say I have never seen the unedited version of this anime. So I do not condone it. And from what sex is in the DVD as it was originally released I am under the assumption that Sawa was already over the age of consent, seeing as how she is of college age. I just found it interesting that this anime was making its way here unedited. Maybe it would be good to have this thread killed before it starts a flame war which I did not intend to start.
  6. Managed to finish watching the first volume today. Loved this show! I cannot wait for the other volumes to come out. Osaka rules! And you ought to see some of the stuff they are selling on Yahoo! Japan: Cosplay Uniform. Some of it is pretty bizarre.
  7. I do not know how many of you are fans of this anime or not, but Media Blasters has announced that Kite is going to be released completely unedited sometime in September of 2004. Take this as you wish, but being a fan of the anime, I am glad. I currently do not own the Director's Cut, so this version with the footage cut out will be new to me. I just wonder what was done to get this anime released fully uncut in the US? Links: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=4992 http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ses.php?id=2852
  8. I'm sorry if anyone got angry or confused at my reply. I was just kidding around!
  9. I agree as well. Chiaki demands 80X80 avatars.
  10. I am a Gunbuster pilot as well as an officer, darn it! I refuse to wax someone else's mecha other than my own!
  11. Well, according to some of the people who have seen an advanced screening of this movie already, Riddick has supposedly given up his old ways because of Fry's sacrificing herself saving his life at the end of PB. The events in the movie take place 5 years later. And the two opposing factions must not be part of Earth's people, which would explain the difference in technologies. The bald headed girl who idolized Riddick is supposed to be grown up now and is some sort of psychotic killing machine. And the Imam is back also. Both actors from the original film are reprising those roles.
  12. EMS is the best way to go. Sure it costs a bit more, but they are reliable, and you can actually track your stuff. I avoid SAL like the plague.
  13. This new installment of Riddick's adventures are being done by the same creative crew that handled Pitch Black, if I remember rightly. I know that director David Twohy's name is on the writing credits for both flicks. I can't wait to see it.
  14. Thank you for posting this statue. Now I have to go out and get one for myself. As a matter of fact, I'm ordering it right now.
  15. I think I like my title better: SW: The crap Hits the Fan.
  16. I've seen this DVD sitting on the shelf in my local Best Buy for about a month now, and am wondering if anyone out there has seen this movie, the one before it, and the sequels which followed. Please post your likes, dislikes, and general opinions of this movie.
  17. Those poor subs are from the US Renditions version of Gunbuster released by their parent company, Nippon Shuppan Hanbai, USA. You'd figure that with a Japanese company handling the translations, you'd get a perfect translation, but that is not the case. By the way, Trish Ledoux, who handled the translations of episodes 3 through 6 is fluent in Japanese, and those later episodes are considered to be pretty close to the original. The first two are a disgrace. As for the Kiseki release, the picture quality is pretty bad. My VHS copies have a better image quality than this DVD, and that ain't saying much since the DVD is a direct rip of the VHS edition.
  18. Who knows? It was rumored to have been that way with the original series, but as we all know Kazumi was definitely hot and heavy for the Coach as was Jung. Noriko, on the other hand, well... Let's just say she really appreciated her "older sister" to the point of maybe loving her. Then again, there was Smith...
  19. Cool! Gatchaman! Been waiting a long time for this one. Hopefully it will be able to erase the images of the old Battle of the Planets from my mind. Sandy Frank was an idiot.
  20. What? Other than a cheesy looking sequel? Gunbuster was removed from Manga's catalogue. You won't find it anywhere on their updated site. You will find a shitty version of Dangaioh as far as older anime goes. And a badly subbed version at that. I say we get a mob together with ropes, torches, and pitchforks and start a protest in front of one of the major anime distributors here in the US (preferably AnimEigo) and demand our Gunbuster DVD with loads of extras, character and mecha art, histories, trivia, interviews, and of course, the two new science lessons. Oh yeah, there would have to be a newly translated script for this anime. You don't know how much it bugs me to hear Noriko scream "Oneesama!" and see it translated as Kazumi. Who's with me?
  21. I'd love to have a nude cel of Jung, Kazumi, and Noriko from that episode. Especially Jung. Full frontal... *drooling over animated softcore porn* Anyone stupid enough to sell those off would have to have their heads examined. I've never been able to find any of the cels from the bathing room scene from episode 2. I think Anno Hideaki has them in a vault in his home, or Gainax has them stashed. As for the editing, Kiseki Films did that to their DVD version in the UK to appeal to a younger audience. Basically, it was a stupid marketing blunder which pissed off a lot of fans. By the way, I just reserved 2 of these things. One for display, and one for my collectibles box. Another $100 bucks or so down the drain to feed my Gunbuster habit... And did anyone see that Asuka statue done up in the Gothic Lolita get-up? Hell yeah! Asuka
  22. Ooh ooh ooh!!! I gotta get one of these painted up. I already have the resin kit which Kotobukiya released in April of 2003, and became rather scarce afterwards. They were going for about $120 when they were first released, but bootlegs of it began appearing for about $40. The resin kit is excellently molded, and from the looks of it extremely easy to put together. Since I suck at painting figure kits and do not quite trust sending my collectors' items off to be worked on by complete strangers, I may have to pick this one up for my entertainment stand. And speaking of Gunbuster, look here at the Holy Grail of all Gunbuster cels. I am currently bidding on this one: Awesome Gunbuster Cel!! Thanks to fellow MW'er Valkyrie for finding it for me!
  23. Hey, here's a little thought. Maybe Manga has lost their license with Gainax for the two Eva movies or it is expected to expire soon. Then ADV Films, with their upcoming remastered Evangelion DVD's can add them to the list as it was originally released in Japan. Just a supposition, that's all.
  24. I lost every file that pertained to my website about three years ago and had to start over from scratch. I even had them backed up on two discs, and I ended up losing those. So I had to remake evrything. So I know your pain. Get yourself an external USB2 hard drive, as someone else here mentioned. Then you can load all of your stuff onto it and disconnect it for future reference. It was one of the best things I ever bought. Definitely worth the money.
  25. Well, I do not know if this has been posted, and I don't know if anyone cares, but seeing as how Manga has popped up a bit lately what with their getting rid of Gunbuster and all, I thought I'd pass this along: So there you have it. That rumor I heard about Manga getting sold off turned out to be true. Hopefully the new owners will do a better job of treating their fans as they are supposed to be treated.
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