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Noriko Takaya

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Everything posted by Noriko Takaya

  1. Hey, I'm trying to translate a couple of tracks from their Japanese titles into English. The CD I have in question is Neo Ranga, and the Kanji is listed below. Can anyone help me out? I've already tried a few of the translators online, but they suck. Thanks! バロウ 我は来たれり 間違つてない
  2. I guess not, huh? Or they must be bad enough not to even warrant a reply...
  3. That comment is the classic of all time.... That comment got me laughing for a whole two minutes. I aim to please!
  4. There is this site called Akibado. I'm wondering if anyone out there has used them and if so, what kind of experiences have you had with them. There are a few items I'd like to purchase off of Gainax's website, and these guys say they will buy them for me for a fee. Since the guys at Celga do not provide this type of service, I was wondering if Akibado was reliable. Please post any comments or gripes you may have.
  5. I wish I could take credit for that one, but it's not mine. I just happened to find it on the web a while back ago. I thought it was funny, so I added it to my collection since I like Azumanga Daioh.
  6. Just got home from seeing it myself about an hour ago. I feel the same as you do about this movie. I did find it enjoyable, but the second is my favorite of the lot so far. I wonder how Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire will turn out? By the way, I really loved the Dementors. Great effects on those guys.
  7. Hmm, I wonder how long Harmony Gold will wait before they start to say they made a deal with Yamato to allow them to sell Macross related items in the US by making sure they use the "Robotech" name on them? And I wonder how long before they state they own Yamato USA? By the way, I'm being facetious. I think it's good news for the Macross fan if they finally get to sell Valkyries and such without HG threatening to sue everyone.
  8. I had to edit myself after seeing you posted that you were joking. I really had a lot to tell you...
  9. Yeah, this has all been said before, and I am not even worried about it. If the Japanese really start to freak out, they'll stop using those pesky gaijin animators and put their own people back to work. Well, I hope they do...
  10. I saw this movie and agree with almost everyone who saw it. It's crap! Let me reiterate in all caps: CRAP!!
  11. After seeing the first episode of the original animated series, you can tell that Gunbuster and Aim for the Ace are almost exact carbon copies. I may have to download this and watch it.
  12. Yes, they are the same. It's the same movie, basically with a new title and tons of crap edited out.
  13. First off, what about the F-117 Stealth Fighter. I can't believe you missed that one. Also, are you only counting fixed wing aircraft? My personal favorite is the AH-1W Cobra used by the Marines. And what about cargo planes like the C130 and the C141?
  14. eBay sucks ass. Just face it. They are not what they used to be either. And I pray every night to God that they lift that stupid assault weapons ban in September. I also thank God that the one they recently tried to push through Maryland's legislature didn't pass through. And the funny thing, its deciding vote was cast by a democrat, a liberal one at that. Okay, enough of my political bantering.
  15. Is that the pawn shop that is on Veterans Hwy near the Empire Towers building?
  16. The parkerizing on the rifle is just fine. Not really a dark black, but it looks nice altogether. My camera took a dump on me, so when I get another I'll post a picture of me with my new toy. I also love the walnut stock and the feel of it is pretty nice. I was curious about getting the rifle with the fiberglass stock, but changed my mind at the last instant. I'm kind of glad I did. My other weapons all have plastic pieces on them (my H&K USP 45, Mossberg 590 12-gauge, and Bushmaster AR-15. My Springfield 1911A1 being the only exception), and the wood on the M1A is a welcome relief, if you can believe that. I also think I'm gonna need a larger gun safe too. But the one I have now will suffice. I got the basic standard rifle that had some extras added to it. The guy I bought it from here in Maryland was the cheapest dealer, believe it or not. I went to On Target in Severn and a few other dealers in my area including a couple of shops in PG County, and they didn't even seem to have the time of day. Then there's Bart's in Glen Burnie, but he charges some really outrageous prices on things you would not believe. I know it was a bit pricey, but with me quality counts, and since I got a good bonus this quarter, I didn't mind spending the extra money. Now, with what money I have left over, do I spend it, or perhaps save it and wait for the next time the Silverado Gun Show comes barreling into Upper Marlboro?
  17. Hey guys! Got a bonus last week with my paycheck and I decided to go and buy me a Springfield M1A rifle last Thursday. Just got it tonight after work at Chesapeake Guns in Stevensville, MD on the Eastern Shore. Had to wait 7 days though, because Maryland considers it an "assault weapon". Go figure that one out. You can buy a Colt or Bushmaster AR-15 over the counter here, but not this rifle... I paid about $1700.00 after taxes. Probably a little too much for the standard M1A, but I didn't mind. I'm going to devote most of my Memorial Day weekend firing off some rounds through this rifle along with some trigger time with my Bushie. I've been wanting one for a while, and am wondering how you guys feel about this civilian version of the M14. I know the original M14 had its quirks, and have read that Springfield has worked a lot of the bugs out of this rifle and that it is damn near perfect now. Guess I'll find out on Saturday, but I wonder how long it will be before I get tired of loading that ten round mag that came with the rifle. I'm going to order a few 20 rounders off of Springfield's site when I get the money, unless someone out there knows where I can get them cheaper. And this brings up another subject: Where do most of you buy your ammo on-line? I was getting some pretty decent 5.56mm ammo from ammoman.com for a while, but their prices are going up. Post any links you may have. I am now off to go and look at my new toy and possibly try sleeping with it like I did in the old days when I was a Marine.
  18. I have it! I have it! Totally awful dub, if you ask me. But then again, who cares? It's in stereo and it's totally uncut!
  19. You just had to go and say that, didn't you? Keith Burgess has also stated that Manga has not given up the Gunbuster license, but if it is true that they are planning to focus on just those releases they stated, then getting Gunbuster on DVD will be an impossibility. IMO I think Manga does not have the license any longer and Keith Burgess is full of crap. Until I see proof positive that they are going to put something out worthy of a domestic release, then all they are doing is farting in the wind. And we're the poor saps down wind from them. Sorry for the rant. You may now return to your regularly scheduled thread...
  20. Okay, if we're going by the Robotech storyline, she is definitely her mother's daughter now. Miriya would love the hair! I love the hair. I now am having strange feelings for Dana that weren't there before...
  21. If you want a subtitled version that is uncut, try to find all 3 volumes on eBay. Sure, they'll be on VHS, but they're better than nothing. Either the Manga version or the US Renditions version will do. The Manga version is a rip of the original anyways. Otherwise, the Kiseki version will do as an alternative if you don't mind the bathing room scene being cut out of episode 2. If you know the story pretty well, and can follow along without subs, then I highly recommend buying the original Japanese releases. You can get those at CD Japan, which is about the cheapest I've seen them anywhere brand new. Here are the URL's: Gunbuster Volume One Gunbuster Volume Two Gunbuster Volume Three
  22. Man, I sure wish I knew how to paint figures. I guess that's why I got the prepainted one. Keep up the good work!
  23. I really, really, really want to forget that this series is ever being made. It just gets worse and worse... Still, some part of me hopes beyond hope. But when I look at those designs, UGH!
  24. Check this out: http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/fun.games/05/...t.ap/index.html
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