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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. So it is official that Last Exile's coming to US shores? If so, WOOHOO! I've been watching this for awhile, haven't finished it cause my comps in the shop, but so far (seen up to ep 21) I like it! Radd - is this Tsutomu Nihei's BLAME! ? I've got his Wolverine miniseries and have seen pictures of BLAME!, alas no translations but the art is incredible, if this anime is done in the same style this could be something really special
  2. Yeah I definately agree with Wabbit on comfortable-ness, the clip online of the mech "standing up" has Mifune getting thrown about in the seat, sounds like major ouchies to me...on the other hand most of the seige footage just shows them standing in one place opening up and "Just aim, fill the air with lead, and pray to whatever god you wish." so I guess they are going for a last stand-line must be drawn here-style fight. If McFarlane keeps up the fabulous sculpts on the Matrix tech toys, my next request is hovercrafts, or at least the Neb
  3. Not that I relish the thought of playing devil's advocate, but maybe the person was thinking of a movie version similar to MacPlus....or maybe they really were smoking crack
  4. Oh yeah, I'm definately gettin Mifune, but jeez that's a big sucker More toys and pics here
  5. lol! Beta.....my parents old Beta is still working, so it and all our tapes are in my bedroom now. Our Wal-Mart carried blank Beta tapes for while, but no longer. And yeah, old commericals are great
  6. Home Fries nothin, she also produced Donnie Darko That gives her some credit in my book. And I too don't see the whole Lucy Lui appeal, although she was good in Kill Bill.
  7. LOL!! Well said Vinny! Yeah, I've decided to abandon this one, the story wasn't going anywhere and I really wasn't looking forward to more arriving in the mail
  8. That's some really nice art guys! btw, all you Fathom fans can rejoice, "Michael Turner Presents Aspen #1" hit stands yesterday with the pt 1 of the final Turner-drawn (before Talent Caldwell of "Killian's Tide" takes over) Fathom story and a few interviews
  9. I'm getting the dvds through netflix so I'm only spending time....yeah it is definately s l o w moving, I'm about 3/4 through and no sign of speeding up yet. It's also hard to keep track of where I am cause each dvd shows up about 2-3 weeks apart. It has an interesting premise, but the character's just don't feel real. Subplot within subplot within subplot make for a massively complex (doesn't mean good) story so I'd definately recommend you rent/borrow it before you plunk down cash
  10. Billions? Where did you get billions? Morpheus clearly implies there are only 250,000 people in Zion. As he says the 250,000 Sentinels coming in are "machine thinking" of one for every "man, woman, and child" of Zion. He's talking about the people inside the Matrix. I heard from someone that games are planned to go on after the events of the movies, like a MMORPG or something. My guess is allong his lines: yeah, you defeated the machines, but if you just shut down the Matrix, the billions of people connected couldn't last off the resouces Zion can provide, plus many wouldn't enjoy leaving that comfortable world for the real post-appocalypic one. So they turn off the human-farms, but leave on the Matrix, slowly waking the people up that they can. Ooooh, I like that ending....you get some closure and a sense of hope and a way to milk the movies even more for games/books/toys/tv shows et ecetra Actually I think that's the best way to take the thrid movie that won't tick off everyone. You get the hope that humanity will survive, but you also get a bit of continued pathos for humanity which seemed to be the trend of the first movie, unlike the "humans deserved it" message of 2nd Ren
  11. I've always found Carrie Ann-Moss her quite nice (execpt in the Matrix itself....her look is just too butch, sorry uxi) and I think she looks real nice in that premier pic - see, some guys aren't in for the waifs As to the Animatrix, I liked most of it, except the Chung's "Matriculated" It just didn't grab me at all. And I rather liked "World Record", it is afterall the only NON-DEPRESSING one of the bunch I do hope Revolutions doesn't go where the rumors have said it's heading and they expand on the ending of the first movie rather than "lets live in harmony in the Matrix"
  12. Well, saw the movie.....wow, I don't think I've seen anything quite like this. Can't wait for part 2! btw, someone on another site mentioned there was an epilogue after the credits, but I didn't see one, did anyone else get one?
  13. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO!!!!! I'm sorry but I can hardly stand to watch Blahna on Smallville (roomate's a fan) so no way do I want to watch her try to act moody as a vampire hunter for 2 hours..... I agree exo, we have WAY too many vampire movies in the pipeline (Blade III, Ultraviolet, possible Underworld sequel, not too mention all the other straight-to-video quality vamp flicks that are no doubt coming)
  14. Oh well....I'll still see LOTR...I'll just arrive late
  15. The latest Popular Science has an article on wing shaping/morphing - specifically how to get them to flex for agility and still keep the strength required. Three main ideas: 1 - changing the overall shape of the wing to resemble more of a birds 2 - using micro jets throughout the wing to give additional push/lift by directing the airflow and finally the one that should be the most familliar to Mac Plus fans 3 - using algorithims derived from computers, it figures out what shape to bend a material sheet into, then actuators inside the material bend to fit the computer's data. What it all boils down to......all these new theories and new technology to have a computer be a bird brain! :-)
  16. I assumed that fansubbers left this one alone because the rights have been picked up overseas, but everyone knows when you make an assumption.....
  17. Want to ask two things (the first of which may be a newbie question but here goes) 1 - Are the posts on rt.com edited to leave out the names of the manufacturing companies?!?! I can understand no posting of websites to obtain bootleg items, but editing a company name? (Like anyone couldn't figure the names out) Doesn't sound like the kind of thing a certain "fluffy bunny of a fan friend" company (HG if ya couldn't tell by the dripping sarcasm) would do now does it? 2 - What ever happened to Sunwards anyhow? Any past thread I've missed? I wish BW would take on HG in a court battle, there really is no case if you look at the facts
  18. Yeah, just checked the dvds and Kawamori was the mechanical designer for the OVA and the PS1 game "Antarctica" I'm kinda dissapointed, on the special disk we got a fairly long documentary on charachter designs, but not a single thing about the mecha! Even in the Glossary/Database they show line art of the Blue subs and some of the Zorndyke forces, but not a single Granpus pic There is one small interview with Kawamori talking about why he took the project (thought the underwater movement of vehicles was a good chance to experiment) The dvd also has a little bit on the manga...apparently it was big in the 60's, had Earth forces fighting monsters from Mercury in the subs
  19. lol....well put zeta! That's the best synopsis/description I've heard yet
  20. Ran across this at another board, guess it's okay to post it here (if not feel free to take it down) "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - It will be released in Summer of 2004. - It is a DVD movie. - The price is undecided. - The quantity of units they will distribute is undecided. Someone's recap of the Tokyo Game Show footage "Two years after the fight to save the world.. The world thought peace would be achieved by defeating Holy, but instead their savior was a threat to their very lives. Cloud—because the Planet had refused all other humans—lived lonely for those two years.. (Video Sample) (Voice of a Girl): "That day, the power was used. Therefore, the Planet lived; now humankind has become one with the Planet. Many souls, finally at rest, knowing nothing of what happened.." Cloud is riding a motorcycle. A silver-haired man appears. One Winged Angel theme begins. Cloud: "You are not permitted to be here; you do not belong here." Sephiroth: "It is so, it is so. Are these your rules?" Sephiroth turns and walks away into the flames."
  21. Hey, even if the new FFVII movie isn't up to par with any other FF property, at least it should have good music; the FFVII Overworld theme being one of my favorite peices in Nobuo's orchestrated collection....any one have any other information on this, or is this the only article released so far?
  22. Yeah, I've heard nothing about the manga it's based on, Anyone else know anything about it? Course I did get the Blue Sub dvd box set, so it may have something in it, I know it's supposed to have a Kawamori interview.
  23. Okay, okay, last Matrix post for me........maybe For those who liked the mecha, get ready they've got an army this time
  24. Wonder who gets the red valk....Katie the Marine's perhaps? And I love the gerwalk hug!
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