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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. Holy crap, maybe I should get em both! I really like the streamlined look of the WaveRider A1 tho, I assume you can take all the excess stuff off of the FIX?
  2. Well it's actually $45 with shipping On hobbybuy.com - they have both red and blue, but I like the test scheme look better
  3. Bringin this thread back from oblivion for 2 questions: 1 - I'm thinking about getting either the Zeta Plus A1 MG model, or the Red type Fix Figuration, I found both priced (separately) at $35....any opinions? 2 - Whatever happened to the rest of cwmodels' translations for "ALICE's Confession"? It got up to Chapter 2 then it just stopped!!!
  4. Lately I've getting into the UC Gundam and I've heard massively great things about the OVA and now I want to watch! I realize I've had my head in the sand when it was on Cartoon Network and released here, but I've been trying to find it to buy - the guy at the store only had the movie for sale, but he said Bandai was reducing prices to possibly make way for a boxset. Anyone know if it's planned only in Japan, or American release too? I don't wanna buy the 5 dvds online if it's coming here in one big pack...
  5. Guru says 9% - Noin. She was pretty much the only person I felt was vaguely interesting, so that's good I guess....anyone done one for the UC?
  6. Possible whacked-out theory here: maybe we haven't seen anything with the -19 due to the situation with Harmony Gold selling Macross Plus?
  7. Oh. My. Heavens. Take a look at all this guys stuff - His Evangelion pics are just stunning "Into the Breach" <- my favorite
  8. Alien Resurrection..... enough said. Actually, from all the interviews, Joss has never been intimately involved in any movie - he's either submitted scripts that were taken and changed into something totally different (Alien Resurrection), or doctored up a few lines (X-Men) So really you can only judge his work by FF eps like Serenity, Our Mrs Reynolds and Objects in Space which he wrote and directed
  9. Yep, soon the crew will be Big Damn Movie Stars
  10. The best thing is to watch it after you've seen it and picking out the little details - Frank's car, how everything is connected, and all the subtle hints here and there to what's really going on...it really is a movie that benefits from repeat viewings
  11. It's not hard at all to fake these sorts of images...this is the internet we are talking about here afterall. To get images such as these all one has to do is surf through the websites and message forums relateing to "concept art" ... places like this: http://www.conceptart.org/forums/ which are full of talented artists (and some not so talented) who are inspired by everything from anime to the Star Wars films and able to mimic the style to untrained eyes...artists fill these sites, who in thier spare time might try to model some craft or creature from thier imagination, or who take a description from a book of a person/place/thing and design an interpretation of it, or simply try and explore already established designs and post thier work to see responses ...a little copy and pasteing and you can "create" a hoax...not that I'm promoteing this sort of artisitic thieft or anything Well the pics have been taken down by the request of Lucasfilm, so I gues they were official enough to them! I still think that's a crappy way to preview a movie - paying $20 a month to get tiny peeks...stupid money grubbers ETA: 100th post.....Woohoo!
  12. "*PUNCH* Debris people are very cool!!!" Yeah, this one is in my favorite series and it's not even halfway yet!
  13. Could be good or bad plot-wise, (I still think FFVIII's plot was the best, but only if you leave out the everyone-at-the-orphanage part) but I know it will look STUNNING. As to wheelchair-person, didn't Rufus die in the Weapon Attack on Shinra? Maybe it's Hojo, it's been awhile since I played so I can't remember if it showed him dying...
  14. I had very high hopes for Enterprise, but after 3 seasons, it seems to be falling into the trap everyone thought it would - space is no longer new and exciting. It all feels old hat, both technologically and plot-wise: all the eps can do now is rewrite instead of shed light on the early days.
  15. Teen Titans just seems to try WAY too hard to be liked. It's like they're just imitating what they think anime is all about (SD, overexpressions) without really thinking about it. Justice League has gotten better, but I really miss Batman The Animated Series...that was great television
  16. You forgot to mention that disc 2's pic (Excelsior) is upside down! Other than that, I liked the release, with the extra documentaries and it was only $14!
  17. Hurin, I've seen the same artbox - it's a HK bootleg set, but a VERY nice looking one. Where did the rightside pic on DA's box come from? (the Hikaru/Misa/SDF pic) btw, I like the placement of the MW logo, but I think it might look nicer if it bordered the pic, instead of looking cut and pasted. I've also got an idea for a side of the MacPlus box It combines the Isamu shot with the desert cg YF-19, so everybody wins! Made by Sarcastic59, has an 800x600 and a 1024x768 size
  18. I dunno, since the 2nd ep I've got Life Song stuck in my head....
  19. Pretty.....reminds me of the Aliens dropship in a way. Don't 'spose there are any other drawings of her?
  20. Compared to Robotech, Macross' BGM tend to be much more atmospheric. Western scores most often try to beat the mood into the audience, hence the HEROIC Robotech music versus the much more subdued Macross score. Case in point the "Reconstruction Blues" ep. Either the opening or closing (can't remember which) has a pan showing the aftermath of the war (the skull in the helmet, wrecked ships, ect) Macross just has ambient environmental sounds while Robotech has the announcer going on and on about what we're looking at, whilst sad strings play. Both are equally effective, but Macross is much more subtle about it. Saying thus, I prefer the Macross osts becuase of the wider range of moods, rather than Robotech's seemingly endless supply of HERO or DANGER cues.
  21. I'm pretty stoked for this movie. Yeah I'm a sucker for a good adventure movie, and I've liked Sommers' other movies, they all have a old Saturday afternoon matinee feel to them, so you know you're just in for a fun time at the cinema, no thinking required
  22. I quite enjoyed it. Yeah it's a Twilight Zon-er, but those are always fun. And yes Ashton can act. Don't come expecting (as sundance often does) art but if you just want a reality-warping ride, by all means go fo it.
  23. No way, Alyson would make a better Asuka (she alreay looks the part and it's called acting )
  24. Actually after talking with my dad (he was stashed with the same squad for 4 months and later rode in both the fighters that are shown launching in the first sec of the big not-battle) there really is no contest. The F-14's not only could use all missles available, the guns would not only be just as effective, but pilots are trained to attack stationary targets, so taking out props wouldn't be too much of a challenge. Numbers would be the best thing going for the Zeros. And after seeing the movie again, while the naval scenes are excellent, the rest of the film, not so much.
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