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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. Awesome news....is it bad that most of my tv on dvd collection is cancelled shows? Firefly, Wonderfalls, Lone Gunman, Carnivale, The Job....
  2. I voted for the Obi-Wan/Maul fight...it has the best visual choreography of them all, although the preceeding duel was really good too. In my opinion the Anakin/Obi-Wan fight should have had more wide shots...in TPM you can see exactly what each person is doing and where they were relative to the fighter, the ROTS duels are all blurry, which could argue for the way a lightsaber fight would be, but in terms of movie visuals, gotta go with the Obi-Wan/Maul frenzy, however short it may be
  3. We had a semi-official group at A&M in Galveston. With Thiago (our Brazillian main instructor gone and his successor graduated (and married) we've kinda fallen out cause people seemed to be more interested in the other clubs (aikido, tae kwon do). heh, I've still got my makeshift berimbau and pants I loved doing it, hope you will too.
  4. Most people semed to enjoy R2's scenes. It was (finally) humor that didn't revolve around fart jokes and bad puns. But hey, SW isn't supposed to be funny, right? Grevious I'll get to later on.... Nostalgia has clouded your vision. The OT had little in the way of what you describe as tactics. Like the Stormtroopers who charge into the Tantive IV with little use for cover or tactics? (Thats what Stormtroopers did, historically) Or how about the Battle of Hoth where Imperial Walkers merely....well, walk towards the line of Rebel trenches? But I assume that's different from, say, the Battle on Geonosis where Republic forces do pretty much the same thing when assaulting the docked Trade Fed ships. And the latter stages of the (space) Battle of Endor are pretty much the same kind of wild melee as we see in the Battle of Coruscant. In fact, we see little of the overall battle in both of these engagements, instead focusing on the characters and their exploits. And I seriously doubt you'd have difficulty remembering just what was at stake in all of the battles. Most people I've talk to seem to consider this Williams' strongest score in years. I personally rate "Battle of the Heroes" up there with any track from the OT. So the Force doesn't apply here? I'm glad you're here to tell us these things. Chewie, take the professor into the back and plug him into the hyperdrive. Oh, and Palps vs Yoda rocked. It was every bit the "wizards battle" that critics described when they balked at the sight of Yoda weilding his lightsaber in Clones. Totally agree with you on all the droid comments, but my theater loved em Gotta disagree with you in the battleplans department. In the OT all the battles clearly had a goal (that was usually said often) with all emphasis on it. ANH - Torpedo down Death Star with all the other fighters for cover ESB - Empire-Hoth's shield generators, Rebels-repel the invasion RotJ - the entire Endor campagin, ground and space. Virtually every space scene has an objective. Start with the trap, defend the fleet until the bunker blows, "give the fighters more time" until the big boom. Clear objectives without losing focus. And they wre all done with models - and that is why I will forever hold all movie space battles to RotJ standards. Having seen it again knowing the score edits, it was much better. I think the insertions (the re-entry, Duel of the Fates) actually worked better in Sith than in the movies they were written for and this time I can remember which cues go where unilike the last 2 sonic wallpaper scores! Great job by Williams, now if they had taken better care of the soundtrack release... I still rolled my eyes when Dooku leaped over the stairwell before the battle. What point is using the Force then? Just to show off? I've always thought it would be better to stay on the ground while fighting (as Anakin found out the hard way). Speed with the Force I can see but when you're in the air, you're an easy target. Having said that I still loved the epic Yoda/Palpatine battle. After reading all the deleted scenes I hope Lucas releases extended cuts of the prequels. There were SO many scenes that the prequels would have greatly benefited from, but especially Sith
  5. I liked it, but as always bits bugged me. In Eps 1 & 2 I felt both could be shorter, but Sith should have been much longer. I was really looking forward to seeing the Rebellion, Qui-Gon's mentoring and many other great parts of the novel. Ah well, that's what dvd is for. The score fairly irked me though - (yeah, I'm a score geek, what can I say) I'd had it since it was leaked, listening about every other day and I do believe anyone who bought the soundtrack (like me) was scratching their heads. If it's not going to be in the film (the entire opening, Throne Room credits, I'm lookin at you) why put it on the cd? I thought for sure they would leave the Sith score alone, but I caught cues from Eps 1 and 2 in the Coruscant battle Still with all it's faults, it's definitely the best of the prequels.
  6. Just got tickets for the Atlanta concert on June 25! Can't wait. Also saw the LotR Symphony there couple months ago. Now I can die happy
  7. "FIREFLY (FOX) - The Sci Fi Channel has landed the repeat rights to all 15 hours of the short-lived FOX series (and basis of the upcoming "Serenity" feature film). The network's July schedule lists the series as joining its Friday lineup on July 22 at 7:00/6:00c where it will precede original episodes of "Stargate SG-1," "Stargate Atlantis" and "Battlestar Galactica." Now's the chance to get people watching, unfortunately the show won't be done by Sept 30, but they better show the gorram pilot first this time!
  8. AMEN to that! The Force (and Obi-Wan and Yoda) are pretty damn forgiving of a guy that killed CHILDREN in cold blood and they act as if they're all okey-dokey with it. But putting that aside, Lucas explains that he wanted to show Anakin as he was - the good Jedi before he went evil. 2 problems: 1) He doesn't have the Ep3 look (with the scar) 2) Having him there shows that Lucas thinks Anakin was good until that specific age, ruining any form of redemption for the older Anakin. ETA: If Lucas really wanted to bridge the prequels, I think it was HG blows in the other SW thread suggested having Qui-Gon there. That would have felt right, considering the whole 'death arc' he had
  9. "Vin Diesel expected the Spanish Inquisition and welcomed it with open arms" "Vin Diesel made a food chart that adds a necessary food group: The souls of your enemies." "Vin Diesel once had to choose between saving a baby or the baby's mother from a burning house. Since it wouldn't have been fair to choose, he instead cooked a BLT and peppered the sandwich with their ashes." 'Vin Diesel is the inspiration for the character "Osaka" on Azumanga Daioh. Kiyohiko Azuma and Diesel met while hunting saltwater crocodiles, but Azuma changed his character to a spacey Japanese girl after an argument they have not reconciled from. No one knows why Diesel didn't just use his lasers after their arguement."
  10. Millius fell through so they get Robert Rodriguez???? http://www.superherohype.com/news.php?id=2932
  11. The Celebration trailer uses the score to Van Helsing of all things The EU character (if it's the tatooed one) is Quinlan Vos, one of those undercover fringe Jedi who sneak around looking cool, he had a nice little arc in the Clone Wars comics.
  12. September 30th can't come soon enough!!! The trailer looks great and it's nice to see Serenity herself cleaned up a bit.... I wonder what the tagline means - from the trailer it looks like a Reaver fleet's invading the Alliance and the crew's caught in the middle and River's got the key to defeating? helping? Who knows, movie's gonna rock either way Yeah terry - it's the same Ron Glass - he's the ship's 'shepard', he's not in the trailer tho
  13. Sifo Dyas (or however it's spelled) was just another Jedi Master - totally different guy than Dooku or Palpatine and he did order the clones. The score - I know what you mean about recognizable themes. I can listen to the OT scores and know exactly what scene is on just by the score. In the PT, Williams takes a much more background approach to the scoring - less melodies for characters/events and more atmospheric scoring. For example in Sith you can hear a theme for Anakin/Padme dramatic scenes...it's not a full statement but the orchestrations are the same. Sith is scored less like a SW movie and more like an opera in my opinion, which is exactly how I feel it should have been done. Bravo Mr. Williams! btw, here's a better listening order than the one on the cd 1-Star Wars and Revenge of the Sith 2-Grievous Speaks to Sidious 3-Anakin's Dream 4-Palpatine's Teachings 5-Grievous and the Droids 6-General Grievous 7-Padme's Ruminations (this is just eerie) 8-Enter Lord Vader 9-Anakin's Betreyal 10-Anakin's Dark Deeds 11-Battle of the Heroes 12-Anakin vs Obi-Wan 13-The Immolation Scene 14-Birth of the Twins and Padme's Destiny 15-A New Hope and End Credits
  14. Bah, he's got it coming. Mace Windu represents everything that's wrong with the Jedi in this period in galactic history. Amen to that bsu, the jedi in the prequel movies all deserve to be kicked off. Holier-than-thou people lying their asses off.....we're supposed to admire these guys??? BTW Skypoet - it's a folder with the mp3's inside, no unzipping required
  15. It had to happen sooner or later...the score has been leaked. I had a review written up, but my computer ate it. Three times. So I'll let the score speak for itself. http://w2.isohunt.com/download.php?mode=bt&id=3958893 http://w2.isohunt.com/download.php?mode=bt&id=3958874
  16. Here's the Hyperspace score clip for those that wanna hear.....http://www.blinky-productions.com/music/rotsclip.mp3 Sounds like Williams is back in his classic horn form (sounds like a Potter quote in there) and some choir.....Can't wait to hear the rest of it!!! Good ideas Chronocidal, I know he's got a new 9-note theme for The Duel, but he could easily meld DotF with it and make something REALLY spectacular (and yeah the Force theme on brass as Vader carries off Palpatine still gives me shivers as well)
  17. We sold one of the three we had yesterday, guy came back today - 3 pixels in the corner weren't working and everyone was going around saying it was the first reported US problem...... Think I'll still hold off until it gets under $100, too much price for too little item
  18. Proof HG hasn't sunken their claws in fully...... Last week I was at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum and among other aviation movie dvds (Top Gun, Final Countdown, ect) I found sets one and two of the Animego Macross dvds for $70 each. Good to know someone over there is on our side!
  19. Guess we've got 2 Star Trek topics about the same thing goin now..... I hope Jenderson just slipped up and he really meant the movie's between Archer and Kirk. Although a 'Right Stuff' style movie might not be too bad. It's been awhile since we saw any realistic space program in the US in an exciting (and good) light. (Planetes doesn't count) To all those people saying 'they aren't following Roddenberry's vison' well neither had the crew who made Star Trek movies 2 and 6, by far the best in my opinion. When ST 2 was in the works Roddenberry hated that Starfleet might have a military setting and didn't like the idea of ship-to-ship combat, but it's arguably the best thing to happen to the ST universe since it's creation. When movie 6 was screened for him, Roddenberry said he hated the racist angle, but most fans of that movie say it was good because it touched on ideas like racism and intolerence. Most of ST's best episodes (of all the series) have been in conflict with his utopian vision, but that's what made them strong plots. Roddenberry was great at creating new worlds and new civilizations, but people aren't in the peaceful mindset anymore.
  20. I hope this one won't get locked as well but.... http://www.syfyportal.com/article.php?id=1764 Paramount's got Erik Jendresen writing the next Star Trek script. It's set after Enterprise, before Kirk, with a whole new cast. The guys main credit is lead writer on HBO's Band of Brothers so the script at least should be good. It has potential, last guy who did a Trek movie and wasn't a fan was Nick Meyer and we all know how he turned out. Personally I think they should leave Trek to the novels and maybe dust it off in a few years, but we'll see.....
  21. ........I love you Seriously, that is awesome work man! Can't wait to see it finished!
  22. Well, it's official sports fans....Enterprise has been cancelled http://www.comingsoon.net/news/topnews.php?id=8201
  23. I agree Enterprise should be taken out back and shot. When they first advertised it, it looked pretty good, we would get to see the beginnings of Starfleet and meet new (then) alien races, and without the new ST tech, they'd have to develop new ways to do everything, ect... Then I saw the show. Took what was a really good premise and made it dull. Everything works fine, no matter how new it is, the transporters were supposed to be untested, but after one use it's no big deal. Exploring space just seemed boring, with a 'been there done that' feel. That's where they really dropped the ball (aside from the writing) And I hope you're wrong about UPN Zentrandude, Veronica Mars is too good to die!
  24. If I didn't see it on the official site, I wouldn't have believed it....are they really starting the last Star Wars crawl with "War!" ?!?
  25. I dunno, I like McMahon and Chiklis, but the rest of the cast seems....uninspired, The visuals looked a tad better than fanfilm, but not by much. It didn't scream "See this movie!" like any other superhero trailers did. I'll wait until I see it in theaters to judge, but right now it gets a "meh" Also if anyone cares, the music seemed like a low-rent version of Neodammerung
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