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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. How effictive would both sides' guns be? Modern construction vs 1940's? I keep flashing to Back to the Future II - "There he is, Doc! Let's land on him, we'll cripple his car. Marty, he's in a '46 Ford, we're in a DeLorean. He'd rip through us like we were tin foil." Same scenario?
  2. I adore both the show and manga (issue #2 should be out now) It's always nice to see critics takes on the more reality-based animes The anime is rather humourous, but it has its serious moments. I'm not sure which came first, but the manga is virtually dead serious - the main character's astronaunt training has him almost going insane in the depriviation chamber. But they're both really good stories follwing the same guy (Hachimaki) as a garbage man in space (screws floating around in space are a BAD thing). And Göönk, you were a bit off on the cgi aspect - the space station and several ships are totally cgi, but it looks great anyway!
  3. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who mis-read the thread title at first. If I see this for rent, I might check it out. It's an ADV release, so I won't buy it. You misread the thread???!!!! INCONCEIVABLE!! You keep using that word...I do not think it means what you think means But yeah I'll be sure to check this one out, I've heard it's good and you can't go wrong with a Kenji Kawai score
  4. (Grr) Arg!!! Can't find file nor home site
  5. A script is already written? Last interview I read w/ Whedon (12/1 at CFQ) was that he was still working on writing it....new news?
  6. Although the designs and animation are top notch, I think the thing that separates Yukikaze from Macross Zero (or anything else) is definately the characters. When I see people in any show, I want to be able to think that it'd be fun to spend time with these people. I got the feeling from Zero with all the cast - Roy, Aries, Edgar, Mao, and even Shin has a lighter side and isn't all moddy all the time, whereas in Yukikaze I wouldn't want to be ANYWHERE with these characters - no personality, no humor, I really couldn't care less about these people.
  7. Hehe, I LOVED this show (hence the avatar) even got Dad into it (he used to avoid Buffy/Angel like the plague, but has since enjoyed those as well) It was something truly different, and like all Fox sci-fi shows, got killed before it was even aired what with all the changes to episode order and the Fri timeslot of death, but we Browncoats can watch the dvds and look forward to a movie hopefully in the not-too distant future "You can't take the sky from (us)"
  8. Methinks you mean Eomer, not Eowyn Gimli was so smitten by Galadriel that he would fight anyone who didn't think she was the fairest - when Eomer saw Arwen he challenged the claim, Gimli briefly put up a fight, but decided that Eomer loved the Morning, while Gimli preferred the Evening...a really nice scene, but one that really doesn't translate well to screen (but seeing Gimli with Galadriel in the extended FotR may hint to it in the extended RotK)
  9. Aw yeah, I love the 30's serial style movies (Mummy, Rocketeer) and this looks to be no exception, interesting cast too, btw the trailer music is from both Final Fantasy TSW and Stargate, no clue whos pulling scoring duties on the final film, this could be a real fun time at the cinema *runs off to play Crimson Skies*
  10. oh yeah, the pancakes - only time I've ever seen a friend get emotional over a breakfast food in a tv show and also, HOLY CRAP!!! What game is that mod for and where can I get it?!?! As to toys/props I've only found the $60+ models.....and I agree it was a great ending to the series that fit with the shows dark (truthful) look at war, I also heard the producers did that as kind of their retaliation at FOX for the cancellation
  11. Yeah, I only have a few music videos I really like - mostly the "story" ones: "This isn't what we meant" -Evangelion "One Day More" - GREAT Macross TV "The Distance" - Mac Plus "Senshi on Sprigner" - duh and 2 Kare-Kanos - "Far and Away" and "Castaway" But feel free to post! I'll watch anyhoo
  12. I'm working on your SV-51 valkgirl with MS paint so it might take a few more dvd commentary tracks to get it done , but I'll try to post it when it's completed
  13. Wow, maybe I should get into this photoshop thing......most of my work has been actually going in and coloring pixel by pixel (yah, I'm bored alot) with no shading in MS paint lol! Right now I've got a couple schemes of the Pheyos, the VF-0D and I'm working on several for the SV-51, but photoshop sounds a WHOLE LOT easier *edit* Just looked at the price for Photoshop Is this $600 program the same you're talking about? They have a link for a 30-day trial, but I'd rather have something more concrete
  14. Well to start, it's not going to be Macross Plus orchestral goodness, this cd's a whole different animal. It's sound is reminiscint of if Hans Zimmer/Media Ventures were doing a Pacific Island picture with a tribal feel along with small orchestra. It really is a case of "did you like what you heard in the anime?" cause I'd listen to clips before getting it (course it is $10, but boots really don't do justice to the real thing's quality) If I search I can find a track list/review I did on the old boards.
  15. Yeah there really does seem to be some time missing - from Nora crashing to Shin running in the woods. We see Shin running away from small-arms fire (no clue where they came from) and Nora's piloting/riding along in one of the Anti-UN Octos right after she got forced down....now I can see her radioing in for help (we see the Octos are connected via radio to the rest of the assault force) but the editing just seems off a bit
  16. Not to bash any "Firefly" fans but like I said in the past, it's an Outlaw Star/Crusher Joe rip-off but that's just me. ~G25 Actually (and I'm amazed I've heard almost no one say this) Firefly seemed much more like Cowboy Bebop than Outlaw Star/Crusher Joe. You've got the whole feeling of a "family" crew of sorts, each ep is standalone, but occasionally has ties of a bigger arc, and of course the whole setting/music. But it still had more than enough differences to make it a really great and different show (and my dvds are comin in next Wed )
  17. Well guess I'll use one of my old tapes to record this (purely for the space battles, and Serenity flying again) But I'm not holding much hope (didn't much care for the old one either)
  18. Just got back from seeing it....was pretty good, it does start out as a paint-by-the-numbers "Dances with Wovles" clone (old soldier reminisces WAY too much about killing Indian civilians, WE GET IT ALREADY), but it gets much better from his time in the village onward. The whole look of the film is well done - Japan lends itself to spectacular landscape shots and the battles are pretty impressive (ranks of soldiers vs a charging samurai army) so I think it's worth a matinee price, plus we get the Hellboy trailer
  19. Most of the Pelennor pics I've seen dont' have 1/4 of a million troops in them, maybe he was reffering to the Battle of the Morannon - had 7,000 Good against "forces ten times, and more than ten time's their match" Right there that's 70,000 so it's possible to have 1/4 of a milllion. And they've put the "Aragorn battling Sauron" rumor to rest long ago - even in the game you only fight the Mouth of Sauron (who isn't in the theatrical ) And most of the early reviews (from people who read the books) have said they got the climactic battles entirely right....so I'm MORE than midly awaiting this movie
  20. Outstanding work Spyke! Great translations and so fast too! I plan to leave my BT up as long as possible (which may be for a few days) for more people to enjoy Macross Zero goodness
  21. Was it just me or did the folded up "blue-thingy Shin and Nora fight over" look a wee bit Zentraedi? And DD and co. know more than they're telling about the APHOS....hmmm the plot thickens Can't wait for the subbed version
  22. Although I dearly love the thumbnail theaters, I think the greatest piece of literature on the site would have to be The History of Religious Symbolism in Japanese Games Best essay on the subject ever: from the FFVIII entry "The religion was toned down here, although Holy still shows up. Also, the name Balaam again appears, this time as "Balamb," the Garden where the main character is trained. And in case you're wondering, yes, Squall is indeed a talking ass." And Xenosaga has it's own section! Shame it hasn't been updated for Xenosaga
  23. I didn't get the Uber-edition (with Gollum) but I did get Fellowship's bookend ed. and depending on what RotKEE has I might get it as well. I think the best special documentary is definately "From book to movie" where Peter and co. defend their changes...after seeing that I have a MUCH greater appreciation for Two Towers' Faramir and even (heaven forbid) Arwen
  24. Oh my, our first real air-ground-air carrier/Valk battle in Macross.....oh yeah this is gonna be sooo good
  25. Yeah the score samples sound great (If soundtrack.net is down try The One Ring.net RotK's score really does have different feel to it. Now to decide whether to get the one disc, the all three-movie dics, or wait for the MASSIVE 10+hours ulitmate box-including-every bit of score from all three extended films.....decisions decisions
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