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About Ryoma

  • Birthday 07/02/1980

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    Treviso, Italy

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  1. I had a similar problem with my VF-25F which, among all the VF-25s, is the only one that yellowed. In any case there are some good instructions for a reverse de yellowing process a couple of pages back in this topic. However i m crossing my fingers for Bandai to rerelease the toy with a matt finish, like it did for the yf-29.
  2. Bastard last chapters were so dirty that i felt ashamed of myself while i was reading them. And i was thirty years old. Maybe this new adaptation will give some motivation to Hagiwara to write some new chapters and eventually end the saga.
  3. I remember reading the Silmarillion around 15 years ago, right after The return of the king was released. I can't say i remember the story and the characters very well but i do remember that i liked it a lot and always hoped for a movie or something like that. I don't want to read it again now because of the show coming out soon and, since i don't have many memories of it, i feel it would look fresher if i leave it like this...I do have a question though: What the hell are those???
  4. Although it's a toy that was released more than 20 years ago i actually still like the VF-11 in the 1/72 scale. I still have two in their boxes. I think it was the best M+ model among the first yamato releases. And it's actually panel lined. Pretty absurd if we think how much we pay for panel lining on the new toys these days.
  5. That's a very emotional real lifestory. I really hope you will be able to see your Yamato one more time. And it actually made me wonder if there has been one personal yamato in my life..
  6. Yes, it should be tomorrow, november 24th 4:00 pm jap time.
  7. I do too. Although i never really liked the YF-29 design.
  8. I would like people to wake up and stop giving rewards to shows that don't deserve it. And that goes for a lot of recent anime, especially the classics that have been reboot/revisited in the last few years. It's really hard for me to understand why collectors buy toys/model kits from shows they don't like or they never watched. I always felt the need to have some kind of connection to the shows i buy toys from.Otherwise to me they are just a piece of plastic/metal. You watched the show, you liked it and then you want the toys. That's how it always worked for me. I respect the choices of everyone but it does surprise me how many people don't care about the actual animation production and just buy the toys. And this goes, as i said before, for many classic japanese animation franchise, that in the last couple of decades, in my opinion, have been ruined also by this kind of marketing strategy.
  9. Honestly i just hope that sooner or later people will get tired of buying VF-1 and the market is going to become oversaturated. It's tough for me to understand how collectors will just buy the same piece over and over again, even if it has some minor adjustements it's somewhat absurd.. I also wonder how come people are so eager to buy VF from crappy shows like delta. After the release of the new 1/48 line from Bandai i decided to stop buying VF-1 unless it has some new, unseen color scheme. Otherwise i am done.
  10. I have been buying macross toys since the first yamato macross plus 1/72 and VF-1 1/60. Actually, even before that, when i was a child in the 80s, i remember buying several takatoku/bandai toys. I arrived at a point where it's really hard for me to get excited for any new macross toy release. I really wish Bandai or some other companies would focus more on zentran/meltran models or, why not, customized valkyrie(i'd love a Minmai guard for example). That would give me the chance to me to recreate some diorama from the most iconic scenes from ova, movies, tv shows etc.,which it's what i have been focusing with my other toys addictions lately. I know may other feel the same way but, at this point, i am honestly giving up on seeing other kind of toys besides old or new variable fighters. Anyway i really hope Bandai or some other companies will prove me wrong.
  11. And let's not forget the ghost booster pack!
  12. I won't sir i feel lucky because tomorrow i am off from work so i will have plenty of time to refresh my browser
  13. Thank you! That's a relief. I would have been really sorry to have missed this one since i already own the other three and really want to complete my team. It was on my bucket list since i saw Mospeada for the first time when i was a kid.
  14. I really like the color but i am not a big fan of the sculpt of the face. That's ok though, i am sure in the end it will be a great product and finally i will complete my mospeada team...one question though, i can't remember anymore how do pre-orders with sentinel work? Am i going to have more than 5 seconds to get my order in or is it going to be like a Bandai DX kind of thing?
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