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Everything posted by vlenhoff

  1. Wow, that's really nice. I know it must be really hard to do this sculpting, but the shoulders would look great if they would be positioned lower in reference to the VF-11. Nice job!, Vic!
  2. So, is this model sort of pre-assembled? Or was the guy who let you take the pics pre assembled it prior to the pics. My guess is the second option. V.
  3. This is a beauty, and to think she pilots it makes it even sexier! Thanks Graham! Vic!
  4. I love all 1/48's. I can't get enough. I have all models in 1/55 1/60 1/72, and the 1/48 is way superior. Vic!
  5. I have this one in navy blue, which I believe this 1/65 was also originally in navy blue, right. It really looks good, but I think you're right about the light blue parts been gray. It'll look so much better. BTW, in what part of M7 does this model appears? Dinamite? Ihave only seen part of this anime, but I like the mecha. Vic! edited grammar.
  6. For the M0/YF-19, very dark the future looks....(in Yoda's voice) I'm getting a couple of these armors, if the price permits that is. Vic...
  7. I'm officially entering this project. I'll draw the most amazing YF-19 girl ever to exist! Is there a deadline? Count me in! Vic!
  8. I was really wonderinng why haven't you expressed this way before. Unwelcomed FREE advertising? Why is this Yamato? We only want to buy your toys... Vic!
  9. i CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THE VF-1! I hope they release a 1/48 CF, Elint, And Super O. I don't think we're fading, but I think people is being a bit more selective with their purcjases. Vic!
  10. So far, I got mine(thanks Kev!) and other than Grahams initial complaints, I haven't had any problems. Granted, I have only transformed twice. Vic!
  11. Plz don't get me wrong, but I'm haven't been able to become interested on the Max Q-Rau... nor the VF-1a MAX. I guess I'm more into whatever was in the TV series than in the movie. The coolest pieces in the movie I believe are: VF-1S (Hikaru & Roy) VT-0 Elint Of which I only have the Hikaru 1S, and all the rest of the TV series, in 1/60 and 1/48(hopefully a CF will come around soon) Vic! Edit in: ...and yes, it would be nice to get a nice Miria tio go with the rest of the CMs.
  12. I collect for the love, not for the money... Vic!
  13. Same here! NO STICKAHSSSSS!! Vic!
  14. I've got all of them. I love all of them. Get it? 1/48, does a body good! Vic!
  15. Has anybody seen Hound here in the US? The Hasbro ed.? I wannnnnnit!!!!! Vic!
  16. I got it! I believe it is 1:24 scale. It looks like Hikaru could drive Silverstreak ...you know, like in the rally... no....? Ok, ok, this not so little cockpit is beautiful. I wish they (the manufacturers) would continue to release all the "remaining parts" of what would be a 1:24 scale valkyrie! Is good to dream Vic!
  17. My condolences. Be brave, your daugther is both of you together, remember that. vic.
  18. Does your baby transforms? Congrats! Graham! Daddy! Just in time to b a Daddy!!! That's awesome, God bless! Vic!
  19. That's my point exactly. That's one of the reasons I kept buying the 1/60. Keep the faith! Vic!
  20. Takara 20th Anniversary all the way! This thing rocks, it's not Macross, but still rocks. Yous should probably look into getting one Graham, it is a remarkable toy. I also love the alternators, yes the american versions of these. Any money that I have goes to my 1/48 collection, no love for the price of the Binaltec, even when I think the price is worth it. That's just me, he he Vic!
  21. vlenhoff

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