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Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0

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Everything posted by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0

  1. I have HAWX 2(not sure if 1 was better), and I enjoyed the Assault Horizon demo more than HAWX 2. I never completely got the hang of OFF mode and HAWX 2 just came off to me, as Ubisoft trying to fit in Ace Combat's shoes. In prior interviews, Project Aces has said CRA can be turned off in the game, I think the demo mission may be the 1st mission in the final production game, but with scripted events so the mission serves primarily as an introduction/tutorial. Can't imagine CRA required for each kill as that would have CRA getting old quick, and I think I got a few kills without using it in the demo. I HOPE AH has the upgrade system of the PSP games, Joint Assault had an awesome one. I also wish the plane roster was like Joint Assault. That style of play though, might be limited to portables as Ace Combat 3D Cross Rumble for 3DS(I think it's called Legacy), seems like it's in line with Joint Assault, even furthering the Ace Combat 2 homages: you're in Scarface squadron, Edge is back as a wingman, the phoenix symbol is back, rival squadrons like in AC5 are in, and Z.O.E. returns. With Assault Horizon I'm hoping for a better console and multiplayer experience than 6.
  2. That's like saying Yamato should've never made the new transformation for the 1/48 VF-1 nor even made the 1/48 VF-1 since the V1 1/60 already had a more canonical transformation(one of the Yamato guys stated that the V1 1/60 had a transformation close to canon since the legs do detach from fighter/gerwalk to battroid...bear in mind this was when the V1 was still new and a while before the 1/48 was released). Considering that the YF21 and VF11 in 1/60 scale are pretty good, the current YF19 just looks so dated in comparison. I would want one that is either on par with the high quality of the VF11 or surpass it and the Fire Valkyrie. Yamato has shown with the Fire Valkyrie that they can nail the generally chunky silhouette of the Excalibur in battroid yet make it perfect transformation with decent gerwalk and fighter modes.
  3. I liked the demo. Definitely more cinematic, CRA wasn't bad. Since DFM is implemented and somewhat tricky to execute, I can see online dogfighting becoming more fun. Just hope the MIG29 and 21 aren't compromised like on the PS2 games, same with F16. F16 was derated pretty bad in 6, while Joint Assault had the best stats overall per plane. Hoping we can get an HD collection of the Ace Combat PS2 trilogy.
  4. The whole thing was mecha porn with good music. Enjoyable but storywise it never went beyond a retelling od DYRL? 80 years later. The whole Hibiki ending up with Sylvie thing paralleled how Hikaru ended up with Misa; go with the PITA instead of the girl you had a thing for 1st.
  5. I hope so too. I hope the design team has more freedom on the toyline, because the last time around, it didn't seem like they did. Aaron Williamson Cameo In GI Joe Retaliation
  6. Oh man. That settles it. Might get the 17D for solo look, 17S for FAST PACKS! Nightmare is one of the best designs with FAST packs!
  7. Oh god. I want one to have the Skull 1 deco seen in that custom resin kit in the Model Graphix issue! That thing shines in battroid mode, it looks so beast.
  8. Played the demo. Switch to original controls. CRA turns flight onto rails but only when engaged. Even so, gun kills can still be tricky. With original controls on you can roll and go inverted in CRA. If CRA is toggled off, controls are the exact same as previous Ace Combats.
  9. Man I would love to see a new one. Isamu deserves better than the 1/60 one we ended up getting.
  10. Hell yeah I would buy one! Love all modes really, battroid always looked bad ass to me.
  11. Will probably preorder. How is the F coming along? I suspect the F might be a sleeper hit. Looks sexy.
  12. I think the main reason that the DX Renewal looks different is because the guy in charge of Macross for Tamashiii, T. Maeda, came from Bandai's Hobby Division, where he worked on the 1/72 VF-25 plamos a few years ago. Once this thing is in stock I'm going to try to get an order in. The preorders sold out quick. At the very least I'm hoping that the inevitable Armored Ozma Messiah is not a TamashiiWeb exclusive. Honestly, I would definitely want all 4 main Messiahs this time around, they don't seem like they'll be lemons like the 1.0's.
  13. Oh man I hope we get a US release of the set with all the extras! I only have the movie Blu ray. Come to think of it, I think the movie version is the only one I've watched(whichever was showing @Katsucon 07). Thanks for the heads up Keith!
  14. Agreed! The potential is all there for it to work BUT I just don't think HG can handle it. If so, they would've done it by now. If Robotech was truly the classic they constantly hype it up to be in their press releases, they wouldn't have waited until preorders for Toycom's Macross Plus toys went live, to get off their ass and actually do something with the Robotech brand. How many years did they leave Robotech dormant, while in the meantime, US Renditions and Manga Ent. Released VHS and DVD versions of Macross II & Plus respectively? Man, 10+ years later and not much has changed. HG still proudly hypes up Robotech as if it's the Star Wars of anime and we still have to pay up to import the good shtuff. I wonder if the Alto poster is fake.
  15. GI Joe Retaliation Navy SEALs - GI Joe News GI Joe Retaliation Ryan Hansen Set To Play GRUNT - GI Joe News G. I. Joe Retaliation Lt. Falcon Joins The List Of Joes - GI Joe News Moviefone - Why G. I. Joe: Retaliation Brings Hope To G. I. Joe Fans - GI Joe News
  16. Just Kmart and TRU. Kmart and Target look to have the best prices with TRU having the highest.
  17. The 4" figures are decent but the 6" figures kick ass! I've only seen the Ramlak episode which was definitely filler. Love the animation.
  18. Thanks man, the photoshoot and review took a couple hours to complete, felt like a marathon. Very sturdy toy, fun to play with.
  19. Read in a magazine article that the USMC and Navy test pilots who've flown the F-35C say it's performance is similar to the F/A-18C but faster in some regimes. I'm beginning to warm up to the shape of the plane, the DAS is what really piques my interest though.
  20. Any place in the US or that is able to ship the US sell it? It's got JASDF F-15's, that's enough for me.
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