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Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0

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Everything posted by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0

  1. Magazines sometimes pay(good money at that) months in advance for exclusive images. It's one of their only ways to keep their readership as almost everything is seen much earlier online. Japanese companies seem to keep a much tighter lid, whereas in America most of the toy mags are gone with mainly only one(Lee's Action Figure Toys And Review) still around and one of the few in recent years to get exclusive info before it hit the net. For example, anything that was shown in Toy Fare magazine within the last few years, before it folded, was almost always leaked online much much earlier. I've got a good feeling for next year, hopefully it will be fun, though I know it will be expensive.
  2. Damn I want to see pics of the VF-17D. Watched Macross 7 eearlier and the D is awesome.
  3. His death was awesome but he was a prick in the series. His valk however, was awesomesauce. The gloss finish would work well on his valk, that shiny ass blue.
  4. Knowing how good the VF-25F turned out, I EAGERLY look forward to the VF-25G and RVF25. Michel was a prick and Luca was a wuss, but despite my purchases mostly motivated by the characters I like, their valks were not only awesome looking, but unique. The VF-25G Renewal Ver. in particular, would look SEXY.
  5. We haven't, but from what I've seen I'm VERY impressed. This will be a great Christmas for Nightmare fans. I just get the itching feeling that the D model will look best with that bad ass head sculpt and blue wing stripes.
  6. Whoa that's awesome, didn't notice that before!
  7. Forgotten? It's the most relevant VF-1 toy produced within the last decade. Without it, there would be no V2 1/60 VF-1.
  8. Sold out=sold out. Reservation closed means preorders are done, and now they're just waiting for the product to come in. Waiting list email I would assume means whomever wants one can get on an email waiting list, in case someone cancels their preorder. I guess. Also got my 25F Renewal today. Awesome piece. Right hip is looser than left. Shoulders could be tighter but I don't care at this point. Fingers are tight, and the hands...I don't know if it bothered anyone else that the PVC hands didn't grip the gun well on the DX V1 but that kind of s%^& bothers me, I hate it on my CM Legioss too. The hands grip the weapons VERY well on this Renewal Ver. Fighter mode is much sleeker, slimmer and streamlined. Transformation is easy, only snag was the neck plate but once I figured that out, it was smooth. Hell I think the transformation is easier than the V1. I like how the plates near the head in fighter mode, on the spine, forward and aft, seem to be removable/swappable, Tamashii must be thinking ahead to accomodate the diffferent heads later on.
  9. That would be awesome and I wouldn't put it past Yamato to make that. Good idea man! That would be a good inclusion for a VF-1S Super Valkyrie set. How much smaller is the box? I'm thankful it's smaller.
  10. Toynami 1/100 VF-1. So much potential, bad quality control. VF-19A. V1 1/60 VF-1.
  11. Last I checked, robot-kingdom.com had the Stealth VF1J with strike parts in stock for $300+ shipping
  12. Smaller box would be prefered! Yamato has said no IIRC the only TV VF-1A head on the 1/48 was used on the Max and Kakizaki TV 1A's, but they may have been scratch built. Not sure. Tampo would be good, the sticker quality on the 1/48 wasn't that good.
  13. I've noticed every now and then that Yamato releases Roy's VF-1S in 1/48 scale every once in a while. Can't blame them, it usually sells. Maybe it's the best selling 1/48. These past few times that the Renewal versions were re-released, Roy sold out a lot faster than the Hikaru version did. Next year marks the 10th anniversary of the 1/48's release. Who could forget the day we saw the 1st color images of the resin prototype that Graham posted, of Hikaru's VF-1A? By now, it seems that most of us have moved onto the V2 1/60 VF-1. Yet there's still a lot of love for the 1/48. To me, it still has the most user friendly transformation of any Yamato VF-1 design. The missle container gimmick was awesokme. The durability was high. The box...yeah it was too big. Since next year is the 10th anniversary of the 1/48 and 30th anniversary of Macross, would you buy a 1/48 VF-1S TV Version? Let's say it featured the following: TV Roy pilot figure Rounded TV hands that came with the VF-1J's Molded in bright white
  14. I liked the V1 at 1st because of the sculpt, as a toy it just didn't hold up. I thought that the MPC and Bandai 1/55's were much better toys, and I like to play with mine. Sculpt-wise, they couldn't hold a candle to the V1 1/60. The 1/48 became the toy to beat upon release. I got the 1/48 because it was the best we could get at the time by far, and 1/55's for nostalgia. $219.18, BUT, they're one of the only places that has it in stock, and the cheapest placee right now is anime-export, which has it for $175 and it's on backorder, shipping when I checked was $39+ iirc. Basically, if you didn't preorder this thing from a Japanese retailer you were bound to pay more, and with the dollar weaker than the yen, BBTS' price for the 25F isn't bad, all things considered.
  15. More time to save. If the delay is to ensure quality on par or higher than the Fire Valk then I don't mind.
  16. Within the past year I've noticed that some toys have been more scarce, not just Japanese toys. I think companies now are doing smaller production runs to guage demand and reduce potential overstock. Labor costs have gone up in China and it affects American toy manufacturers as well. I remember for GI JOE Pursuit of Cobra, Low Light was a complete PITA to find, and waves 5 and 6 came and went. Until the economies get better I think this is how things will stay going forward, for a while.
  17. Hey ff95gj and Graham, how is the plastic and joint quality? Do the ball joints feel prone to looseness? That irked me on my V1 25S.
  18. Human Alliance Bumblebee, followed by Battle Blades Bumblebee, which you can find on clearance at ROSS stores. That wasn't a leader class figure. It was initially rumored to be leader class when we 1st saw shreds of the packaging, but it's a class all it's own, it's pretty big. Awesome figure. HA BB, Battle Blades, and Battle Ops are the best movie Bumblebee figures to own. The metallic painted version of Battle Ops(formerly Costco exclusive...paint scheme similar to MP Bumblebee), is showing up at Marshalls for $30, which is a steal.
  19. Also shows how much better this new one seems compared to the V1. I didn't mind the look of the V1 but the joint quality, shoulder articulation and lack of thigh swivels bothered me. Ditto for the hindered knees with super armor.
  20. Hmm. Judging by the design of the ankles, I wonder if they can only pivot forwards and backwards. Not that I take issue with that, as the stats I read said that they can used only for yaw in fighter mode, not pitch/roll. Eager to see more pics. Fighter mode looks great.
  21. VF5000Badass for me. The G is decent but the B was the one modeled in those old hobby mags.
  22. They would benefit from the right analog stick, much like the MGS/Peacewalker HD collection will. I wouldn't mind X/Joint Assault in HD. Joint Assault is a must have. No wonder it's underpowered! Gotta admit, it does look cool but I bet the proposed CFT's would make it sluggish. The original F-X design, like a F-16AFTI, looked sexier. Also apparently the F-16F is in AH. Forgot if it was in Ace Combat 5. Forgot if the XL is in AH...XL rules!
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