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Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0

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Everything posted by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0

  1. I'd like to see a low viz VF-19F and a VF-19E. Anyone want to see the VF-19S in proto colors(light blue, red and white trim)?
  2. Compared to the 1/60 VF-19's by Yamato, the VF-17 is definitely a step backward, however, something I think happened too, is that there were different teams working on the Excaliburs and the Nightmares. I don't think the same designer for the Fire Valk designed the Nightmare. I could be wrong but they are very different in feel. After a frustrating experience with my VF-22S the VF-17 came off as a huge jump in quality. To me the best Yamato Valks are the 1/48 VF-1, 1/60 VF-11, then VF-17 and VF-19. The VF-17 could use tigher elbow joints, secondary thigh swivels directly above the knee, a more solid way to secure the back and make it less gappy, and definitely more printed markings. Overall it's a brute and I LOVE big Valk toys. If Battle 7 was a Club, Diamond Force were its bouncers. It complements the VF-19's nicely in that this one looks like the "special ops dirty business get it done" type, whereas the Excaliburs definitely contrast in aesthetics with a much more heroic look.
  3. That and I want a VF-0B. The Hasegawa model with the "Space-proving wing" was BAD ASS. 2 seaters are more fun imo. I would want new VF-0 toys to be at the very least, on par with the 1/60 VF-17 with regards to quality. The VF-17 is a brick beast and I love it. The previous VF-0 toys have excellent sculpts, however I think the following could be implemented on new toys: Higher range of motion for the knees going backwards(hindered on the current VF-0's by thigh swivel) Diecast "catch" bar in gerwalk/fighter for the hip bar. Stronger tabs connecting the backplate to the legs in fighter mode. Sturdier cockpit/seat section or just do away with the seat tilting gimmick altogether. Shoulder joints like the 1/48 VF-1 or V2 1/60 VF-1. Stronger ratchets for the ankles Feet that don't break apart(the "heel" on my VF-0S' right or left foot flew off). Stronger plastic for the vertical stabilizers(especially the antennae), and a mechanism to decrease contact between them when folding(as to avoid paint scraping off). Nearly all markings printed on Double jointed elbows Double jointed knees if possible Chest plate that locks into position more solidly.
  4. He comes with the Kakizaki crusher, AWESOME!!!! Love that episode.
  5. Dunno if it will, did the VF-4 have a gunpod in VF-X? The VF-4 doesn't really need a gunpod, it has guns built into the arms, it's supposed to be a VF that has the power of a VF-1 Strike Valkyrie without needing additional FAST packs.
  6. Awesome, I was worried it wouldn't come with a gunpod. If the speakers are removable it will be easier to convert to a normal Planet Zola VF-19P. Works for me. That reminds me more of the VFX-2 Ravens VF-11B than it does the Skull 1, BUT, I love the Ravens VF-11B so that looks pretty enticing to me!
  7. I agree, but I still want to see V2 VF-0 toys from scratch. I love the designs from Macross Zero, the VF-0 looks like a steampunk-esque take on the VF-1, so back in 2002 when everyone was saying it looked more advanced than a VF-1, I thought it looked more crude, more brutish, less sleek; yet very appealing. Part of me thinks, if a new toy of the Fire Valkyrie in bright ass colors, piloted by a Pacifist who sings in battle, can be well received, so can a new VF-0 toy. Just my opinion though but again, I dig the VF-0. I also want one because I looked forward to the 2010 reissues so much, only to end up disappointed. They're lemons. The sculpts are awesome, hence why I have my doubts Yamato ever revisiting the VF-0 again, but nonetheless, I would still like to see them make new VF-0's. It's the 10th anniversary of Zero, while it wasn't the best media tie in for Macross, it did have some impressive aspects and awesome designs.
  8. Frogze you are nuts with those displays but I would give you a beer just for having the balls to pose your valks like that. Salute!
  9. I would like the thigh swivels to have greater range of motion. When the knees are bent back more than 45 degrees, the thighs cannot swivel all the way. I keep drooling over the thought of a new 1/60 VF-0 with diecast in the right places, like the Yamato VF-17S. That would definitely be worth the $250 or whatever equivalent asking price in yen.
  10. I want all new tooling, the VF-0's Yamato churned out have not aged well. Never had an issue with their sculpts I think their sculpts are great but the quality is sketchy. For example, the 1/48 VF-1 predates the 1/60 VF-0S by 4 years yet is still better quality-wise.
  11. I would like a VF-0B too, the "Space Proving Wing" box art from Hasegawa looked bad ass.
  12. Messed with my 17S more and more, love this toy. Looks a lot better with more stickers applied imo. For battroid mode, do you guys pull the feet all the way out?
  13. Even so, it's like comparing Max's VF-22S to his VF-1J, not everyone knows about his VF-22s but most fans recognize his VF-1J. The Firre Valkyrie is more popular and has more recognition than the VF-19P.
  14. I can see why Yamato is just guaging interest for now, the Alaskan Guard VF-1's only showed up for what, a few seconds? Even so, they're just palette swaps of the Vermillion Team VF-1A's, whereas the Dark Birds look bad ass imo. I think it's cool that Yamato is even considering it though. Not many green valks out there.
  15. If Yamato were to revisit Macross Zero, in addition to new VF-0's id love to see the reactive armor for Roy, and DESTROIDS!
  16. The VF-0 ought to have more than just a reissue, I would like to see some of the parts made out of different material. The foot on my 2010 0S randomly came off and after getting the VF-17S, the VF-0 does not even come close. Make the VF-0 with quality on par with the VF-17S and I will gladly pay $250. Oh and the VF-0D needs some love too.
  17. Anyone think the VF-19P will come with a gunpod? I only saw a few minutes of Dynamite 7, didn't get to see the VF-19P.
  18. I remember the 1st time I saw the Alaskan Guard VF-1's in the cartoon...like the last protectors of Macross cannon dooomed to perish from the arrogance of Misa's dad and crew. Those valks did look cool, not many green valks out there. Plus, reminds me of the cannon fodder Legioss, another win in my book.
  19. Fine with me, looks pretty good! It was fairly dark in the animation. Left an impact on me back in the day though, even though the ARMD they were one was decimated, THOSE VALKYRIES looked bad ass.
  20. If...well most likely WHEN I get the VF-19F, I might deck might out with NUNS markings as squadron symbols...did the same on my VF-17S, kites on the fuselage/spine, NUNS logo on vertical stabilizers, kind of a transitionary UN Spacy-NUNS VF...looks bad ass.
  21. Wonder if Yamato will include Skull Team stickers. The 1st time I saw the VF-4 was from a screengrab of Flashback 2012 iirc, and that left the most impact on me. The VFX deco is boring in comparison.
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