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Everything posted by Ahab

  1. I've always had a soft spot for the F-104. My grandfather was a crew chief at Luke AFB before the F-15 and 16's came in. He'd bring us(my brother and I) out to the flightline in the evenings to watch the 104's take off. Ah, the memories.... Great job on the models!
  2. My heart goes out to you and your family. It's great that you both will be able to enjoy this time together at an event, which I am sure, is a much needed distraction. Fortitude, Rick ....your vehicle kits look great, by the way.
  3. When I realized the line was in danger I purchased three additional Ley's to customize. Two for Fuke and Yellow and one for Jim (to accompany my WIP 1/10 scale Jeep. I was fortunate to find them for a pretty good deal($89 each). I'll post images when they're further along.
  4. Thanks for the heads up. I'm getting ready to paint mine now. So that powdery residue (especially evident on the darker pieces) is primer? I thought perhaps it was a form of mold realease. Thats good to know. To remove the excess, did you sand or scub or what? Thanks again.
  5. Agreed. I bought the first release of the VF-1S when if first came out. It's been sitting on a shelf (never transformed) until last night. The first arm broke off with the slightest effort. The second has a visible crack just waiting! That being said, the newer releases have held up very well, thus far.
  6. Looking good. It's those little things that make all the difference. Keep it up!
  7. Did you wind up using a primer on the 1/2000 macross? Yamato had promoted it as not requiring that step [due in part to the surface texture(?)].
  8. I was told by a local supplier yesterday that this product, along with a few other Tamiya staples, will be discontinued until the 2nd quarter of 2011.
  9. I was curious to see if anyone in the forums have built or own the Arii 1/24 scale Valk released in 1999? If so, pictures please!
  10. I never got into the Macross 7 storyline, nor am I a fan of this color scheme, but I do like the design. It would be nice if Yamato entertained a "no paint" or low-vis" approach to this design somewhere down the line. I think they'd sway more of the "on the fence" customers.
  11. Back in the saddle! Lookin good.
  12. Thanks Troyness. Here's another small update. I know wheels are not all that exciting, but ya got to have em! These are the basic shapes for the tires, wheels and hubcaps (before details are added). The tires/wheel halves will be molded, cast and joined to form the full{symetrical} shapes. Tread will then be applied then molded once more.
  13. Happy New Year Everyone, Here's a small update on a project I began several months ago. It has its own thread in the anime/sci-fi section, but I thought I'd show some progress here, as well. Blocking out the tire/wheel for Jim's jeep (Mospeada).
  14. Did I say next week? I meant six months! Here's a small update on the jeep. Blocking in the tire/wheel master on the lathe.
  15. Indeed. That zipper guide is outrageous!
  16. Yeah, I won't worry too much about the "low stock" or the eventual "sold out " status at HLJ. I apparently purchased the last 1/2000 Macross from the most rescent run, afterwhich the status showed it as "discontinued". Less than a week later it was in stock. I have a feeling we'll see the 1/3000 for some time to come.
  17. Any progress on the new nose cone/cockpit?
  18. Hello All, The 1/2000 Macross has just arrived and ...........................holy crap... Man, I can't even get into it right now. I'll be posting the build up in the model section when work gets underway. I know you've all heard it before, but the engineering on this this is outstanding. Here's the factory shrinkwrapped sub-assembly of the ARMD carrier with a 1/60 scale valk for scale. More to come!
  19. Yeah, I know...here's hoping it arrives undamaged. And yes, I'd like to enhance the existing detail with a paneling treatment, as well as stress and aging. As for the display, I'm on the fence. Either a cruiser mode/dry dock diorama, or attack mode/lake city scape....or both!
  20. The 1/2000 scale Macross. Its held up in customs right now, but hopefully it will be realeased today. If putting together the fiberoptic lighting system for the ship and display in the meantime. I'll be sure to post pics of the process.
  21. Wow! Congrats on all that booty! I myself am waiting on my giant order ( 1 @ 200,000 yen) Water and fruit diet here I come!
  22. What he said.... A little news will help with the buzz
  23. I had one growing up. The detail and contours are minimal, but if you hang it with fishing line from a tree and squint your eyes a little, it makes a fun BB gun target!
  24. Ahab

    JMC 2010

    A lot of great work. Thanks for sharing!
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