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Everything posted by eriku

  1. Don't most Transformers fit that description? Personally, Hound's bot mode is my favorite of the Bin/Alts so far.
  2. Remy has some nice pics up of Alternators Hound. http://www.tfkenkon.com/collection/act191/ The funny thing is he doesn't have it listed yet. His numbered gallerys jump from 190 to 192, so out of curiosity I typed in "191" and found this. Nice little surprise. I must say, this has me even more excited for Hound. I think he's my favorite of the bunch so far. And check out that front and rear suspension! Nice touch. March can't come soon enough!
  3. Wow...all of the SOC fans that thought it was such an unholy travesty for Evangelions to be part of the SOC line must really be shitting their pants to see the line infiltrated by Kaneda's bike. Heheh. The bike looks nice, but I'm not much for Akira so I'll pass. Zambot looks interesting, but I'm completely unfamiliar with the character/mecha.
  4. Not a bad idea. My handsome and well endowed Takara Prime deserves a black gun more than Hasbro's dirty neutered step-child version does.
  5. Thanks for the link! I had forgotten all about this toy until I saw Mr.Sci-Fi's custom. Mine was missing the gun turret when I got it and I always wondered what was supposed to go in that spot. I'll have to dig up the old Starbird next time I'm at my parent's house.
  6. Nice work! By the way, what is that shuttle toy from? I remember getting one at a garage sale when I was a kid but I never knew where it was from. I think it's still kicking around somewhere at my parents house.
  7. I wont be getting M&M. Sure I'd love to own them, hell, I'd love to own ALL of the 1/48s...but when I weigh their price tags with my budget I can't justify having more than one.
  8. Indeed, I'd buy a whole squadron of those! And they need to have diecast armor and rolling wheels so you can glide them across your floor. It would also be cool to have an opening compartment to put a Motoko figure in. The series has gone an entire successful year, is already into the second season and we need toys, dammit, TOYS!
  9. I usually just go to IHOP and eat pancakes until the tears stop...
  10. Oooohh...die-cast stacks would be cool. I might have to look into that!
  11. Just watched episodes 1 and 2. They're both every bit as good as the first season, and I'm glad that they got the same artist back to do the title song (although it's not quite as catchy as Inner Universe). It was great to see the "new members" of Section 9 at the end of the first episode, made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I liked ep2 a bit better than ep1. That might just be because I'm a sucker for... ****SPOILER!!!*** ...plot devices that trick you into thinking things are happening when they are really just being imagined. **** END OF SPOILER*** BTW, I've got both eps up on Kazaa right now for those of you not willing to torrent them. My username is same as here: 'eriku'
  12. That would be nice, but as we've already established in the last 9 pages of this thread, there wont be any VW or Porsche Bin/Alt toys, meaning Bumblebee and Jazz will have to be other vehicles if their names are used.
  13. Looks great Solscud. Swipe's original bot mode is still my favorite though.
  14. It's a good idea, but just buying the Takara version would be a lot easier.
  15. I don't care for Starscream's mish-mash of colors, but he's still easily my favorite Energon toy. I just picked up Rodimus, Snowcat and Prowl the other day too. Rodimus and Snowcat are great, but Prowl could have used some more work.
  16. Please tell me that's a joke! That is one of the most atrocious pieces of musical garbage I've ever heard. How could go from Inner Universe to this mess?
  17. Huh...and to think that all this time I thought "die-cast" meant anything that was made out of wood and plaster. Live and learn I guess.
  18. Goddamn...I love that thing! Great work!
  19. I like! Although I hope he's a bit mistransformed because the midsection looks a little weird. When I saw the first image of this guy last month I was hoping it would be Springer from the TF movie, triple changer and everything. Oh well.
  20. Thanks Tam, I'll happily order it from your site as soon as you get the preorder up! I'm determined to get this figure without resorting to Ebay.
  21. I'm in Minnesota, where we seem to be at the end of the chain for toy releases and Sideswipe has been spooted at several places here over the last couple weeks. Maybe it's getting a lower distribution than Smokey.
  22. It looks nice, but now that it's officially $80 I can officially pass. The only way that tiny little US released Toynami toy would be worth $80 is if it was pure diecast. Since it will surely contain a minimal amount, Toynami can cram it.
  23. I just got that email too. Maybe I'll be able to find one on Ebay for a sane price. If now, screw it.
  24. Looking good! I'd actually prefer it if his alternate mode was a jet and not a gun, but either one would be cool.
  25. As a big fan of The Professional I think that KITE is only vaguely similar. Certainly not similar enough to be another 'version' of it. I kind of liked KITE when I first saw it, but after downloading the unedited version I can't watch either version again. Pedophile Hentai doesn't do much for me.
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