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Everything posted by eriku

  1. I don't mind people criticising something I like or even bashing it, but when they make offensive personal comments I think it's really tasteless and juvenile, and it shows an overall lack of tact. Considering who made the comments in the thread that was deleted I think it's extra shameful. It's certainly no way for someone in that position to behave. Actually this whole situation reminds me of something that might be seen at Robotech.com, especially with the thread in question magically disappearing. How long before some members here start getting banned? Bash the show/movie/book/toy all you want, but don't belittle the fans. There are plenty of people out there who think Macross is a pile of garbage. If they stumble across threads like the one that was deleted, they'd only have their perogative reinforced.
  2. Wow...Yamato seems to have taken a few steps backward on the VF-0S. The wonky transformation turned me off originally, but now this ugly proto has me even more worried. At least Nora's looks good so far.
  3. Thanks for the pics, Anubis! It's interesting that Rei's name is on the suit. I'm still really looking forward to this film. Good or bad, it'll be a fun a ride. And if we're lucky it will spawn some killer toys.
  4. As someone who's been buying high-end Japanese imported toys for a long time I think I have a pretty good idea of how things should be priced, and it's easy for me to see that Toynami is taking advantage of their customers wallets. The Alpha is smaller than the MPC VF-1 (and those weren't $80 toys either), will most likely go through mediocre quality control at the factory and on top of everything else, it is a freakin' DOMESTIC toy! Many of us are used to paying inflated prices for imported toys, but those prices are set by the Japanese market and we have to play by their rules. Toynami doesn't have to play by those rules but they think that since we're used to paying high prices for anime toys that we wont mind paying them extra as well. Unless the Alpha ends up on sale somewhere in the $20-$40 range I won't buy one.
  5. And here I thought this was going to be a whole line of McFarlanized hicks, rednecks and bumpkins. Aw shucks.
  6. I've heard the Bin/Alts referred to as many things, but...Menasaru wannabes? Wow.
  7. I couldn't agree more. I've been reading some TF forums and it seems that a lot a people are just freaking out over how 'awesome' Omega is. Look at it though...it just looks like a mess. Aside from the poor design and the aweful colors, the fact that the bot is made by turing both vehicles sideways and snapping them together doesn't sit well with me. I'm sure kids will love it because it's a huge robot toy with gimicks, but personally it's one of the worst TF designs I've seen since Armada. As for Arcee, it's obvious that she could have been a lot better, but she's so reminiscent of G1 Arcee that she's good enough for now.
  8. *sigh* People are going to be fighting over this silly Takara/Hasbro Prime thing for years, aren't they? Am I the only one who, regardless of his own personal choice (Takara), thinks it's really, really cool that people can choose between two different price ranges? Same goes for the Bin/Alt toys. There are the Takara versions for the eccentric toy freaks (that's me!) and the Hasbro versions for people that can actually practice financial restraint. I think it's awesome that both sides can play with (essentially) the same toys. The debate over which is better is really pointless and out of hand.
  9. By "proper" I meant it's the first actual transforming Arcee toy that isn't a repiant of something else.
  10. Yeah, Arcee is looking awesome. It'll be nice to finally have a proper Arcee TF. Poor Shockblast though....the bot mode is so wicked, but the vehicle mode is one of the most randomly concieved and farted out mess of a TF design I've ever seen. I may still get him and keep him in bot mode, but it sort of ruins the fun of a TF if the alternate mode is so fugly that you have no desire to transform it.
  11. Yes, they do. It's possible that their logo is there because of Mazda, but I really don't know. Is anyone else pretty much convinced that Tracks is going to be yellow? It's alright I guess. Actually I'm still undecided on Tracks. He looks good from some angles, but from others he looks like a mess. People thought it looked bad for Sideswipe to have the hood hanging off his backside...well, Tracks has the whole front section of the car hanging off his. Too much kibble. This may be the first Bin/Alt where I get the Hasbro version.
  12. The original series and the animated series are the only Treks I can tolerate, along with the first 3 or 4 films. The rest of them I've just never been able to get into.
  13. Shockblast looks awesome (in bot mode at least), but that Omega Supreme looks like a big mess. I can imagine how much worse it will look when combined with Voltron Prime. To be honest though I never liked the original Omega Supreme either. I'm liking Bulkhead (the chopper). The colors aren't too garish and it seems to be transformed in a more appealing way than the protoype was in some earlier pics.
  14. I can honestly say I don't care a whit about what goes on in Barbies world. Apparently some people feel pretty passionately about it, using words like "stupid gay ass".
  15. That was what I was afraid of for the Bin/Alt Decepticons... Damn. This is one of the biggest cop-outs Hasbro has ever pulled. No way in hell am I buying the Decepticons. Oh well, it's still the bestest TF line ever.
  16. Wow...that's scary! I'd buy it if I came across it in a dollar store though. I wonder what the head was cast from, because it doesn't look like the chunky monkey 1S head. Looks better actually.
  17. err...yeah. anyway, I'm just glad it's finally getting released over here. And as others have said, it's a good thing Manga isn't working alone on it. I'm wondering how the dubs will turn out...
  18. Interesting blurb from TFW2005.com.. The SRT-4 is a fairly "meh" addition, but the truck should add some nice variety.
  19. Hmm...I'd say that it's weird for the link to not be working but Remy never officially posted it in the first place. Maybe he's retooling it or adding more pics.
  20. I'm no vehicle expert, but I would guess a Jeep Wrangler would be larger than a Viper and an Impreza. They sit up pretty high and aren't as streamlined, so that makes it look larger too. Scale looks right to me, but as I said, I'm no expert. *I'm hinting for David H. to chime in here. * Here's some interesting news, I emailed the guy that runs Reprolabels.com and asked if he'd considered making larger scale G1 stickers for Hound since he's currently doing micro sized stickers for the WST figures. He emailed me back this: "Hi! Not a bad idea at all Maybe when this toy shows up here in Canada I'll pick one up to work on that. Thanks!" Hope he does it, with some modifications I think G1 Hounds stickers would look nice on BT-04.
  21. I like that tradeoff. The steering mechanisms on the first two were interesting, but I feel like it hinders the playability of the toy too much. Not only does Hound look great, but he seems like he'll be more fun to play around with. Anyone know of a good place to get some white stars or other military stickers for Hound? I wonder if any of the repro sites will up the scale of their G1 Hound stickers, that would be cool.
  22. My bad, BoB, I didn't notice that the bike was SOP until now. Actually, I've never heard of the Soul of Popynica line, what does Popynica mean?
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