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Everything posted by eriku

  1. Cool, I can't wait to see a couple episodes. Hot Shot's animated transformation looks to be exactly like the toy, right down to the arm that connects his head to the hood area. And Prime doesn't have a mouth, that's always a plus!
  2. Ugh...I forgot about BM's twisty nightmare. I think the ball of ties I had after opening him weighed somewhere close to three pounds.
  3. Congratulations, that's so cool! Sure, it sounds like an easy film for us to snicker at, but I'm sure most of us here couldn't direct our way out of a paper bag. Hey...is Warwick Davis still in the Leprechaun suit or is it all CG now?
  4. So you guys didn't order the us version (pics seen at previous pages) Only the battledamage versions are now available? available now is the Takara version that has some molded wear but no burn or black marks. Hasbro's should be available end of jan and will feature the same molded wear but it will also have burn and blak marks painted on it. takara=long stacks, grey gun hasbro=short, supposed black gun Actually, it looks like Hasbro's has a grey gun too. And I don't see all of that black crap on his forearms, just a little on his shoulders. Remy got one: http://tfkenkon.com/g/?mode=album&album=To...ze=1000&start=0
  5. ...over 5 hours long? Holy crap! And by that I mean: YAY!!!
  6. No can do, even after seeing the Hasbro versions in person I just don't like the look of the plastic compared to die-cast. Doesn't have the same rich shine. I can live with a few paint chips.
  7. NICE! This just proves that 'Sideswipe' should really have been Tracks. I can't tell for sure, but I'm guessing this is a Photoshop job.
  8. Speaking of better transformation, I made an interesting discovery with Energon Hot Shot this morning...
  9. Dude, Episode III is at least a year and a half away, there's no way any kind of trailer would be presented yet.
  10. It won't look so cool when there are thousands of tiny dancing fan-wielding robots marching down the streets, decimating everything in their path.
  11. I've never applauded at any point in any theater because, well, it's an inanimate screen that can't appreciate it. However, it doesn't really bother me when other people applaud during a film, at least it's proof that they're enjoying it. I wonder though, do those people applaud the television when they're at home alone?
  12. Ahhh....it's after midnight and I just crawled out of the theater. I can't say ROTK is my favorite of the three, but that's because I view tham all as one movie so I don't really separate them. It was everything I expected it to be, which is to say, magnificent. I've always had a hard time picking a 'favorite movie of all time', but not any more. LOTR wins by a landslide. Some of my favorite parts: -Eowyn slaying the fell beast (I'll admit, Eowyn is my favorite non-hobbit character) -Legolas taking down the Mumakil (the whole theater applauded!) -Pippin singing (really moved me for some reason) -Shelob sneaking up on Frodo and giving him one nice jab (I knew it was coming, but it still surprised me) -Sam going after Rosie at the bar (The man knows what he wants!) I didn't think the ending was too drawn out, but I can understand where some might think that. Personally, I could have sat there for another three hours.
  13. Yeah, he hasn't replied yet this evening, I hope it didn't actually turn into something bad.
  14. This is one of the main things that makes me keep my distance from McToys...their toys are made of old dried bird sh!t.
  15. Yeah, that's what I thought when I read it too. Hilarious front though!
  16. Wow, those are awesome, thanks for sharing that!
  17. Now that's comedy! The sad thing is that the seller isn't really exaggerating.
  18. Shelob looks great, but seeing as how Tolkien probably didn't have an Australian funnel-web spider in mind, I'm not sure how accurate it will be. For those that don't know, Jackson wanted Shelob to look just like the funnel-web spider that he's always been terrified of. Do a google search, these things are wicked! Then again, I think daddy-long-legs look pretty wicked too since I have a mild case of arachniphobia. Shelob will probably make me shat myself. ::EDIT:: pics for your pleasure... http://faunanet.gov.au/wos/factfile.cfm?Fact_ID=84
  19. Since the other thread turned into a riot and was closed (gee, I wonder who closed it?) I thought it would be nice to have a new thread where we can discuss the upcoming LOTR film, and also use to discuss the film after we've seen it! Please, if you just feel like dumping then at least wait until after you've seen the film. Otherwise go over to Spawn.com where you'll be among equals. Anyone else, join in! First off, I thought I'd post Comingsoon.com's review of ROTK. It's a pretty good review, but what I thought was most interesting was the cast list... http://www.comingsoon.net/news/reviewsnews.php?id=2695 ...Isildur? Well, I'm off to buy a couple tickets. If I don't buy one now there's no way I'll get in opening night.
  20. NOOOO!!!! If they started down that path then I'd have to demand that MY car be used, a Ford Focus!
  21. Crap, I meant to post the actual photo instead of the link
  22. So I bought the Lars Homestead Padme figure tonight (nice figure, pun intended!). It comes with a cloak that you can plug her into. When I tried to remove her from her cloak, the head stayed inside revealing a ball-joint peg. "Hmmm..." I thought, "Looks to be the same size peg as the FLCL Haruko figure, who just happens to have an extra head..." This was the result: http://www.angelfire.com/geek/czahr/PADME.html Looks pretty good, eh?
  23. Oh hell no. If the Costner has anything to do with Indy 4 it's going to turn into some sort of baseball movie. <_
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