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Everything posted by eriku

  1. Not to sound sassy, but you coul read through the previous 7 pages of this thread and find out.
  2. All this waiting for something that needs to be taken apart to be transformed? Pass. I've waited this long, I might as well continue to wait until Yamato or some other company makes a VF-0 that actually transforms. What is it with Yamato and their removable parts? I guess true transformation is more important to me than ultimate anime accuracy. Plus, I don't like the idea of PVC in a transforming figure. I like PVC for humanoid figures, but I've never liked it in mechs (Gundam for example). Also, I'm guessing when all is said and done this thing is going to be betwenn 40 and 50 bucks after shipping, which to me is not an acceptable price point for a PVC toy. I hope Banpresto is cooking something up. ::EDIT:: I added more ranting.
  3. You're looking at now, sir. Everything that's happening now is happening now. What about then? it just passed. DAMN, Jackie!! This is just like the Butterfly Effect!!
  4. Man, I don't know what happened but after having both of them for a while I think I like Sideswipe just as much as Smokey if not a little bit more.
  5. Is there any moment in the film where Kelso just blurts out, "Damn, Jackie!!" for no apparent reason?
  6. I remember hearing a couple months ago that the line was canned. Just think, they could have released two new figures instead of the repaints. For the great work Fewture does on their stuff it's amazing how poorly they run their company. I'm surprised they're even still around. Anyone remember that great looking Blood: The Last Vampire figure they were pimping? After a year they decided it was going to be a statue, then they just forgot about it altogether. <_<
  7. Interesting to see some of the fight choreography, but I'm not sure what it is about this clip that has so many people geeked. Maybe it's Chewie.
  8. Alright, after searching through various Star Wars forums *shudder*...I found a fresh link that seems to work. I haven't completed the download yet though, so I can't be sure. http://sluglord.hektik.org/sw/movies/ep3-footage.avi
  9. Argh...I was at work all day with no way to download the clip, now I can't find it anywhere. Anyone feel like sharing, perhaps via PM?
  10. I know, Energon doesn't offer much to get excited about, but check out Tow-Line here who is obviously an updated version of Ratchet/Ironhide. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3171341848 Personally I think it's fantastic, and even though the final colors are a bit...festive...it's still my favorite Energon figure so far. Check out Hasbro's TF site for final pics. http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/pl/page.../dn/default.cfm
  11. Very nice. I don't want to make any real judgements until I see some more finalized pics though. My biggest concern is the gun/hand, but it may just be the position of the camera.
  12. Believe it or not a lot of people do. I know this guy on another board that refused to transform his Binaltech Smokescreen until he was able to see scans of the Hasbro instructions. Personally I find instructions take away a lot of the fun, even if that fun is laced with frustration and cursing.
  13. Kaiyodo does nice work, but I'm not a fan of mini-busts/statues/mini-statues and what have you. As for Targetmaster Hot Rod....hmmm. Weird choice. I like Hot Rod, but I already have the Hasbro reissue so I guess I'll be skipping Takara's. I was really hoping the next Tak reissue would be Hound or Sunstreaker or...well, let's just say there's a lot on my list before Hot Rod.
  14. You can play with it and don't have to wory about destroying the paint. For looks BT, for play Alternators. I am collecting both versions in this line. I've never once been worried about chipping the paint on my Smoky, nor do I feel like I have to treat it like a Faberge egg when I play with it. If anything it's probably MORE sturdy than the Hasbro version. I can completely understand people choosing the Hasbro version because of the price, but if your like me and the price isn't an issue, then I can't see any reason to buy Hasbro's. Like ComicKaze said, the whole paint-chipping thing has gotten out of hand. Some people blow small chips so out of proportion that it leads people to believe that they're going to get a toy with huge flakes of paint falling off everywhere and that the slightest touch will damage it somehow. After all the play that mine has got in the last two months there is still only a very tiny spot on the waist where some paint has come off, and to be quite honest I can't even say if it happened before or after I opened it.
  15. I haven't been able to come up with a good reason to get an Alternator yet, so I don't know.
  16. So you don't think the film is going to happen because they won't be able to afford making it? I really doubt they're just going to jump in without any sort of budget work before hand and then suddenly say, "Well, I guess we just wont be able to afford this." Film makers get a certain budget to work with from production studios before they even begin. I'm sure the folks working on EVA have a good idea of what it's going to cost (at least a better idea than any of us have) and will do what they can to stay within their budget.
  17. What's the difference between a name that's similar to the original or one that's seemingly random? Either way it's a different name. Wether Asuka is called Kate or Allison or Ashley or Alyssa or Hooty McBoob isn't going to make a lick of difference to me. If it's not Asuka it might as well be anything. The characters names will not be what makes or breaks this project.
  18. Well, I'm very pleased by the designs. They are very true to the original style which is cool. And the plug suits look close enough too. As for the character names, I'm not sure if we should be assuming those just yet. I've read in a couple different places that "Kate Rose" is a costume designer working on the film, but the name "Ray" for what is obviously Rei's suit seems a bit fishy. Regarding the original names...the only reason there would be to keep them would be if they had Japanese actors. If the actors aren't going to be Japanese (and I REALLY wish they would be, but I doubt it) then it would be complete nonsense for them to have names like Ayanami, Shinji, Misato, Asuka etc... Yeah, it would be weird to have the same characters with different names, but do you really want to see a bunch of caucasians calling each other by Japanese names? My biggest concern at this point is the design for what is apparently supposed to be Misato. I think everyone wants to see her in her short red coat complete with crucifix necklace,and it would really change the character to put her in a plug-style suit. Maybe she only wears it for a short time, or maybe it's simply an idea. I don't know. At this point it's obvious to me that they're putting more thought and care into this production than any other Anime translation I've ever seen, so I'm still heavily optimistic. If it turns out to be crap, so be it. It won't ruin my love for the original.
  19. I can't recall exactly. All around the same time (10 yrs old or so) I had a Matchbox JokeMachine, a Paro knock-off, a pencil sharpener and a VF-1A model kit. I don't remember which one I got first, but I think it was the JM.
  20. Wow...it seems like there's a lot of people here unfamiliar with Kubricks. I'm not sure why that surprises me.
  21. My EVA Kubrick set is one of my favorite things in my entire toy collection. I love this giant version and would be all over it, but there's no way I can justify $50 for it. Maybe if my tax return is bigger than I expect it will be.
  22. Cool idea for the missile launchers. I'm sure soon someone will come up with something. As for the minicons...interesting, but I'd never disgrace Smokey with one of those things.
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